To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:25:37 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | November 1997 - April 1998 China: may have transferred technology for Pakistan's Ghauri medium-range ballistic missile that was flight-tested on April 6, 1998, Violated MTCR, AECA, EAR - no action taken by the administration. . - Congress April 29, 1998 Department of Justice will not release documents sought by congressional committees: "because it has concluded that doing so, even in a redacted form, would compromise an ongoing criminal investigation." DOJ has "blocked the Pentagon from releasing a classified report" it did in 1997 that found that the help the Chinese received during the China/U.S. tech transfer episode "harmed the national security of the United States by advancing China's missile capabilities." May, 1998 Pentagon classified report issued ("national security has been harmed") Congress has been unable to see it. as of present. Jiang Zemin held a three-day conference to discuss the reunification of Taiwan. A PLA military legal delegation visited the United States. – Chinese Embassy Mr. Franklin D. Kramer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, visited China. – Chinese Embassy General Michael E. Ryan, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, visited China. – Chinese Embassy Maloof's Office of Technology Security Operations objected last year to the sale by Hughes of a sophisticated new communications satellite to the Asia- Pacific Mobile Telecommunications (APMT) consortium, which is part-owned by the PLA, "because of an anonymous tip it received in late May 1998 that the son of the deputy director of COSTIND (the Chinese State Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, which ultimately controls weapons development plans in China) was project manager of APMT at Hughes's U.S. facility." When Hughes sought approval in 1996 to allow the son, Shen Jun, to work at Hughes, their application stated he would "be only a translator, although as it turned out he was an APMT project director," Maloof told Congress. One of the most disturbing elements about the APMT project was a Chinese requirement that the new satellite be configured so that it could handle separate encrypted channels for Chinese military communications. The Chinese began relying on U.S.-built civilian communications satellites in 1996, Maloof wrote, after the catastrophic failure of their military communications satellites. As a result, "they had no choice but to resort to the use of previously purchased U.S. satellites for their encrypted communications." - The American Spectator 5/99 Kenneth R. Timmerman May 2, 1998 Iridium 69 and 71 were launched China/Com Long March 2C - NASA May 6, 1998 Charles Labella told Republican Senators that the campaign finance investigation evidence warranted an independent counsel. Janet Reno rejected the recommendation. May 7, 1998 GAO testimony "According to State officials, since 1990, 11 presidential waivers have been issued removing export restrictions on 21 satellite projects. Presidential waivers were also granted to permit the export of encryption equipment controlled on the Munitions List." Also, GAO testifies that China is now using US built secure encoding systems to protect their military satellite and global communications. NSAID-98-171 May 11-13, 1998 India detonated 5 underground nuclear tests. Los Angeles Times, 5/12/98; Facts on File World News Digest, 5/14/98 May 11, 1998 Johnny Chung and Robert Luu discuss how they will communicate in secret, and Luu soon offers to help Chung - FoxNews 6/3/99 May 13, 1998 U.S. Senate, Democrats filibustered the "American Missile Protection Act of 1998" May 14, 1998 Chung, Luu and Brockway (Robert Luu's suggested new attorney for Chung) - FoxNews 6/3/99 May 15, 1998 Chung carried a concealed recording device into another meeting with the businessman, sources said. That same day, the New York Times published a story reporting for the first time that Chung had linked Liu and the Chinese military to some of his DNC donations. Later that day, U.S. counterintelligence agents received some unspecified information that caused concern for Chung's immediate safety. Within hours, Chung and his family, including two children of preschool age, were escorted by heavily armed FBI agents to the Embassy Suites on Imperial Highway in El Segundo – Los Angeles Times 4/4/99 The New York Times reported Johnny Chung told investigators that a large part of the almost $100,000 he gave Democrats in the summer of 1996 came from Liu Chaoying, who works on defense modernization for China's People's Liberation Army. Two days later, the Times added that Clinton overrode then- Secretary of State Warren Christopher's decision to limit China's ability to launch American- made satellites on Chinese rockets. Network coverage? ... ABC devoted 75 seconds to the story, CBS 27, and NBC 15. After Sunday's disclosures, ABC reported one story, but CBS and NBC ignored it.... - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham May 18, 1998 Phone Call Luu and Chung discuss what form China's aid will take is who is behind the offer of help - FoxNews 6/3/99 May 19, 1998 OIG forwards crime report to Department of Justice. [re Deutch] UPI 2/23/00 May 20, 1998 Senior Justice Department officials rejected an FBI suggestion to invoke the Independent Counsel Act in the ongoing investigation of whether campaign contributions illegally influenced President Clinton's China trade policy. When the House voted to block further US satellite exports to China, the reaction from Bureau of Export Administration, William Reinsch was "We're talking about the potential loss of major contracts,. It could really complicate people's lives." May 22, 1998 John Pike (who in 1987 was sympathetic to negotiated limits on SDI development) was again in opposition to other exports in testimony before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. In not supporting a ban of satellite export to China, he reminded the senators that China was the birthplace of rocketry and said that any US help to China would be trivial compared to Soviet help to China (see May 1997.) May 26, 1998 Clinton refused to visit Hong Kong democracy campaigner Martin Lee privately during his scheduled visit there. May 28-30, 1998 Pakistan conducted a series of underground nuclear tests The New York Times, 5/29/98, 5/31/98 May, 1998 The Justice Department may launch a criminal investigation into whether the Clinton administration's decision to approve exports of satellite technology to China in 1996 had any connection with campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. Summer 1998 "… At the Energy Department, officials waited more than a year to act on the FBI's 1997 recommendations to improve security at the weapons laboratories and restrict the suspect's access to classified information, officials said. The department's chief of intelligence, who raised the first alarm about the case, was ordered last year by senior officials not to tell Congress about his findings because critics might use them to attack the administration's China policies, officials said…." New York Times 3/06/99 Jeff Gerth FBI undertakes additional investigative steps that do not yield dispositive results– Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 May-June, 1998 The FBI monitors two groups of Chinese visitors traveling in Southern California, at least one of which was regarded by intelligence operatives as a possible "hit squad." No attempt is made to harm Chung or his family. Los Angeles Times 4/4/99 William Rempel, Henry Weinstein, Alan Miller June, 1998 Chinese mobile DF-15s are facing Taiwan, Russia and are inside occupied Tibet pointed at India. The DF-11s in Pakistani hands are clearly targeted at India. The missiles can deliver a 10 to 20-kiloton warhead on its target in less than four minutes - in other words, New Dehli and Taipei, cities with a combined population of over 4 million, are four minutes from total destruction. WorldNetDaily 10/13/98 Charles Smith plus The Washington Time reports "China is discussing sales of missile test equipment to Iran and is helping Libya develop its own missile program . Iran held discussions with China last month on the purchase of "telemetry equipment" for missile testing, said U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports . In addition, new intelligence data indicates Chinese technicians involved in missile research and development are working with Libya to help the North African state develop missiles . The Clinton administration has not appointed a special envoy to China to try to head off the missile assistance, as it did with Russia. DOE requested 19 FBI investigations after internal reviews reviews indicated classified or sensitive information was leaked, stolen or compromised at U.S. nuclear weapons plants and laboratories USA Today 3/17/99 Peter Eisler The [11/98] classified report contains numerous warnings and specific examples showing that outsiders had gained access to the computer systems at U. S. weapons labs as recently as June 1998.... the Energy Department recorded 324 attacks on its unclassified computer systems from outside the United States between October 1997 and June 1998, including instances when outsiders successfully gained "complete access and total control to create, view, modify or execute any and all information stored on the system." New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen June 2, 1998 Tenet notifies Congress of the Deutch investigation. UPI 2/23/00 June 3, 1998 Clinton announced he will seek to renew China's MFN status. Rep Gibbons: "Mr. Speaker, just when we think we have heard it all, yesterday China asked the United States for this, and get this, permanent most-favored-nation trading status." The comptroller's office called a second, larger interagency meeting to present the findings of its investigation into Far East National. "This was a situation where we had identified a piece of a much bigger puzzle," Stipano, the agency's enforcement director, said. "And the rest of the puzzle was not something that we had the ability or the authority to investigate." Because the investigators thought some of the $92 million might have been diverted by Chinese officials, a State Department official was asked to consider raising the matter with Beijing. The Department decided against that. "It was not a foreign policy issue that one raises with the Foreign Ministry," one official said. At the FBI, an official said the matter was initially passed on to a task force investigating campaign-finance cases questions. The task force later referred it back to the bureau's headquarters in Washington, which forwarded it to the FBI field office in Los Angeles. Although the field office brought the case to the office of the U.S. attorney there, word of it only belatedly reached agents in foreign counterintelligence -- those who knew the most about Ms. Xu. - NY TIMES 5/12/99 TIM GOLDEN and JEFF GERTH June 4, 1998 At the last minute request of Janet Reno, CIA Director George J. Tenet refused to discuss with a Senate Intelligence Committee, a secret report about unauthorized U.S. transfer of information to China. Reno reversed her position after objections were made. June 5, 1998 China urged the US to abandon its plans to sale Taiwan advanced navigation equipment and spare parts for F16 fighters. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao: "The Chinese side stands resolutely opposed to any sale by the US side of advanced military equipment technology to Taiwan because it violates the Sino-American August 17 communique and impairs China's sovereignty and security," June 5, 1998 Fax from Robert Luu to Johnny Chung on recommending Brockway - Foxnews 6/3/99 June 7, 1998 Over Defense Department reservations, a decision could be announced this week to permit Consarc to ship a high-tech furnace to military-connected institute in China. The furnace can be used in weapons production. Sunday Telegraph "(7) For the People's Republic of China, the general licensing policy is to approve applications, except that those items that would make a direct and significant contribution to electronic and anti-submarine warfare, intelligence gathering, power projection, and air superiority receive extended review or denial. Each application will be considered individually. Items may be approved even though they may contribute to Chinese military development or the end-user or end-use is military. Note that the Advisory Notes in the CCL headed 'Note for the People's Republic of China' provide guidance on equipment likely to be approved more rapidly for China." [Code of Federal Regulations, Title 15, Volume 2, Sec. 742.4 National security, authored by the Bureau of Export Administration under the Commerce Department.] June 9, 1998 State Department spokesman Rubin said the Clinton administration has decided to wipe the Chinese slate clean of all past nuclear and missile transgressions because "reality dictates that we focus on what cooperation we can get now, and it had been significant." Rep Rohrabacher (CA) to Congress ".With the wealth of technology that Bill Clinton and the corporate power brokers are transferring, China is steadily building a state-of-the-art Army, Navy, and Air Force and strategic missile force. This is a power that will threaten anyone who gets in their way. And we are financing it. We are subsidizing it. We are facilitating it. And this administration is celebrating it. And when the party is over, as I say, a very few rich Americans are going to be better off and a multitude of our own working people will be displaced by low-tariff imports. ..Our military personnel will be in grave danger and our country vulnerable to nuclear attack and high-tech warfare attack. All of this from this nonsensical policy." June 10, 1998 General Accounting Office associate director Katherine V. Schinasi, testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that since the transfer from State to Commerce, ``the Defense department's ability to influence the decision-making process has diminished." GAO Schinasi testimony to Senate Intelligence committee regarding move of technology export from State to Commerce: Congress does not have to be notified of a new application for a license, sanctions do not always cover technology under Commerce jurisdiction, Pentagon no longer has a veto (votes as 1 of 5,) new rules have a 3 step appeal process June 11, 1998 On pleas to get China to sign on to the Missile Technology Control Regime, one administration official said "Their answer has been a flat no." The European Union and China agreed to a determined effort to conclude China's negotiations to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by the end of 1999 Washington Post reporter John Mintz revealed, "Months after denouncing President George Bush in 1992 for coddling 'familiar tyrants' in Beijing, newly inaugurated President Clinton endorsed his predecessor's policy in 1993 by approving deals with China to launch U.S.