To: Thomas M. who wrote (1704) | 9/1/2002 10:57:10 AM | From: goldsnow | | | On the issue of Jews being barred from the Wailing Wall, that was indeed an injustice. But, given the hostile manner in which the Zionists treated the indigenous Moslems, it is understandable>>>
I think that Israelis have little problem with Jordanians even now, after they terminated Jordanian rule in Jerusalem...
On May 28, 1948 the Arab Legion completed the capture of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, the site of numerous ancient synagogues and the Western Wall of the Temple, destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 AD. These were and remain the holiest sites in the Jewish religion.
After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues (the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum. Appeals were made to the United Nations and in the international community to declare the Old City to be an 'open city' and stop this destruction, but there was no response. This condition continued until Jordan lost control of Jerusalem in June 1967.
The Jordanian "occupation" of the West Bank was very abusive of the rights of Jews and Christians, or any resident of Israel. Jewish and Moslem residents of Israel were not permitted to visit their Holy Places in East Jerusalem. Christians, too, were discriminated against. In 1958, Jordanian legislation required all members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre to adopt Jordanian citizenship. In 1965, Christian institutions were forbidden to acquire any land or rights in or near Jerusalem. In 1966, Christian schools were compelled to close on Fridays instead of Sundays, customs privileges of Christian religious institutions were abolished. Jerusalem was bisected by barbed wire, concrete barriers and walls. On a number of occasions Jordanian soldiers opened fire on Jewish Jerusalem. In May 1967, the Temple Mount became a military base for the Jordanian National Guard.
During the Jordanian occupation of Hebron from 1948 to 1967, Jews were not permitted to live in the city, nor -- despite the term of the 1948 Armistice Agreement -- to visit or pray at the Jewish holy sites in the city. Additionally, the Jordanian authorities and local residents undertook a systematic campaign to eliminate any evidence of the Jewish presence in the city. They razed the Jewish Quarter, desecrated the Jewish cemetery and built an animal pen on the ruins of the Avraham Avinu synagogue
Although there were numerous discussions of this issue, and Israeli complaints, the Jordanians refused to honor the agreement, and the UN did not pass any resolutions against this treatment of Jewish religious institutions |
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To: GUSTAVE JAEGER who wrote (1741) | 9/1/2002 11:07:55 AM | From: epsteinbd | | | May Allahiah read your message and in his infinite wisdom inbliment the beace brocess, (but with Bush, that is!) But why the f..k did He wait so long ?
BTW you never thanked the USA for saving your parents ass during WWII.
Now if you could link us to pictures that show the Israelis "non fortified silos" as compared to Iranian "fortifies silos"... I could start to give it some reality. |
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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1747) | 9/1/2002 12:36:55 PM | From: goldsnow | | | Palestinians? You mean Jordanians of course, right?
PS I suppose if Jordan would assume responsibility for their former citizens...Israel surely would not, so UN Resolution is a Mute Point, would'nt you agree....I know that you are aware: (not in dispute) Jordan lost 1948 war, not won..And subsequently Jordan has relinquished all rights to Jerusalem and West entire thing is subject to negotiation,,,or another War
PSS Why Israel did not have right to recapture Jewish Quater of Jerusalem, and Jordanians did have right to destroy Jewish Places (one more time, please) ?-Cause it was undertandable? |
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To: goldsnow who wrote (1748) | 9/1/2002 12:47:00 PM | From: Thomas M. | | | Palestinians? You mean Jordanians of course, right?
Holocaust? What Holocaust?
And subsequently Jordan has relinquished all rights to Jerusalem and West Bank...
You didn't complete this sentence. Jordan relinquished the rights of Palestine to the Palestinians.
Tom |
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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749) | 9/1/2002 12:49:58 PM | From: goldsnow | | | You didn't complete this sentence. Jordan relinquished the rights of Palestine to the Palestinians.>>
With one small detail...They forgot to secure Israel's national interests..Sort of like Kurds State but never mind Turkey
Or Albanian State in Macedonia |
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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749) | 9/1/2002 12:53:02 PM | From: goldsnow | | | Germans have the right to claim lost territories (Chech Republic, Poland)..Just because they were driven-out in 1944?
At the close of World War II, Poland lost territory in the East to the Soviet Union, while gaining territory at its western edge at the expense of defeated Germany--thus acquiring a larger German minority. Unfortunately, it was soon after this that the Polish government decided to aim for ethnic homogeneity, beginning an unofficial campaign to oust or assimilate all minorities. From 1945 to 1949, about 3.2 million Germans left Poland (Sword 240). By about 1950, there were still Germans in Poland, but they had become an "invisible minority"--the government simply refused to acknowledge their existence. Indeed, some were actually still in labor camps. The German population suffered severe restrictions on their