-made satellites. Clinton took the action, the first of many favored by U.S. companies, despite evidence that China had sold ballistic missile parts to Pakistan, declassified White House documents show." Network coverage? Zero... - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham Luu came to Chungs office and tried to tell him he'll be all right Later in the conversation, Luu began to bring up subjects that Chung should avoid mentioning in his testimony, including links between China Aerospace and U.S. satellite makers. To Chung, however, it mattered little: He was worried about his own future, not China's. - FoxNews 6/3/99 |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:27:14 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | June 11 - 12, 1998 According to House Government Reform Committee investigators, the White House staff was ordered to delete their old e-mail in 1998. The order seemed routine enough. Large organizations running local area networks regularly ask their users to dump files to free up disk space. Only, the White House order came June 11, 1998 -- the day before a new computer contractor was scheduled to train on the White House e-mail system. On June 12, she and another Northrop Grumman contractor found an archiving "glitch" in the server used by top White House officials. - World Net Daily 3/30/00 Paul Sperry June 13, 1998 New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth found: "For the past two years, China's military has relied on American-made satellites sold for civilian purposes to transmit messages to its far-flung army garrisons, according to highly classified intelligence reports. The reports are the most powerful evidence to date that the American government knew that China's army was taking advantage of the Bush and Clinton administrations' decisions to encourage sales of technology to Asian companies." Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham June 14, 1998 The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the government owned Bank of China is subject to U.S. court jurisdiction after reneging on an "irrevocable" letter of credit concerning a suit brought by Voest-Alpine to collect on a $1.2 million guarantee for Jiangyin Foreign Trade Corporation which is owned by the PRC. China has denied delivering M-11 missiles to Pakistan and described U.S. media reports in this regard as ``entirely groundless''. The administration has decided not to make a ``determination'' of the presence of M-11 missiles in Pakistan to avoid stiff sanctions against China. The retired head of CIA's Counter Proliferation Center, Mr. Gordon Oehler, said that Pakistan may have received upto 34 M-11s from China in 1992 but a recent USAF report puts the number at ``less than 50'', indicating that more missiles have been delivered since. The White House has said it never found ``irrefutable'' proof that could help the Clinton administration to impose sanctions on China for the transfer of M-11 missiles to Pakistan. Washington imposed some sanctions on Beijing for sending M-11 components to Pakistan in August 1993 but lifted them in 1994 to permit launches of U.S. satellites from China. June 15, 1998 Fax From Luu to Johnny Chung coded message - FoxNews 6/3/99 June 15-16, 1998 Washington Times reporter Bill Gertz found White House documents showed Clinton loosened the Bush export-control policy by allowing a November 1993 satellite launch while sanctions were in place for exporting missile parts to Pakistan: "Congressional investigators said the document, released last week by the White House, contradicts recent statements by Clinton administration officials defending satellite export policies and claiming they were following procedures set by the Bush administration."... Bill Gertz added more in the Washington Times: "China is discussing sales of missile test equipment to Iran and is helping Libya develop its own missile program, The Washington Times has learned...The reports contradict administration claims that Beijing has improved its record on weapons proliferation." Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham June 17, 1998 Xinhua news agency reported that China implemented regulations controlling the export of nuclear equipment and technology with dual civilian and military uses. Beijing's pledge to end nuclear cooperation with Iran allowed Clinton last October to lift a ban on the sale of billions of dollars in U.S.-made nuclear power reactors to China. Clinton Administration is reconsidering the $650 million Hughes satellite sale to China, the satellites contain some of this country's most sophisticated communications equipment. Shen Rongjun of COSTIND (China) in the project is the father of Shen Jun also directly involved. COSTIND is involved in intelligence gathering for China. and Susan Esserman White House trade official said concerning China ``Revoking MFN would worsen the Asian financial crisis.'' And Stanley Roth, assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific affairs, said revoking the trade status ``would affect our relations with China across the board . we would be eliminating the prospects for future progress.'' The US has a $50 billion trade deficit with China. China yesterday warned that there could be no compromise about its threat to use force to reclaim Taiwan: ``The Chinese government has repeatedly announced its willingness to reunify the country by peaceful means, but cannot undertake not to use armed means to resolve the Taiwan issue,'' the official China Daily newspaper said in an editorial. June 18, 1998 Jeff Gerth reported in The New York Times that the Clinton administration was rethinking its approval of one of the largest satellite deals to that date: "Administration officials said concerns about the pending satellite sale had been deepened by American intelligence reports about Shen Rongjun, the Chinese Army general who oversees his country's military satellite programs. The reports quote the general as saying he planned to emphasize the role of satellites in gathering information." Gerth added: "In an unusual arrangement, Hughes Space and Communications hired General Shen's son, a dual citizen of Canada and China, to work on the project as a manager. The company said it was aware of his familial ties; it is not clear whether the Clinton administration knew. Father and son were both directly involved in the project, and American officials said the intelligence reports said the general was pressing his son to move it forward." Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham June 24, 1998 The New York Times reported that China barred American monitors from a previous rocket crash site: "When the Americans finally reached the area and opened the battered but intact control box of the satellite, a supersecret encoded circuit board was missing."Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham June 27, 1998 Thirteen of China's 18 missiles are targeted at the US. June 28, 1998 U.S. President Bill Clinton and China's President Jiang Zemin pledged to stop targeting each other's countries with nuclear missiles. Analysts said the de-targeting agreement was not significant because missiles can be re-targeted rapidly. June 30, 1998 Tripp first testifies before the grand jury. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Webber Wright ordered Mr. Clinton’s deposition in the Paula Jones case to be made public. F-16 fighter fires a missile at an Iraqi surface-to-air missile battery in southern Iraq after Iraqi radar locks on four British patrol planes. Iraq denies any aggression. The first time since jets did so in November 1996. July, 1998 House National Security Committee session, Rep. Gibbons asked Reinsch to produce the 1995 satellite waiver documents (between Reinsch and Baca - taken by Sokowitz.) Gibbons, a ranking member of the National Security Committee, made direct reference to the Reinsch 1995 memos, citing the Commerce Department worked on the waiver for a satellite launch from Kazakhstan in the former Soviet Union. Reinsch promised during the hearing that he would produce the hidden waiver documents. – Charles Smith WorldNet Daily 7/21/98 "…In July 1998, the House Intelligence Committee requested an update on the case, officials said. Trulock forwarded the request in a memo to, and in conversations with, Elizabeth Moler, then acting energy secretary. Ms. Moler ordered him not to brief the House panel for fear that the information would be used to attack the president's China policy, according to an account he later gave congressional investigators… …." New York Times 3/06/99 Jeff Gerth The Rumsfeld Commission issued a brief unclassified report and a 307 PAGE CLASSIFIED report to the Clinton Administration for review. The only official response to the report came from General Shelton, who had only reviewed a pre-release draft, and had refused numerous offers of a direct briefing by the Commission. Other senior members of Clinton's foreign policy team refused to respond to the reports findings! Shelton then publicly rebuked the commission by releasing a letter that was very critical of their findings. The letter was then quoted widely by Senate Democrats during a filibuster that killed a Republican bill that would have required deployment of a national missile defense system. "Mr. Rumsfeld said in an interview yesterday both Gen. Shelton and Defense Secretary William S. Cohen have not been briefed formally on the commission's findings." "A U.S. government official involved in producing the report said Gen. Shelton had been offered a briefing several times, but his staff had declined. " from "Shelton has not had formal briefing on missile threat study" The Washington Times, by Bill Gertz 10/8/1998 "In a July 1998 report to Congress on the military modernization in China, the Department of Defense wrote that Beijing is acquiring foreign technologies that could be used to develop ASAT systems. The report refers to frequency jammers, radar satellite trackers and high-energy lasers, and notes that China already may possess the ability to damage optical sensors on satellites…" - Washington Times 7/12/99 James Hackett July 6, 1998 BBC News "China says it is planning joint military exercises with the United States in an effort to reverse years of mistrust between the two countries. A report in the official China Daily newspaper said there could also be exchanges of military officers at junior and senior levels, as well as possible small-scale joint exercises in areas such as sea rescue and anti-piracy.." July 8, 1998 Federal Bureau of Investigation Directory Louis Freeh provided significant new information to the Senate Intelligence Committee. July 15, 1998 "The Justice Department's probe of satellite exports to China includes a 1995 Commerce Department decision to allow Hughes Electronics give China a report on a rocket launch failure without Pentagon or State Department review..The Commerce decision, made in a three-page attachment to Hughes' analysis of the launch failure, was highlighted Wednesday by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "This would appear to me and to others to be a pretty serious breakdown in the safeguards,'' Shelby said at a committee hearing. David Tarbell, the Pentagon's chief official in charge of reviewing exports for national security concerns .,"I think that the report should have been provided to the Defense Department,''." AP 7/15/98 John Diamond July 21, 1998 Trulock's memo to Acting Energy Secretary Elizabeth Moler - outlining a request for briefing "Acting Energy Secretary Elizabeth Moler prevented him from answering a request for a briefing on Los Alamos by members of the House Intelligence Committee." - Omaha World-Herald 4/20/99 July 28, 1998 Monica Lewinsky makes immunity agreement with Judge Starr. News coverage shifts to mostly Monica… August 1998 * The brothers of Hillary Clinton and sometime partner Stephen Graham flew to Batumi in the former Soviet republic of Georgia to look over a potential $118 million hazelnut operation. "But they tumbled into the Byzantine world of post-Soviet politics. Batumi is ruled by Aslan Abashidze, a powerful rival to U.S. ally and Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze; Abashidze feted them for the huge investment they were expected to bring. While Tony Rodham says Abashidze did not exploit his White House connections, Shevardnadze sympathizers say he used the visit to claim he had a seal of approval from the U.S. government, a useful imprimatur in upcoming elections. August 5, 1998 Iraq announces it's cutting ties with weapons inspectors, saying it sees no move toward lifting sanctions. It leaves long-term monitoring in place. August 6, 1998 Lewinsky Testifies Before Starr Grand Jury August 7, 1998 Congressional Record 8/7/98 Rep Rohrabacher ".I disclosed information that indicated that American aerospace firms, with the acquiescence of officials in the Clinton administration, and perhaps the President himself, had facilitated the transfer of sophisticated rocket technology to the Communist Chinese.First and foremost, since my first address, nothing has emerged that suggests that my original statements were inaccurate....I expected, after my first speech on this issue, that the companies in question would protest that I was wrong, that my fears were unfounded, that my sources had exaggerated the damage being done to our security. That has not been the case. The dangers to our country may, in fact, have been understated….The Chinese Government, once Loral and Hughes jumped into analyzing what had gone wrong with this launch, the Chinese Government requested a Chinese-born Loral executive named Dr. Wah Lim, to be put in charge of this report…. ..To put that in terms that my colleagues might understand, now millions of Americans live under the threat of being incinerated by a nuclear weapon launched at the United States from China, and made more accurate and made more reliable by our own aerospace industry... What we are really talking about is the upgrading of a nuclear weapons delivery system in the hands of the Communist Chinese, a weapons system that is designed to hit American cities and vaporize millions of our own people..The frightening fact screams out at us. China did not have MIRVing capability for this system before the iridium satellite contract was signed with Motorola…..In addition, Motorola officials confirmed to me that they have provided the Chinese with technology such as exploding bolts. Exploding bolts. That is the technology that facilitates the stage separation of rockets.. Well, at first the company was turned down, Motorola, when they wanted to give some of these technologies, these exploding bolts that facilitate MIRVing and stage separation technology, they were turned down. They were turned down in their attempt. Just as perhaps Bernie Schwartz was turned down on some of these requests early on to sell weapons technology to the Chinese, they were turned down to sell these exploding bolts to the Chinese. But through a Clinton administration sleight of hand, by readjusting the paperwork, the licensing process moved forward, and this technology, which helps the rockets, was moved from the rocket category, which is illegal for these companies to transfer to the Communist Chinese, it was moved to the satellite list simply by reworking the paperwork. Now, it is permissible for them to give this technology, before it was illegal….. However, the most egregious demonstration of contempt, contempt for the people of the United States and contempt for President Clinton, was demonstrated when Beijing successfully tested an engine for a whole new generation of long-range ICBMs. This weapon that can hit the United States from mobile missiles launched in China, this engine for this new rocket was tested while President Clinton was right there in Beijing saying, let us be friends. .." |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:29:23 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | Aug. 8, 1998: In an FBI interview, Gore says that because he drank a lot of iced tea and might have needed a restroom break, he could have been absent during key parts of a meeting on fund-raising attended by the president and campaign aides. - AP Online 3/26/00 August 17, 1998 Clinton makes televised admission concerning Lewinsky August 20, 1998 Clinton orders bombing in Sudan and Afghanistan Monica Lewinsky testified before the federal grand jury and described how the president had encouraged her to continue denying the relationship and to submit a false affidavit.
NYT breaks story about Gore's fund-raising memo. August 26, 1998 Starr report to allege Clinton power abuse Scott Ritter quits UNSCOM Sudan indicts Clinton as a war criminal September, 1998 Clinton made another unexpected visit to Los Alamos – Freeper IndiCrusade 4/99 a Los Alamos employee Sept. 3, 1998 Two helicopters from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., collide in a remote mountain range near Area 51, killing 12 crewmen. The helicopters, from the 66th Rescue Squadron, were practicing rescues. The Associated Press 4/9/00 Sept. 15, 1998 Southeastern Legal Foundation files a complaint against Clinton, claiming that Clinton should be disciplined for lying in the Jones case. – AP 5/23/00 October, 1998 "…In October, Ms. Moler, then deputy secretary, stopped Trulock from delivering written testimony on espionage activities in the labs to a closed session of the House National Security Committee. Ms. Moler told Trulock to rewrite his testimony to limit it to the announced subject of the hearing, foreign visitors to the labs, an Energy Department spokeswoman said…." New York Times 3/06/99 Jeff Gerth Cox/Dicks committee focus shifted dramatically when the panel learned of a major loss of nuclear secrets at Los Alamos. At the same time, the committee heard complaints from a senior Energy Department intelligence officer, Notra Trulock, that he had been stymied in his attempts to bring the espionage loss and security problems at the labs to the attention of senior Clinton administration officials - AP 5/24/99 H Josef Hebert Plan: October 1 Plans to "gut" the Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA), which President Reagan created as the Pentagon's central office for reviewing proposed sales of militarily sensitive technology abroad, by merging it with the primary defense agency opposed to export controls. October 4, 1998 * In his first televised interview as First Deputy Prime Minister, Yuri Maslyukov, a Communist and a former leader of Soviet military industry who is now in charge of the Russian economy, told NTV, "We are barely able to provide our people with the most basic necessities." Even so, he called for building the ultramodern, fifth-generation SS-27 intercontinental ballistic missile -- a three-stage, solid-fuel rocket the Russians call RS-12M2 or Topol-M -- at a rate of more than one every ten days for the next few years. Presently, Moscow is financially incapable of such an ambitious project. Mr. Maslyukov wanted more easy Western loans, stressing, "We are demanding that help." From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 5, 1998 * Finance Minister Mikhail Zadornov led a delegation to Washington to lobby for release of a $4.3 billion International Monetary Fund cash payment to the Russian Central Bank, and for Western countries to send an additional $2.5 billion -- which is now being withheld until Moscow presents a sensible economic reform plan. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 6, 1998 * Lieutenant Jack Daly, US Navy and Captain Patrick Barnes, Canadian Air Force, suffered permanent eye damage as a result of laser exposure(s) during the surveillance flight conducted against the Russian flagged motor vessel, KAPITAN MAN. A letter was sent to the Attorney General of the United States, Janet Reno, "outlining my concerns regarding this incident and it's handling. To date I have received no reply. A follow-up phone call to the Attorney General's office indicated that the letter had been passed on to the National Security division at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). After numerous phone calls to that office, I was informed that it had once again been passed on to the Washington, DC, field office. Repeated telephone calls to this office in order to ascertain the whereabouts and status of this letter have been futile, and numerous requests for a return call have been ignored. This is not surprising considering that in an interview with an FBI agent from the Seattle field office in April 1997, the statement was made to Capt. Barnes and I that "since no device was found during the search the case is considered open and shut." Recent consultations with an Assistant United States Attorney revealed that this method of handling this incident is contrary to the norm under U.S. laws and enforcement there of." Statement of Lt. Jack Daly * Mr. Maslyukov again insisted on the rearmament of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, and Russia's Long-Range Aviation forces began a massive, three-day exercise involving nearly all operational military airfields in the country, from Europe to eastern Siberia. Tu-95, Tu-160, and Tu-22MZ bombers fired missiles in a doomsday drill, a simulated mass bombing. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 7, 1998 * The Strategic Rocket Forces launched an SS-19 ICBM to study the feasibility of extending the 20-year-old missiles' service life. Fired from the Baikonur space center in Kazakstan, the SS-19's dummy warhead struck its target nearly a third of the way around the Earth in the Pacific Ocean off Kamchatka, southwest of Alaska. * Dow Jones reported that Russia planned to ask the United States for millions of tons of free grain to feed its people. Washington readily agreed. Meanwhile, the mock air attacks on Europe, Japan and the United States continued. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 14, 1998 Statement of John C. Browne Director Los Alamos National Laboratory to Hearing of the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China United States House of Representatives "…In 1994, Dr. Siegfried Hecker, at that time Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, led a small group of scientists on a visit to the People's Republic of China. This visit was a follow-up to an earlier visit to China by Mr. Robert Daniel, the DOE Director of the Office of National Security and Nonproliferation…There were 18 trips to the People's Republic of China in FY98 by Los Alamos staff of which 3 were associated with the lab-to-lab exchange program. The others were associated with our people presenting talks at international conferences being held in the PRC. Similar numbers of trips occurred in 1995, 1996 and 1997…In the areas approved for the lab-to-lab exchanges, the desired result is a transfer of technology to the PRC so that they can improve their nuclear materials safeguards up to the IAEA standards, and can utilize the appropriate technology for verification of treaties such as the CTBT….. There are some risks for this program. First, we are always concerned for the personal safety and security of our people during the visits to the PRC. Second, we presume that there is a strong potential for targeting our people for gathering intelligence information. Lastly, there is always some risk of inadvertent information disclosure although we take significant precautions to prevent this occurrence…." October 15, 1998 Wye River discussions with Israel and Palestinians and Clinton begin. News coverage changes. October 19, 1998 ".According to a 1995 Commerce Department document, the President "made clear," in private conversations he had with Brown, that "he does not believe we have done enough to streamline and liberalize." The document mapped out how Brown should lobby high-level Administration officials to ease controls on computer exports and shift items like communications satellites, engine technology and commercial data-scrambling devices. Such items were on a list of equipment that required a State Department license, and companies believed they could close more deals if authority over the exports were moved to Brown's Commerce Department..Secretary of State Warren Christopher insisted that his department retain jurisdiction. He was overruled in early 1996 by Clinton, opening the way to billions of dollars of satellite sales to Chinese companies. At about the same time, the Administration was weighing whether to lift restrictions on the export of some advanced computers. Officials asked outside consultants to study the issue, and they came back with a report that asserted the controls were pointless. The powerful computers manufactured by American companies would soon be widely available from foreign competitors, the report said. The Administration asked the consultants to assess whether computer sales could pose a threat to the American military. Their report did not take a position, saying the Government did not have enough information to draw a conclusion. This left the issue to Clinton, who decided to fulfill his pledge to the Silicon Valley executives and relax the restrictions..The new rules took effect early in 1996. Soon after, Chinese companies bought 77 of the high-speed computers, which can be used to predict weather patterns but can also scramble secret communications or design powerful nuclear weapons. Disclosure of those sales prompted Congress to reinstate license requirements for some advanced computers. This year, the Central Intelligence Agency and other Federal agencies concluded that at least some of those computers are being used by China's military. The details of their use remain unclear, officials said..Just this month, Congress reversed Clinton's 1996 decision and returned satellite exports to the State Department. At the same time, lawmakers created a senior Pentagon position for technology security after concluding military officials' role in controlling exports to countries like China had been "significantly and improperly reduced over the years." ." New York Times Jeff Gerth 10/19/98 Announced the top of the fold, off-lead of Monday's New York Times. Reporter Jeff Gerth and Eric Schmitt detailed how Clinton's decision to relax export rules, made after he met high-tech executives who later contributed to the DNC, "enabled Chinese companies to obtain a wide range of sophisticated technology, some of which has already been diverted to military uses." Network Coverage? 10/20, Good Morning America and This Morning all skipped it Monday morning. Monday night: Not a word on the ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC or FNC evening newscasts. Media Research Center October 20, 1998 * Mr. Maslyukov made a public tour of the SS-27 assembly plant in Votkinsk, and Strategic Rocket Forces Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Yakovlev took a Moscow television crew on his high-profile inspection of nuclear command bunkers and new SS-27 launch facilities. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 22, 1998 * The military test-launched an SS-27, but technical failure forced the missile to self-destruct in flight. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 29, 1998 * Five SS-27s were deployed at the Tatishchevo missile base in Saratov. TASS reported that five more would become operational by the end of the year. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. October 31, 1998 Iraq suspends all cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors. The United States and Britain warn Iraq of potential military action to force cooperation. November, 1998 A secret report [prepared by U. S. counterintelligence officials throughout the government] to top Clinton administration officials last November warned that China posed an "acute intelligence threat" to the government's nuclear weapons laboratories and that computer systems at the labs were being constantly penetrated by outsiders.... The classified report contains numerous warnings and specific examples showing that outsiders had gained access to the computer systems at U. S. weapons labs as recently as June 1998....The report was distributed to the highest levels of the government, including Bill Richardson, the secretary of energy; William Cohen, the secretary of defense; Janet Reno, the attorney general; President Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, and three dozen other senior officials at law enforcement, defense and intelligence agencies. A government official gave a copy of the report to The New York Times. ... The 25-page counterintelligence report contains many examples of lax security and serious intelligence breaches at the labs that have not been previously disclosed, involving more than a dozen foreign countries......The report also includes detailed information about a number of incidents in which China could have obtained sensitive weapons information, as well as some of the ways the espionage could have taken place, including these: A Chinese scientist working at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, on Long Island, was able to send dozens of long, technical faxes to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, enabling the Chinese research center to duplicate Brookhaven experiments as they were being conducted. China might be using its exchanges with American scientists for espionage. Chinese intelligence officials have also arranged the visits of American scientists to China to "enable Chinese experts to assess and develop these contacts," according to the report. Thirty-seven Chinese intelligence officers have visited or been assigned to the labs and other Energy Department facilities over the last five years...The report also focuses on security breaches at the labs involving other countries, citing numerous incidents….. The report grew out of a comprehensive counterintelligence review prompted by an espionage investigation that came to focus on Lee in 1996...." New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen A White House computer official had stumbled on the same problem while doing a records search of the server in January 1998. The official, Tony Barry, ran the problem up the chain of command. His incident report made it to the White House counsel's office, which is tasked with complying with subpoenas. Yet the e-mail still went uncollected for nearly the rest of the year. Contractors didn't "stop the bleeding" until November 1998.......But they never archived the missing e-mail….. World Net Daily 3/30/00 Paul Sperry November 2, 1998 * ...the U.S. Navy Admiral in charge of the Russian missile program, Admiral George Huchting, suddenly announced his retirement, effective on November 11, 1998. The Clinton administration procured a deal with Russia for its Zvezda-Strela Kh-31 missile to serve as the Navy's next generation of target drone, despite the fact that it does not meet the Navy's specifications. Vice President Al Gore is said to be behind the purchase of the Kh-31 by the Navy. The Russian maker Zvezda-Strela is backed by Gore supporters Cassidy Associates and IBP International. Cassidy Associates made hundreds of thousands of dollars in political donations to the Clinton/Gore campaign. In fact, Cassidy Associates made a total of over 2,500 political contributions between 1991 and 1998. Cassidy Associates is also linked to the Ron Brown Commerce Department trade missions. In 1998, the Clinton administration gave Boeing/Douglas and Zvezda-Strela engineers additional funding to improve the Kh-31 range to over 100 miles. The Clinton program to improve the Russian missile also requires the U.S. Navy to employ Russian engineers on board American ships to observe attempts to shoot it down. World Net Daily, Charles Smith 11-9-98 November 5, 1998 * President Clinton announced that Washington was readying to finance the sale of 1.5 million metric tons of food to Russia under generous terms, and to give Moscow an equal amount for free in a deal worth more than $625 million. But Mr. Maslyukov demanded more. * Yuri Maslyukov reneged on his promise that Russia would pay its foreign debts on time, he announced that Moscow would be unable to meet its commitments after all, and asked Western creditors yet again to ease up on terms. From Butter to Missiles by Dr. J. Michael Waller was published on p. A21 of the Washington Times on December 15, 1998. November 13, 1998 Clinton settles Paula Jones suit for $850,000; Clinton orders, then aborts, massive missile attack on Iraq. Judge Starr delivered to Congress an additional 4 boxes of evidence against Clinton November 14, 1998 8 a.m. Clinton orders a massive strike against Iraq November 15, 1998 3 a.m. Clinton calls strike off. November 16, 1998 China Great Wall Industry Corp has signed a deal with Asia Satellite Telecommunication Co Ltd to launch a communication satellite on a Long March 3B rocket, said Wang Liheng, vice-president of China Aerospace Corp, Great Wall's parent company.." November 17, 1998 Impeachment Hearings Begin Starr to testify Nov. 24 1998 Attorney General Janet Reno concludes ''the evidence fails to provide any reasonable basis for a conclusion that the vice president may have lied'' about his fund-raising solicitations from the White House. - AP Online 3/26/00 Late, 1998 "…Key lawmakers began to learn about the extent of the Chinese theft of U.S. nuclear secrets late in 1998, when a select committee investigating the transfers of sensitive U.S. technology to China, chaired by Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., heard from Trulock. Administration officials say that Congress was adequately informed, but leading Democrats and Republicans disagree…..By December, Dicks, in his role as the ranking Democratic member of the Cox panel, was growing impatient with the administration's slow response to ongoing requests from the committee and its inaction on the Los Alamos spy case. …. As the FBI investigation intensified, the Cox Committee completed a 700-page secret report which found that China's theft of US secrets had harmed U.S. national security -- saving the Chinese untold time and money in nuclear weapons research. After hearing from both the CIA and Energy Department analysts, the bi-partisan panel unanimously came down on the side of Trulock's assessment, officials said…." New York Times 3/06/99 Jeff Gerth December, 1998 In a December memo to Clinton, Richardson certified that the ''nuclear stockpile has no safety or reliability concerns that require underground testing at this time.'' There are a few problems with those assurances, observers say. For one, funding for the Nevada Test Site is being cut, in part to support construction of new computer-based testing facilities under Clinton's so-called Stockpile Stewardship plan. In fiscal 2000, Energy is asking for an 8% hike in spending for Stockpile Stewardship and a 1% cut in funding for Nevada weapons activities. So maintaining the site for future nuclear tests may not be so easy. The definition of ''timely resumption'' of testing also bothers some experts. It actually means ''within two to three years'' of the president's order, according to the back pages of Energy's 2000 budget request. A lot can happen in two or three years, critics note. . Investor's Business Daily 4/12/99 Paul Sperry In December, Lee was subjected to a polygraph for the first time. During that first examination, for reasons that officials could not explain, investigators did not ask Lee to consent to a search of his office computer. Government attorneys had concluded that the earlier Justice Department denial for an FBI surreptitious search required Lee's permission to examine his office computer. New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen The Commerce Department had been accused previously of illegally approving military technology sales to China. In December 1998, the Defense Department accused the Commerce Department of issuing licenses to the Chinese military that constituted a "defense service" within the meaning of the State Department's International Traffic in Arms Regulations under the Arms Control Act. "This was clearly beyond the scope of Commerce export control jurisdiction," the Defense Department wrote, "because only the Department of State is authorized to issue licenses for defense services." - WorldNetDaily 1/25/2000 Charles Smith |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:30:42 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | December 11, 1998 The House Judiciary Committee Votes December 13, 1998 President Clinton issued a highly classified order to the Pentagon on Sunday morning that began a 72-hour countdown to the air assault on Iraq. December 14, 1998 LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung was sentenced to five years probation. Chung plead guilty to funneling more than $366,000 from Chinese business interests to the DNC. Chung has cooperated with a special task force set up to investigate illegal contributions, his attorney (Brian Sun) told the judge.` Various Government 3/16/99 ohmlaw98 December 15, 1998 CLINTON TOLD ON AIR FORCE ONE THAT HE CURRENTLY DOES NOT HAVE THE VOTES TO DEFEAT IMPEACHMENT IN THE HOUSE. Clinton makes final decision to undertake military action after he had holds a discussion aboard Air Force One [Tuesday] with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and a half-dozen members of Congress who traveled with them to the Middle East." December 16, 1998 Impeachment Eve Clinton orders bombing of Iraq with impeachment vote pending in the House December 19, 1998 2:21 PM ET Clinton Impeached on 2 out of the 4 articles. – Jim Robinson Pentagon To Recommend End Of Iraq Strikes - Officials 5.38 p.m. ET December 22, 1998 FBI's "Agent A" first informs OIPR Attorney Dave Ryan of additional investigative steps. Ryan not informed of all details. No further action taken. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 December 23, 1998 Lee took polygraph administered by DOE contractor. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 Lee is moved by LANL to position without access to classified information, a step FBI Director Freeh had said could be taken in August 1997. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 December 30, 1998 On Wednesday a special select House committee of five Republicans and four Democrats released a unanimous report which concluded that U.S. technology deals with China have boosted the accuracy of their missiles and harmed America's national security. Network Coverage? Of the broadcast networks, only CBS considered it worth a full story. ABC's World News Tonight gave it a piddling 22 seconds and NBC Nightly News allocated a mere 26 seconds. FNC and CNN also provided full stories, but only FNC reminded viewers that Loral's Chairman donated $100,000 to Democrats just before his company earned a technology transfer waiver. - Media Research Center DOWNSIDE LEGACY AT TWO DEGREES OF PRESIDENT CLINTON SECTION: BEHIND THE TREASON ALLEGATIONS SUBSECTION: TIMELINE 1999 Revised 10/12/00 With many thanks to Ohmlaw98 and Jolly! Abbreviations: Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act (IIANA) Arms Export Control Act (AECA) Export Administration Act (EAR) Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act (NPPA) Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) Nonproliferation Treaty (NT) Export-Import Bank Act (EIBA) 1999 We are scheduled to turn over Rodman Naval Station, Howard Air Force Base, and other important military facilities to Panama, which has given Hutchison an option on these bases. - Adm. Moorer THE NEW AMERICAN Freeper report dated 4/11/99 Early, 1999 FBI begins preliminary inquiries into other suspects as urged by OIPR in 1997. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 In early 1999, auditors reported that under its program with Russia to prevent proliferation, DOE may have provided Russian scientists with dual-use defense-related information that could harm U.S. national security……..UPI 7/11/00 Ashley Baker First rewind to early 1999, when two radioactive stories finally broke. They'd been suppressed for years, it's plain to see now, because they threatened to spoil the Clinton administration's "engagement policy" with Beijing, an alarmingly comprehensive plan involving not just closer economic ties, but political and military exchanges too. The stories also threatened to make Clinton look traitorously soft on an aggressive communist power -- and they did, for awhile. …….. One story revealed that the administration let a suspected Chinese spy -- Lee -- stay in his job at Los Alamos, where he continued to have access to secret nuclear codes. The other disclosed how the Chinese stole secrets to every nuclear warhead deployed in the U.S. arsenal, yet the administration did nothing to beef up security at the labs. ………. Exposed, the administration fired Lee and tried to minimize the political damage from the three-volume Cox Report detailing Chinese espionage by claiming the lab security problem reached back 20 years and included Republican administrations…….. Then, conveniently, the Clinton administration's shelling of Belgrade relegated the espionage stories to the back pages, allowing White House propagandists the opportunity to revise history. They turned to a trusted ally, the Washington Post, offering it a kernel of truth -- that Lee was targeted because of his race -- to sell it on the lie that the whole case against him was "built on thin air." …… WorldNetDaily 10/11/00 Paul Sperry January 1999 Reinsch's Bureau of Export Administration delivered its first congressionally mandated report detailing supercomputer exports over the preceding 12 months. Out of a total of 390 HPCs exported by the United States during that period, 191 of them had gone to China. Despite U.S. efforts, the Chinese only allowed government officials to inspect three of them once they had reached China. Congressional sources tell TAS that they have been told by administration officials that as many as 600 HPCs have been sold to the Chinese since the 1996 decontrols--more raw computing power than can be found in the Pentagon and the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons labs, combined. - The American Spectator 5/99 Kenneth R. Timmerman A select congressional committee sent the president additional warnings about the security of the weapons laboratories in a separate report that was also secretly delivered in January of this year. - New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen January 3, 1999 * "The PRC is believed to be developing space-based and ground-based anti-satellite laser weapons. Such weapons would be of exceptional value for the control of space and information. The Select Committee judges that the PRC is moving toward the deployment of such weapons." "Based on the significant level of PRC-Russian cooperation on weapons development, it is possible that the PRC will be able to use nuclear reactors to pump lasers with pulse energies high enough to destroy satellites." "In addition, Russian cooperation could help the PRC to develop an advanced radar system using lasers to track and image satellites." The Cox Report, House Select Committee on U.S.National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the P.R.C., Christopher Cox, Chairman January 4, 1999 President received the classified version of the Select Committee's report - WH Statement 5/25/99 January 19, 1999 Privately-run PT Bank Lippo will get as much as 87.5 percent of the first injection of Indonesian government funds under a banking recapitalisation program. (3.75 trillion rupiah, 417 million dollars - AFP, 01/29/99 January 21, 1999 Defense Secretary William Cohen proposed the $6.6 billion be put toward the deployment of a limited missile defense by 2005. Washington Post 1/21/99 Dana Priest February 1999 In a separate report on the security situation in the Taiwan Strait, delivered in February 1999, the Pentagon acknowledged that the PLA communications network " uses the same types of communications mediums as the civil network.... The military's lack of communications satellites could force the PLA to rely on foreign satellite services to meet military needs in wartime or a crisis," the report stated. - The American Spectator 5/99 Kenneth R. Timmerman In February, Lee took a second polygraph. This time, officials said, he was asked about his computer use and some of his answers were seen as deceptive. Two days later, apparently aware that investigators were now suspicious about his computer use, Lee deleted between 1,000 and 2,000 files, officials said. - New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen "the GAO issued another report stating that Russian weapons scientists were using U.S. funds earmarked for weapons dismantling to develop weapons of mass destruction. To counter this report, Clinton called upon Rose Gottemoeller, whose views are so left-wing on nuclear deterrence that Republicans in Congress blocked her appointment to a senior Pentagon post. Clinton then appointed her to a senior position at the Energy Department. "Gottemoeller," in her counterattack, writes Gertz, "praised the program of American aid to Russia, and, contrary to the GAO's evidence, she claimed that no U.S. funds were helping build new Russian weapons. Again, the Clinton method was to deny and mislead when it came to dangerous and unpleasant facts about Russian weapons." 'Betrayal' by Bill Gertz 6/01/99 By Newsman February 1, 1999 President provided his recommendations on the Select Committee's report - WH Statement 5/25/99 February 4, 1999 Air Force cancelled its contracts with TRW Inc. and Boeing Corp for two SBIRS-Low (ICBM Missile Defense related) demonstration projects. Claremont Institute 3/99 Brian T Kennedy February 10, 1999 Lee took an FBI polygraph on questions related to espionage. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 February 19, 1999 The Wall Street Journal goes public with Juanita Broaddrick's rape charge against Bill Clinton, after NBC News kept her exclusive interview bottled up for a full month. The Washington Post front pages the story the next day. – Newsmax 3/12/99 Privately-run PT Bank Lippo will get as much as 87.5 percent of the first injection of Indonesian government funds under a banking recapitalisation program. (3.75 trillion rupiah, 417 million dollars). - AFP, 01/29/99 February 23, 1999 New York Times 2/23/99 Jeff Gerth David Sanger "...Swayed by criticisms that commercial satellite deals with China could threaten national security, the Clinton administration decided on Monday to reject the sale of a $450 million satellite to a consortium with close ties to the Chinese government, senior administration officials said.....The decision came after the Defense and State Departments objected to allowing China to launch the satellite. Overruling the Commerce Department, which had favored the sale, the State and Defense officials concluded that the technology to place the satellite in orbit would help the Chinese military make its intercontinental ballistic missile fleet more accurate....The decision effectively revokes President Clinton's quiet approval of the sale two and a half years ago….One troubling episode involved a 1995 tutorial on rocket launching given by Hughes engineers to Chinese scientists, now the subject of a criminal inquiry. Another involved the company's hiring of the son of the Chinese general who oversees his country's military satellite programs, officials said....At the time of the company's questioned deals with China, its chairman was C. Michael Armstrong, who also served as head of Clinton's export advisory council, a group of private-sector executives and labor leaders who advice the administration on trade policy. Armstrong now heads AT&T...." Interview of Juanita Broaddrick cleared to air on Wednesday the 24th Drudge 2/23/99 |
| Attack Iraq? | Political Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:31:32 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | February 24, 1999 NBC News finally airs Broaddrick's interview with Lisa Myers. Polls show the public believes Clinton raped her by a margin of 2 to 1. – Newsmax 3/12/99 Secretary of State Albright testified to Senate Armed Services Committee that the "ABM Treaty is still the cornerstone of our strategic relationship with Russia." The terms of that 27-year-old treaty with the now-defunct Soviet Union prohibits the U.S. from building a national missile defense. Center for Security Policy 3/03/99 No. 99-D 28 February 27, 1999 The Clintons embark on a three day Utah ski vacation, which they cut short on March 1 to return home for "a good night's sleep." – Newsmax 3/12/99 March, 1999 FBI examined Lee's office computer in connection with their investigation of the earlier theft at Los Alamos. They found that mostly during 1994 and 1995 millions of lines of computer code that approximate how this country's atomic warheads work -- were downloaded from a computer system at the Los Alamos New York Times, JAMES RISEN and JEFF GERTH, 04/28/99 March 2, 1999 * "restructuring took a setback when the Moscow regional arbitration court decided on to reject a recommendation put by over 90 percent of Sidanko creditors, and deferred further action to a new court hearing...". (See November 1997) Sebastian Alison, FOCUS-BP Amoco pulls out of Russian project. , Reuters, 03-19-1999 March 3, 1999 Citing a new book, The New York Post reports that the President was blackmailed by the Mossad, who had recorded his phone-sex chats with Monica Lewinsky. – Newsmax 3/12/99 Monica Lewinsky lets it all hang out with Barbara Walters. The two hour ABC News blabfest draws 75 million viewers. – Newsmax 3/12/99 March 5, 1999 STAR Magazine reveals that secret evidence shared with key congressman on the eve of the impeachment vote contains sexual harassment complaints against Clinton by three female Secret Service agents. The still sealed files include two more Juanita Broaddrick-like allegations, a congressional source tells STAR. – Newsmax 3/12/99 March 6, 1999 The New York Times landed another shocking scoop: "Working with nuclear secrets stolen from an American government laboratory, China has made a leap in the development of nuclear weapons: the miniaturization of its bombs." The Times emphasized "The White House was told of the full extent of China's spying in the summer of 1997, on the eve of the first U.S.-Chinese summit meeting in eight years - a meeting intended to dramatize the success of President Clinton's efforts to improve relations with Beijing....a reconstruction by The New York Times reveals that throughout the government, the response to the nuclear theft was marked by delays, inaction and skepticism - even though senior intelligence officials regarded it as one of the most damaging spy cases in recent history." Network coverage? In the first nine days of the story, the Big Three aired only 11 evening stories. The morning shows were worse, airing only six full news reports and one interview in the first ten mornings. As administration spokesmen went uninterviewed and unchallenged by the morning shows, ABC's Good Morning America had time for a half-hour on weight loss. CBS's This Morning asked O.J. Simpson lawyer Johnnie Cochran about his upcoming appearance on the CBS soap Guiding Light. Two networks urgently discussed the 40th anniversary of the Barbie doll. When the networks did touch the story, it came flattened by skepticism. Only NBC's Today aired an interview. On March 9, Katie Couric helped Energy Secretary Bill Richardson make excuses: "Isn't there a possibility that China could have done this on its own?" Since the first ten days, the Big Three have ignored several significant revelations: - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham The New York Times blows the lid off Clinton administration footdragging in the investigation of Chinese espionage at the nation's leading nuclear-weapons research facility in Los Alamos, New Mexico. – Newsmax 3/12/99 New York Times published article detailing alleged theft of nuclear secrets from LANL. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 March 7, 1999 The White House announces that the First Lady will not accompany the President on his Central American campaign swing, saying she had to nurse her bad back. – Newsmax 3/12/99 Sexgate whistleblower Linda Tripp tells "This Week's" Sam and Cokie that Mrs. Clinton was mixed up in every White House scandal she had knowledge of. Tripp also explains that the "Juanita" she and Lewinsky discussed on tape was not Juanita Broaddrick, but yet another woman who could prove "difficult" for the President. – Newsmax 3/12/99 March 8, 1999 Juanita Broaddrick's son Kevin Hickey discusses his mother's rape by Clinton on Larry King Live. Afterwards, former Clinton aides Dee Dee Myers and David Gergen look like they've been hit by a Mack truck. – Newsmax 3/12/99 Wen Ho Lee is fired by the DOE - New York Times, JAMES RISEN and JEFF GERTH, 04/28/99 Wen-Ho Lee fired by DOE, more than 18 months after FBI first told DOE that there was no longer any investigative reason to allow the espionage suspect to remain in place– Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 (afterwards) Lee consented to FBI search of office and computer– Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 On March 8, 1999, the NSA reported China had sold specialty steel to North Korean for its missiles. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times March 11, 1999 reveals administration complicity in new Chinese nuclear espionage at California's Lawrence Livermore Labs. – Newsmax 3/12/99 The New York Post front pages the Clintons' marital woes, echoing the previous night's FOX News and Drudge reports. – Newsmax 3/12/99 March 15, 1999 Sen. Inhofe speaks up on the National Security issues, China, treasonous conduct – Inhofe speech March 16, 1999 It took just over a year for Raymond Mislock, associate deputy director at the CIA, to conclude that his ideas for fixing security problems at the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons plants and laboratories were falling on deaf ears. Mislock was appointed early in 1998 to the DOE's Security Management Board, a government-wide panel set up to address concerns that the department lacks proper safeguards for millions of secret records and thousands of tons of nuclear material in its custody. "I expected the (DOE) wanted the input of representatives from other agencies," Mislock told department officials in a March 16 letter. "Unfortunately, my experience with the board indicates that it is a feckless exercise with no accomplishments almost 15 months after it was established." - USA Today 5/19/99 Peter Eisler March 18, 1999 President Clinton ordered an analysis of the counterintelligence security threat at U.S. nuclear labs in the wake of suspicions that China stole nuclear weapons designs. Clinton directed the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to conduct a review. Former Sen. Warren Rudman, R-N.H., the head of the panel, will lead the investigation. Clinton acted on the recommendation of National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, whose resignation has been demanded by some Republicans because of the administration's handling of the alleged espionage. AP Barry Schweid March 19, 1999White House sent a confusing cable to US embassies informing diplomats that the two amendments added to the Senate national missile defense bill meant "no deployment decision has been made" - The Heritage Foundation 4/8/99 Thomas Moore "To the best of my knowledge, no one has said anything to me about any espionage which occurred by the Chinese against the labs, during my presidency," Clinton said at a White House news conference USIA, Transcript, 03/19/99 ABC's Sam Donaldson asked the obvious question: "Can you assure the American people that, under your watch, no valuable nuclear secrets were lost?" Clinton was unequivocal in his answer. You asked me [a] question, which is: Can I tell you that there has been no espionage at the labs since I have been president?" Clinton said. "I can tell you that no one has reported to me that they suspect such a thing has occurred." - Washington Post 5/26/99 March 23-26 1999 * The eleventh meeting of the Gore Chernomyrdin Commission, -->renamed the Gore Primakov Commission after Chernomyrdin's firing, was originally scheduled for this date, but has been postponed indefinitely. March 24,1999 (Days after he is accused of TreasonGate) Clinton Launches massive bomb attack on Kosovo. Clinton claims U.S. has "moral imperative" to bomb Kosovo Reuters 3/24/99 Philip Pullella New York Times reporter James Risen revealed: "In spring 1997, Los Alamos National Laboratory chose a scientist who was already under investigation as a suspected spy for China to run a sensitive new nuclear weapons program, several senior government officials say. The scientist, Wen Ho Lee, asked that he be allowed to hire a research assistant, the officials said. Once in the new position, in charge of updating computer software for nuclear weapons, Lee hired a post-doctoral researcher who was a citizen of China, intelligence and law-enforcement officials said....the research assistant has disappeared." Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham March 26, 1999 Senate Intelligence Committee launched a formal investigation into allegations that China stole secrets from US nuclear weapons research labs and how the case was handled by the US government. – Reuters 3/26/99 March 28, 1999 * "...The New Yorker magazine reported on Sunday that Western intelligence officials believe Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov took a payoff from Iraq in exchange for strategic materials from Moscow to build up its nuclear weapons stockpile. Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh quoted high-level American intelligence sources as saying Primakov received $800,000 in a wire transfer in November 1997. The New Yorker said a spokesman at the Russian embassy in Washington denied all charges of corruption against Primakov. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, asked about the report during an appearance on ABC's "This Week," said that while he had not read the whole article and had just seen it, "I have no evidence to support that, no. I don't know whether Mr. Hersh has." In the report, Hersh quoted one unidentified source as saying, "A payment was made." "This is rock solid - like (now-jailed Mafia boss) John Gotti ordering a whack on the telephone. Ironclad." The weekly magazine, which goes on sale on Monday, said a British signals-intelligence unit intercept produced evidence of the transfer. It quoted a second unidentified U.S. official as saying, "There was a wire transfer to an account of $800,000." ..."Russia is hopeless now," Rolf Ekeus, the first head of the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in charge of dismantling Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, was quoted in the New Yorker as saying. "It is clear that Russia is making a serious effort to control events. Saddam will get a bomb, because these materials are floating in. Every day, they are more advanced." ...." Rep J D Hayworth (R-Az) 3/29/99 Washington Weekly "...Sacramento Bee, Nando Media/Reuters DOWNSIDE LEGACY AT TWO DEGREES OF PRESIDENT CLINTON SECTION: BEHIND THE TREASON ALLEGATIONS SUBSECTION: SANDY BERGER March 29, 1999 Submerged across the bottom of two pages of the March 29 issue, Newsweek correspondents John Barry and Gregory L. Vistica reported on a CIA probe of the compromised nuclear labs. Top nuclear experts "practically fainted" at how Chinese scientists routinely used U.S. lab phrases and concepts. One official announced: "The penetration is total...they are deep, deep into the labs' black programs." They also learned "Beijing recently got hold of two U.S. cruise missiles that failed to detonate during last fall's retaliatory attack on Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan," and officials want to know if the Chinese are copying that sophisticated technology. Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:32:50 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | March 30, 1999 After learning on March 30 that Lee had improperly moved vast amounts of nuclear secrets, Richardson said he decided to "speed up" plans adopted months earlier to improve computer security. - New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen March 31, 1999 After several investigative news reports on the China connection by the Washington bureau of Investor's Business Daily, the newspaper's lead editorial on March 31 revealed: "As part of the probe, the [FBI] requested a wiretap on Lee. Justice denied it, arguing it did not have sufficient grounds to take to a federal court to get the tap approved. But a look at the Justice Department's record on wiretaps calls that argument into serious question. From 1993 to 1997, federal officials requested 2,686 wiretaps. For all its concern for probable cause and legal standards, the Justice Department turned down one request in those four years - Lee's in 1996." Network coverage? Zero. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham Clinton Executive Order 13117 issued "to further the implementation of the reorganization of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) into the Department of State, in this instance by eliminating ACDA's vote on dual-use export license decisions in the administration of export controls" Spring, 1999 DOE - The annual reports [Annual Report to the President on the Status of Safeguards and Security] for 1997 and 1998 reached the president - USA Today 5/19/99 Peter Eisler April, 1999 [THE ALLEGATION AGAINST REAGAN:] "...Instead of placing stricter controls on access to the national laboratories, however, the Reagan administration issued an executive order in 1987 that loosened controls so that scientific advances could be more easily commercialized by the private sector. That order also gave freer entry to foreign citizens and corporations. Then in 1988 an alarm arose from within the government: The General Accounting Office reported to Congress that security procedures to protect sensitive data at the national labs were fearfully lax, and needed immediate improvement...." Salon 4/99 Joe Conason "On June 18, The Washington Times ran an item in its "Inside the Ring" section quoting Pentagon intelligence sources as saying that Russia had tested in April a high-altitude weapon that fires an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP …" - Washington Times 7/12/99 James Hackett FBI begins discussing Rule 41 criminal search warrant with DOJ's Criminal Division. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 April 2, 1999 Computer systems shut down at the laboratory - New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen Early April, 1999 During a subsequent meeting at the White House residence in early April, the president told Richardson to "get to the bottom of it.(Wen Ho Lee's Computer Transfers) New York Times, JAMES RISEN and JEFF GERTH, 04/28/99 April 4, 1999 The Los Angeles Times... "The chief of China's military intelligence secretly directed funds from Beijing to help re-elect President Clinton in 1996, former Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung has told federal investigators." Reporters William Rempel, Henry Weinstein, and Alan Miller reported: "Chung says he met three times with the intelligence official, Gen. Ji Shengde, who ordered $300,000 deposited into the Torrance businessman's bank account to subsidize campaign donations intended for Clinton."...The Times also revealed the FBI monitored groups of Chinese visitors in California regarded as a possible hit squad: "more than 40 agents were assigned to guard Chung, his wife and three children for three weeks." Network coverage? Nothing on any Big Three morning or evening show. None of these details, or the subsequent press conference and state dinner with Chinese premier Zhu Rongji later in the week spurred interest. ABC's Sam Donaldson got closest to touching the revelations five days late, reporting without even a raised eyebrow that Zhu "said he had no knowledge that the Chinese government had contributed money to Mr. Clinton's 1996 campaign." - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham April 7-8, 1999 FBI staff informally raised question of seeking FISA warrant with OIPR staff. FBI drafted, but did not transmit formal request to OIPR. – Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 April 8, 1999 New York Times reporters Jeff Gerth and James Risen began: "In early 1996, the United States received a startling report from one of its Chinese spies. Officials inside China's intelligence service, the spy said, were boasting that they had just stolen secrets from the United States and had used them to improve Beijing's neutron bomb, according to American officials." After repeated administration claims that all nuclear-weapons espionage happened in the mid-80s, the Times found espionage happening in 1995. Network coverage? In a press conference that day with visiting Chinese premier Zhu Rongji, both the AP and Reuters reporters on hand asked about the Times charges. Still, the CBS Evening News ignored the story, except for one vague reference by Bill Plante: "Did China steal U.S. nuclear technology? Zhu Rongji said he didn't know a thing about it." ABC and NBC covered the subject, though NBC did not give credit to the newspaper and concluded by stressing the White House spin that "there's no evidence China's neutron bomb was improved - as a result." The next morning, CBS's This Morning ignored it. ABC's Good Morning America gave the Times story two updates totaling 30 seconds, and NBC's Today awarded one 38-second brief. But NBC spent two minutes and 43 seconds on beavers gnawing down cherry trees on Washington's Tidal Basin. - Media Research Center 4/26/99 Tim Graham April 9, 1999 FBI obtained criminal warrant to search Lee's house. Search conducted next day– Thompson/Lieberman Report 8/99 April 10, 1999 Wen Ho Lee's house is searched for the first time by the FBI New York Times, JAMES RISEN and JEFF GERTH, 04/28/99 April 12, 1999 Wright finds Clinton in contempt of court for his testimony in the Jones' lawsuit about his relationship with Lewinsky and says she will refer the matter to the Arkansas Supreme Court disciplinary committee. – AP 5/23/00 April 14, 1999 Attorney General Janet Reno declines to prosecute, but suggests a "review" of Deutch's security clearances. UPI 2/23/00 April 15, 1999 John Huang is deposed by Judical Watch. He asserts the 5th admendment to almost every question Judicial Watch, 04/15/99 April 19, 1999 Assistant Secretary of Energy Rose Gottemoeller informed [DOE Whistleblower] McCallum that he had been placed on administrative leave without pay, and was under investigation for having released classified information in telephone conversations that were taped by Mark Graf three years earlier, and which (without his knowledge or consent) recently appeared on an Internet website. - The American Spectator 6/99 Kenneth R. Timmerman April 28, 1999 The New York Times reported "A scientist suspected of spying for China improperly transferred huge amounts of secret data from a computer system at a government laboratory, compromising virtually every nuclear weapon in the United States arsenal, government and lab officials say." Network coverage? ABC's World News Tonight aired a full story. CBS Evening News mentioned it before its own exclusive report on nuclear lab security. CNN's The World Today aired two reports. But NBC aired nothing. ..." - Media Reality Check 5/6/99 Vol. 3, No. 17 Tim Graham April 29, 1999 In response to the Times, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson gave an interview to The Washington Post admitting "a serious security breach that is unconscionable." The front-page Post article reported that Richardson signaled the possibility that Lee "may have made available to China far more sensitive information than previously imagined," including during the Clinton years. Network coverage? Nothing. - Media Reality Check 5/6/99 Vol. 3, No. 17 Tim Graham April 30, 1999 The Washington Post front page reported that Congress "erupted" with criticism against the FBI and the Justice Department. "After grilling FBI Director Louis J. Freeh for nearly three hours in a closed-door hearing, members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from both parties appeared equally outraged at what they depicted as lax handling of past and present investigations into suspected leaks of classified data. Their concern was aroused in particular by Freeh's testimony that the suspect, Wen Ho Lee, had been cited for suspicious actions going back almost 20 years." Network coverage? Only CNN aired a story on the hearing. - Media Reality Check 5/6/99 Vol. 3, No. 17 Tim Graham May 2, 1999 * The New York Times reports that "....a 25-page counterintelligence report contains many examples of lax security and serious intelligence breaches at the labs that have not been previously disclosed, involving more than a dozen foreign countries. Foreign spies "rightly view DOE as an inviting, diverse and soft target that is easy to access and that employs many who are willing to share information," the report states.....The report also singles out Russia and India as immediate threats...." "...The report also focuses on security breaches at the labs involving other countries, citing numerous incidents. For example, Russian intelligence has intercepted communications from Los Alamos concerning nuclear power plants used for military purposes....." New York Times 5/2/99 Jeff Gerth James Risen May 5, 1999 The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard from nuclear lab directors and probed delays in warrants for Wen Ho Lee. Officials admitted Lee's security file was lost at one point. Network coverage? Only ABC aired a story. Bob Woodruff simply relayed the Justice Department's claim that it twice turned down warrant requests "because the evidence against Lee was insufficient." - Media Reality Check 5/6/99 Vol. 3, No. 17 Tim Graham May 10, 1999 A Chinese Long March 4B rocket successfully launched two civilian satellites from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern China early this morning, the Xinhua news agency reported. The two spacecraft are the Fengyun 1C meteorological satellite and the Shi Jian 5 satellite for scientific experiments. - UTC Kriten Rountree May 11, 1999 China and Russia - Jiang and Chernomyrdin (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly May 18, 1999 Azerbaijan registered an official protest with Beijing, claiming that China sold eight Typhoon missiles (with a range of 37 miles) to Armenia. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Tofig Zulfugarov further claimed that the weapons were sold to Armenia by an unnamed joint Sino-Russian company following a joint visit by Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev and Armenian Defense Minister Vargen Sarkisyan to China. - Baku Alleges Moscow Brokered Chinese Missile Sale to Armenia, Stratfor, 06/21/99 (Chinese-Russian Military, Armenia, Arms Sales) May 19, 1999 China and Thailand (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly May 24, 1999 China and Russia - Chi Haotain (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian met with the Commander-in-Chief of Russia's Navy Vladimir Kuroyedov to discuss cooperation and exchanges between the two countries' navies, the official Xinhua news agency reports. - China Reform Monitor No. 216, June 24, 1999 May 25, 1999 China and Pakistan - Fu Quanyou and Pervez Musharaf China and Kygyzstan (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly May 27, 1999 China and Belarus (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly The South China Morning Post reported that the People's Liberation Navy (PLN) had begun preparations to test the Great Wave 2 (JL-2). PLN officials reported that the JL-2 is scheduled to be deployed on the nuclear submarine Xia by 2000. The sub-launched missile is slated to carry a single 2.5-Megaton, thermonuclear warhead, or three 90-Kiloton warheads. WorldNetDaily 6/1/99 Charles Smith May 28, 1999 China and Russia - Xiong Guangkai and Valdimirovich Corabelinykov (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly May 31, 1999 China and Malaysia - Tang Jiaxuan and Syed Hamid China and Russia - Zhang Wannian, Fu Quanyou, and Valiedin Korapierinkof (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June, 1999 The Defense Intelligence Agency reported in June 1999 that China was supplying North Korea with high-tech machinery, including accelerometers and gyroscopes, needed by its missile manufacturers. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times June 3, 1999 China and Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and South Africa, - Quian Qichen China and North Korea - Li Peng and Kim Yong Nam (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June 4, 1999 China and Yemen - Li Peng and Hussain Al-Ahmar (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June 7, 1999 China and Russia - Zhang Wannian, Xiong Guangkai and Igor Sergeyev China and Burma - Luo Gan and Khin Nyunt (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June 9, 1999 China and Laos - Zhu Rongji, Chi Haotian and Choumali Saignakon (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June 11, 1999 China and Pakistan - Tang Jiaxuan and Sartaj Aziz (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly June 12-13, 1999 A senior U.S. intelligence official told TAS that the U.S. had detected a Chinese nuclear test over the weekend of June 12-13, which may have been designed to validate a newly-designed neutron bomb. No mainstream media has reported the test, which was briefly mentioned in Bill Gertz's "Inside the Ring" column in the June 18 edition of the Washington Times - The American Spectator 8/99 Kenneth R. Timmerman June 14, 1999 China and India - Tang Jiaxuan and Jaswant Singh (Chinese Diplomatic Activity Since the Embassy Bombing) Xinhua 6/10/99 Edited by Jolly In Vladivostok, General Zhang Wannian, deputy chairman of China's Central Military Commission met Admiral Mikhail Zakharenko, Commander of Russia's Pacific fleet, the South China Morning Post reports. In addition to meeting with Zakharenko, the Chinese delegation visited the Russian destroyer Bezboyaznenny. General Zhang praised the "technological level and combat ability" of the destroyer. ITAR-TASS reports General Zhang visited a division of Russia's Strategic Missile Forces near Novosibirsk. Zhang was shown the Topol missile and explained its possibilities in overcoming the air [or anti-missile] defense of a "potential foe." The Russian INTER-TASS news agency reported that after his Vladivostok visit, General Zhang and his delegation traveled to Komsomolsk on the Amur River. There they toured a number of defense plants which will probably fill orders placed by the Chinese Army. - China Reform Monitor No. 216, June 24, 1999 |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:35:20 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | June 18, 1999 General Zhang Wannian, returning to Beijing from a high-powered ten-day visit to Russia told Xinhua news agency that the two countries had reached an "extensive consensus." Xinhua stated that Zhang's talks in Moscow were a "major step toward the establishment of the strategic cooperative partnership." According to Russian military sources, Zhang said in Moscow that China intended to keep buying the latest Russian equipment, including military aviation and radar, submarines, ships and cruise missiles, Muzi Lateline News reports. Western military experts say Russia and China are involved in cooperation and research projects over the next five years, estimated to be worth between five and six billion dollars. - China Reform Monitor No. 215, June 23, 1999 June 20, 1999 U.S. and European intelligence agencies are reporting mounting evidence that Russia and China have massively violated the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention and subsequent international and bilateral agreements to control biowarfare weapons. The convention, signed by 169 nations, prohibits the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer or use of chemical and biological weapons. All signatories with biowarfare arsenals pledged to eliminate such weapons over 10 years. While Russia and China appear to have ceased adding to their huge stockpiles of chemical weapons, both are developing new strains of highly lethal biological toxins. According to Ken Alibek, a former deputy director of the top secret Soviet-era biowarfare program, who defected to the West, Moscow never ended its offensive biological warfare research. Alibek claims Russia has stockpiled many hundreds of tons of anthrax and plague, as well as smaller quantities of smallpox, Ebola and Marburg virus, and toxins designed to attack plants and animals. Russia is also developing a new strain of "invisible" biowarfare agents, known as bioregulators, that destroy the body's immune or neurological systems. The Clinton administration, influenced by the strongly pro-Russian Strobe Talbot, has repeatedly rejected demands by Congress to cut off billions in U.S. aid in order to pressure Moscow into ceasing its illegal biowarfare programs. Europe, which also bankrolls Boris Yeltsin's regime, has been similarly negligent in pressing Moscow on this vital issue. - Another doomsday clock is ticking, ticking, Toronto Sun, Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, 06/20/99 (Biological Warfare, China, Russia) June 21, 1999 Moscow has decided to sell 72 of its front-line Sukhoi-30 jet fighter-bombers to Beijing, the Hong Kong Standard reports. Russian diplomats say that President Boris Yeltsin has given permission to sell China three squadrons of the state of the art combat aircraft. In addition, negotiations have begun for Moscow to grant a license for the production of another 250 Sukhoi-30 fighters in China. - Beijing Buys Russian Sukhoi-30 Aircraft, China Times, CNA, 06/22/99 (China-Russia Policy, Arms Deals) June 22, 1999 * [Bill] Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin agreed in Cologne, Germany, on Sunday to continue talks this fall on possible changes to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The pact prohibits deploying missile defenses that protect either side's entire national territory. White House National Security Adviser Samuel R. Berger told reporters in Cologne that a U.S. national missile-defense deployment decision will not be made before June 2000. Mr. Berger also said the administration softened its position on first requiring Russia's parliament to ratify the START II nuclear arms treaty before moving ahead with a START III pact. Negotiators will report to Mr. Clinton and Mr. Yeltsin by July 30 on a new arms pact. As for Mr. Clinton and Mr. Yeltsin's ABM talks: "What they have agreed to is to consider possible changes in the strategic situation that have a bearing on the ABM Treaty," Mr. Berger told reporters. Mr. Berger said that verbal formulation means, "in English," that U.S. and Russian officials will talk about a new strategic arms reduction treaty, or START III, and "modifications to the ABM treaty that may be occasioned by a national missile defense system, if we were to deploy one."....Senior White House officials have said the missile defense bill does not require deployment because it lacks language about funding, and because of several minor amendments added by Democrats...." THE WASHINGTON TIMES 6/22/99 Bill Gertz June 23, 1999 China is happy with the constant improvement in Sino-Russian ties, China's second ranking leader said on Tuesday. ''China is pleased to see Sino-Russian exchange and cooperation in politics, economy, culture and other areas have been growing constantly,'' the China Daily quoted parliament chief Li Peng as saying. Mr Li said China's parliament was ready to advance ties with Russia's Federation Council and State Duma to push forward bilateral relations. Russian analysts say the two countries are working overtime to use the relationship to build strategic clout and chip away at the US's role as the world's only superpower. - Li 'pleased' with Sino-Russian ties, South China Morning Post, Reuters, 06/23/99 (China-Russia Policy) June 28, 1999 At a Beijing symposium on Sino-Russian cooperation, China's parliament chief, Li Peng, told Oleg Korolyov, vice-chairman of Russia's State Council, that the two countries have "forged a partnership of strategic partnership geared toward the 21st Century," Reuters reports. Russian analysts say the two countries are working overtime to use the relationship to build strategic clout and chip away at the U.S.'s role as the world's only superpower. - China Reform Monitor No. 217, June 28, 1999 According to intelligence sources and government agency documents, China is operating a sophisticated electronic espionage network against the United States in Cuba, the Miami El Nuevo Herald reports. Two major Chinese electronics bases have been built under an agreement signed last February during a visit to Havana by Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian: an antenna farm at Santiago de Cuba - dedicated mainly to intercepting U.S. military satellite communications, and in the Bejucal complex, the Chinese have set up a telephone communications interception system. "For China, the use of Cuba as an electronic listening post is of tremendous importance, because it means they are situated strategically in the rear guard of the United States, said a former U.S. intelligence official. U.S. agency reports obtained by Nuevo Herald state that in recent weeks Cuba has been using powerful equipment to interfere with high frequency bands "like it never has before," including air-traffic radio communications in New York. The FCC reports, "The Cubans are interfering with air traffic control communications and are also making false aeronautical transmissions to Air Traffic Control in New York." This interference, picked up by U.S. monitoring services, was traced to sources southeast of Havana. The Chinese bases are in addition to the newly-expanded Russian electronic intelligence complex at Lourdes, which monitors the entire United States and trans-Atlantic communications. - China Reform Monitor No. 217, June 28, 1999 July, 1999 Back in July 1999, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she was concerned about the Chinese missile transfers to North Korea. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times July 14, 1999 Deutch and Arlan Spector came out with their report of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the Deutch-Specter Commission). – Freeper Thanatos 2/1/00 August, 1999 "August 1999, Russian missile maker Zvezda displayed their weapon version of the MA-31, the KH-31, arming Sukhoi bombers being sold to India and China. The KH-31 missiles were also displayed at the August 1999 Moscow airshow and were offered to a wide variety of developing countries. Zvezda has already made large sales of the Kh-35 Switchblade (Harpoonsky) missile to India and Algeria. Future customers under pressure from Zvezda weapons merchants include Vietnam, Cuba and Iran." "Nor was Zvezda alone at the recent Moscow weapons fair. Russian missile maker Mashinostroyenia displayed their latest anti-ship super-sonic cruise missile the "Yakhont." The Yakhont is described as a Mach 2, anti-ship, with a weight of 5,600 lbs. The Yakhont was displayed for sale along-side of the Sukhoi SU-27K Naval fighter." - NAVY CONFIRMS RUSSIAN MISSILE BUY Charles Smith, SOFTWAR, Sept. 13, 1999 August 17, 1999 On Aug. 17, 1999, the disinformation campaign officially kicked off with Vrooman dropping his bombshell on the Post's front page that Lee was suspected largely for ethnic reasons, and that the case against him was "built on thin air." ……… What's more, Vrooman charged that the secrets Lee was suspected of compromising -- the design of the prized W-88 miniaturized nuclear warhead -- had been disseminated to private contractors and "hundreds of locations throughout the U.S. government." In other words, the leaks didn't necessarily come from Los Alamos. ......,Who is Robert Vrooman? None other than the chief of counterintelligence at Los Alamos when all the espionage allegedly took place; the chief of counterspying when all the Chinese spies were allegedly running amok. ………"Vrooman was a failure as head of CI at Los Alamos," Notra Trulock, former head of Energy counterintelligence, told me recently. "He was and still is on the Los Alamos payroll, and so has a vested interest in dismissing any allegations about espionage at Los Alamos on his watch." ………Not exactly an unbiased source. Yet Vrooman has been quoted or cited in no less than 15 Washington Post articles since August 1999. All written by Vernon Loeb, Walter Pincus, or both. …… WorldNetDaily 10/11/00 Paul Sperry August 28, 1999 BEIJING, Aug 28 (AFP) - Chinese President Jiang Zemin stressed "global multi-polarization" at a meeting with Russian Vice-Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov here Saturday, the Xinhua news agency said. He said China and Russia, as close neighbors and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, had to strive to "establish a just and rational new political and economic order" in the world, the state-run news agency reported. The report said Jiang emphasised that "at this historical moment of the turning of the century, peace and development are the major themes and the world is moving toward multi-polarization which is irrevocable." "China and Russia are developing a strategic cooperative partnership of long-term stability, good-neighborliness, mutually-beneficial cooperation, equality, and mutual trust," it said. - Chinese President Meets Russian Vice-Prime Minister, China Times, AFP, 08/29/99 (China-Russia Policy, Jiang, Klebanov) September 3, 1999 The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies are engaged in a crash effort to analyze the growing ties between Russia and China. A major intelligence estimate is being drawn up at the request of CIA Director George J. Tenet. The estimate is being prompted by the growing relations between Moscow and Beijing after the two found common ground in opposing NATO's war in the Balkans. The most eye-opening events have been China's acquisition of military hardware and technology from Russia. Last month, Moscow announced an agreement with Beijing to buy 40 new Su-30 fighter-bombers worth about $2 billion. The Su-30 is an advanced version of the Su-27. China purchased 76 Su-27s and also has a license to produce the aircraft. China has spent about $6 billion on Russian weapons under a 1992 military cooperation agreement. Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, NATION;INSIDE THE RING. , The Washington Times, 09-03-1999, pp A6 Other deals [with Russia] include China's purchase of four Kilo submarines and six S-300 air-defense systems that have some capability of shooting down short-range missiles. The Chinese also have contracted to buy two Russian Sovremenny class missile destroyers equipped with SSN-22 Sunburn missiles that were designed to kill U.S. ships, according to Pentagon officials. Hong Kong newspapers reported this week that Russia plans to sell China two Typhoon class ballistic-missile submarines. But a Chinese government spokesman has denied the report. Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, NATION;INSIDE THE RING. , The Washington Times, 09-03-1999, pp A6 September 13, 1999 * "U.S. Navy Undersecretary Buchanan has confirmed that the U.S. Navy will continue to purchase MA-31 super-sonic target missiles from Russian missile maker ZVEZDA despite admissions the MA-31 cannot meet the necessary range specifications. In a letter to Senator Lugar, Secretary Buchanan stated the "the MA-31 is available from the Boeing company and emulates more challenging threat characteristics than the VANDAL." However, U.S. Navy officials, responding to a SOFTWAR Freedom of Information request (FOIA), have confirmed the MA-31 does not meet the requirements for the U.S.N. super sonic sea skimming (SSST) target program. "It can only fly 16 miles on the deck," stated a U.S.N. program manger for the MA-31 program." "The contradiction between actual performance and the support from the Clinton administration remains unexplained. Boeing officials again refused to comment on the MA-31 drone project with Zvezda. Repeated phone calls to Boeing have not been returned. Secretary Buchanan has also turned down a Softwar request for an interview." * "Under pressure from the FOIA request, U.S. Navy managers denied any knowledge of allegations of corruption regarding the payments for the Russian missiles, which according to Janes Defense, include a 28% fee for the Russian Generals. Navy officials also denied knowing about the recent allegations against Boeing that they intend to help the Russians improve the range and market the missile to third world nations." "It appears that a limited number of the Russian missiles may be purchased by the U.S. Navy to simulate possible threats from future Zvezda sales." "However, the U.S. Navy funding also supports the "grow your own threat" theory of war. The fact that the Clinton administration funded the Russian missile maker long enough for it NOT to go out of business has created a new threat. Navy contract monies sent to Zvezda through Boeing are being used to proliferate (sell) Russian weapons on the open market." "Representative Bob Barr recently introduced an amendment to the House seeking a ban on funding Zvezda. The amendment is under review." NAVY CONFIRMS RUSSIAN MISSILE BUY Charles Smith, SOFTWAR, Sept. 13, 1999 September 17, 1999 * The Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) recently reported that the latest shuffling of top officials in the Kremlin has brought to power a key official supported by organized crime groups. The DIA concluded in one report: "Key Russian organized crime figures are pleased with the appointment and subsequent actions of new Interior Minister Rushaylo. High opinion of Rushaylo suggests he will not actively investigate the most powerful criminal organizations, despite Moscow's announced plans to pursue organized crime." Bill Gertz, THE WASHINGTON TIMES With Rowan Scarborough]MOSCOW MAFIA WATCH October, 1999In October 1999, U.S. intelligence agencies reported China had supplied fiber-optic gyroscopes to North Korea several months earlier. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times In October 1999, the Pentagon reported North Korea's long-range Taepo Dong missile, tested in August 1998, could be used in a missile crisis. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times According to an October 1999 "Intelligence Assessment" prepared by the U.S. military's Southern Command, Li Ka-Shing is indeed a "threat" to the Panama Canal. "Hutchison Whampoa's owner, Hong Kong tycoon, Li Ka-Shing, has extensive business ties in Beijing and has compelling financial reasons to maintain a good relationship with China's leadership," states the 1999 assessment. "For example, Hutchison Whampoa could threaten to shift some business from Panama to its facilities in the Bahamas, thus giving the company additional leverage over the Panamanian government." Moreover, said the U.S. military intelligence report, "Hutchison's containerized shipping facilities in the Panama Canal, as well as the Bahamas, could provide a conduit for illegal shipments of technology or prohibited items from the west to the PRC, or facilitate the movement of arms and other prohibited items into the Americas." …. WorldNetDaily 1/18/2000 Charles Smith October 2, 1999 * (Reuters) "The Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a Pacific Fleet atomic submarine (Delta-3 by NATO classification)...successfully launched a ballistic missile from an underwater position in the Okhotsk Sea," a navy press statement said. The Navy press release said Russia launched another submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) of the same type on Friday, the first time it had tested an SLBM since the beginning of the year. It also carried out a test launch of a land-based Topol ballistic missile from the Arctic testing ground of Plesetsk on the same day. The missile had been on duty for more than 14 years, much longer than originally planned." Russia launches third ballistic missile in two days, Russia Today, Reuters 3 Oct., 1999 October 27, 1999 The Russian Pacific Fleet destroyer Burny and missile cruiser Varyag will visit the port of Shanghai on Oct. 2-6 to mark China's 50th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of Russian-Chinese diplomatic relations, said Russian Navy spokesman Igor Dygalo. During the visit, the two Russian vessels will hold joint exercises with ships from China's Eastern Fleet. - 2/10/00 Freeper InfraRed November 24, 1999 Unlike the deals on the Su-27, which restricted the selling of advanced weaponry equipped with the plane to the mainland, Moscow has now agreed on a full list of weapons that can arm the Su-30MK. Beijing's military moguls have been given the option of selecting the hardware they want. The list includes middle-range air-air missiles (AAM) R-27ER, R-27ET and RVV-AE and middle- and long-range air-surface missiles Kh-29L/T, Kh-31 and Kh-59M. - 2/10/00 Freeper InfraRed December, 1999 The latest [missile technology] shipment was arranged by China through a Hong Kong company only two weeks ago, according to an intelligence report passed to the White House in late December 1999 by the National Security Agency. - NewsMax.Com 1/6/00 on reports by the Times Dec. 9, 1999 A CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter on a training flight crashes 15 miles off the San Diego shore, killing seven Marines from Miramar Naval Air Station. The Associated Press 4/9/00 December 25, 1999 A destroyer in Russia was delivered to China's navy on Saturday, the Russian constructor said. The destroyer was built by a Russian armaments company, Rosvooruzheny, after a contract for two destroyers was signed with China in 1997. - 2/10/00 Freeper InfraRed January 2, 2000 A LONG-RANGE missile fast enough to catch any combat fighter in the world is being developed jointly by Russia and China, according to British Aerospace. BAe, one of the two rival companies bidding for a £700 million contract to equip the Eurofighter with its own advanced air-to-air missiles, said the missile could be in production as early as 2005. It has a "ram jet" propulsion system, giving a range of 50 miles and a speed of Mach 3. - 2/10/00 Freeper InfraRed January 4, 2000 Intelligence report says China plans to buy more warplanes, ships, and subs from Russia Source: ChinaOnline News Tue Jan 4,2000 -- China is reportedly in negotiations to purchase more fighter aircraft, destroyers and submarines from Russia, according to the latest issue of Jane's Defence Weekly. Citing "diplomatic sources in Beijing," JDW said China is seeking to buy 40 more Su-30MKK fighters, two or three upgraded Kilo-class submarines and two or three more Sovremenny-class destroyers. "Such assets would considerably enhance China's area denial capabilities," JDW noted, "especially in the East China Sea where serious tensions exist with Taiwan." - 2/10/00 Freeper InfraRed |
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To: Orcastraiter who wrote (6283) | 5/30/2003 2:39:31 PM | From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck | | | January 24, 2000 * In a deepening "strategic partnership," Moscow intends to increase its arming of China and Iran to "resist US world domination," writes senior military correspondent Col. Vladimir Mukhin in Russia's Nezavisimaya Gazeta. "Russia is helping the Chinese army to arm and is planning to extend the list of licenses it accords to China for various types of weaponry," writes Col. Mukhin. "One Chinese factory has begun assembling 200 Su-27 fighter aircraft. China is also to receive [this year] two Sovremenny-class destroyers and a whole range of other naval equipment including supersonic Moskit missiles. China is the only country thus far to purchase the [anti-US aircraft carrier and Aegis system] Moskit missiles." Analyzing the Nezavisimaya Gazeta article, the Russia Journal notes that probably the most significant aspect of military cooperation between Russia and China is their aim to "resist American expansionism." Russian and Iranian discussions have a similar anti-American emphasis. During the visit of China's Defense Minitser Chi Haotian to Moscow in January 2000, Russian Defense Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev stated, "Contacts with Iran are progressing well in the military, military technology, scientific and energy sectors." Sergeyev also assured Iran that Moscow was backing away from its 1997 agreement with the United States, and would "fulfill all its commitments under the Russia-Iran [military] agreements concluded in 1989-90." Russia is discussing selling Iran [and China] Tu-334 transcontinental aircraft. Former Russian air force pilot Gennady Makarov says the Tu-334 could be used as a military transport plane and perhaps as a strategic bomber. China Reform Monitor No. 283, March 6, 2000 American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. January 25, 2000 * Careless U.S. officials allowed aid to be diverted to Russia's clandestine and illegal biological weapons program. The New York Times reported on that Biopreparat, the now-"private" secretive organization that was the heart of the Soviet germ warfare program, has skimmed off U.S. aid intended to promote space cooperation -- and that a commission headed by Vice President Al Gore approved a questionable grant that might have funded biological weapons. "Biopreparat also stands to benefit from a grant made by the Agency for International Development in 1997," the New York Times reports, adding that USAID awarded a $6 million grant to a joint U.S.-Russian project with a Biopreparat-owned institute. The project, according to the Times, was "approved by a Russian-American commission headed by Vice President Al Gore." Foreign Aid Advisory No. 27, January 27, 2000 American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. Jan. 27, 2000 The Arkansas Supreme Court orders the committee to investigate. – AP 5/23/00 February 14, 2000 * U.S. explanations that the Clinton administration's limited ballistic missile defense proposal is limited only to "rogue states" don't convince a senior Russian general in charge of foreign military cooperation. "It's an argument for the naive or stupid," Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov tells Reuters. "[I]t does not convince serious people," he added. "This system will be directed against Russia and against China." The Reuters correspondent adds, "Ivashov said when Russian experts asked U.S. officials whether the planned shield could intercept Russian missiles, they avoided answering directly." * Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of former President Boris Yeltsin and an ally of reputed gangster-tycoon Boris Berezovsky, "has been attending weekly campaign sessions in the Kremlin," the Washington Times' Jamie Dettmer reports from Moscow. * The former chairman of the St. Petersburg city legislature alleges that Vladimir Putin, as a deputy mayor in the early 1990s, was part of the corruption problem there. "He was personally involved in constructing a system of corruption in St. Petersburg," former St. Petersburg city council chairman Aleksandr Belayev tells the Toronto Globe and Mail. "He was involved in a closed, non-competitive system of distributing city property." In a 1991 food shortage case, Putin "was closely involved in choosing the private companies that would arrange the imports and exports," according to the Globe and Mail. "But much of the food never arrived. [The] city council appointed a committee to investigate the deal, and the evidence was sent to a Kremlin auditing department, where the probe quietly died." Russia Reform Monitor No.748,February 22, 2000 American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. February 16, 2000 * "Russia has more spies around the world than the United States and the intelligence gap has widened since the Cold War," Reuters reports, citing House Intelligence Committee staff director John Millis. Russian spies against the U.S., Millis says, remain at Cold War levels: "The number of Russian intelligence operatives working here officially in the United States has not gone down since the Cold War." Asked about the level of Russia spies working on unofficial cover, Millis said, "My guess is that U.S. intelligence would be grateful if they had one-tenth of the capability deployed against Russia as Russia has deployed against the U.S." "The U.S. intelligence community is woefully unprepared for the future," Millis continues. According to Reuters, "A 'single digit' percentage of the intelligence budget, which is classified, goes toward analysis of all the intelligence collected, he said." The Union of Journalists of Russia has issued a statement that "sounded the alarm," in the words of Reuters, "over what they said was a growing threat to press freedom" following the Russian government's role in the disappearance of Radio Liberty journalist Andrei Babitsky. * One of Moscow's reasons for dragging its feet on the START 2 treaty "is that the treaty prohibits land-based MIRVed missiles," a key Duma deputy tells Sevodnya. "Experts say this will deprive us of the possibility of maneuver and of increasing the number of warheads without raising the number of missiles, in cases of need." The Duma member is Aleksandr Piskunov, who has attended "virtually all negotiations on START 2," according to Sevodnya. Russia signed START 2 seven years ago. [Editor's note: Piskunov apparently is referring to the new SS-27 Topol-M2 ICBMs, which are being deployed to replace obsolete missiles that are being dismantled with U.S. "Nunn-Lugar" money. The Clinton administration has maintained that the SS-27 is a single-warhead missile, but Russian authorities say that it can be MIRVed to house at least three warheads.] Russia Reform Monitor No.749,February 25, 2000 American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. February 19, 2000 The Russian government has acknowledged it has a system in place to spy on the Internet, Jen Tracy reports in the Moscow Times. The System for Operational-Investigative Activities (SORM) of 1995 and SORM-2 of 1998 allow the former KGB to snoop on all Internet traffic in Russia by forcing Internet Service Providers to install technology linking their routers to chekist computers. Writes Tracy: "SORM-2 listening devices route copies of all Internet traffic to FSB [Federal Security Service] computers, warrant or no." Some fear that the FSB will use SORM for political purposes, and raise concerns that the FSB could steal credit card and electronic banking information for fraudulent purposes. Russia Reform Monitor No. 751,March 1, 2000 American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. February 24, 2000 * The CIA says it sees increased signs that Russia and China are developing means to attack commercial U.S. computer systems. "We are detecting with increasing frequency the appearance of doctrines and dedicated offensive cyber warfare programs in other countries, CIA information operations issue manager John Serabian tells Congress. Serabian specifically cites Russia and China. "Many of the countries whose cyber warfare programs we follow are the same ones that realize that, in a conventional military confrontation with the United States, they will not prevail," Serabian says in remarks carried by Reuters. < March 17, 2000 Buried in a lengthy White House letter to Capitol Hill, the administration reveals that due to computer glitches some e-mails in the vice president's office might not have been reviewed in response to subpoenas in the campaign fund-raising probe. - AP Online 3/26/00 March 23 2000 A Justice Department court filing reveals that prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation into the White House e-mail problem, including Gore's office. - AP Online 3/26/00 April 7, 2000 A member of an emergency nuclear response, or NEST, team recalls seeing the hard drives in the vault during an inventory. 6/14/00 AP April 9, 2000 A Marine MV-22 tiltrotor Osprey crashes at the Marana Northwest Regional Airport about 15 miles northwest of Tucson during a training exercise, killing 19 Marines aboard. The Associated Press 4/9/00 April 27, 2000 Another member of the response team does not recall seeing the two drives, contained in one of three emergency response ''kits'' in the vault, but says if they had been missing he would have taken notice. Associated Press 6/14/00 AP May 2-4, 2000 The NEST emergency response team participates in an exercise at the Lawrence Livermore weapons lab in California. It's not known whether ''Kit No. 2'' -- later to be found with the drives missing -- was used in the exercise. 6/14/00 AP May 4, 2000 A wildfire begins in federal parkland near the Los Alamos laboratory and quickly spreads out of control. 6/14/00 AP May 7, 2000 With the laboratory threatened by the fire, members of the NEST team late in the evening inspect the vault to assure the three kits are ''out of harm's way'' and discover the two drives missing from Kit No. 2. The discovery is not reported. 6/14/00 AP Los Alamos lab officials late in the evening of May 7 sought to secure the nuclear data from possible harm as wildfires threatened the laboratory complex, but found them missing from their containers in the vault. THE WASHINGTON TIMES 6/13/00 Jerry Seper May 8, 2000 The Los Alamos lab is evacuated because of the fire threat and scientists disperse. 6/14/00 AP May 13, 2000 In a move officials called unprecedented, Los Alamos National Laboratory gave an extensive tour of its facilities to reporters Saturday , trying to allay fears that a wildfire damaged key research and nuclear waste areas at the high-security facility AP 5/14/00 May 15, 2000 Col. Stanislav Lunev reveals that many journalists from Russia and other countries are, in reality, spies. He also says that many Russian journalists have recruited leading American reporters to engage in espionage as well. NewsMax 5/15/00 Christopher Ruddy May 22, 2000 The panel announces decision to start disbarment proceedings. Clinton says he will fight to keep his law license. – AP 5/23/00 With the fire danger over, operations resume at the lab. 6/14/00 AP May 24, 2000 A group of scientists begin an ''intense search'' for the missing hard drives, but senior lab officials are not informed of the possible loss. 6/14/00 AP May 31, 2000 Los Alamos lab director John Browne first learns of the missing hard drives and the next day informs Energy Department officials in Washington. 6/14/00 AP June 1-2, 2000 Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, the DOE's top security official, and Edward Curran, chief of counterintelligence, are informed of the loss and meet with the FBI. 6/14/00 AP June 4, 2000 A team of 22 FBI agents and a dozen DOE investigators, led by Habiger, descend on Los Alamos and begin investigation, interviewing those with access to the vault and continuing the search. 6/14/00 AP June 12, 2000 The Los Alamos laboratory announces in a news release that two top-secret hard drives containing nuclear data had been found missing. 6/14/00 AP June 13, 2000 Six laboratory managers, including the head of the nuclear weapons programs, are put on paid leave, pending the investigations. Richardson complains about not being informed about the loss for nearly three weeks and promises disciplinary action. 6/14/00 AP June 14, 2000 Congressional intelligence and armed services committees begin hearings into the security breakdown. At Los Alamos, FBI and DOE officials begin plans to give polygraph tests to scientists who had access to the vault. 6/14/00 AP |
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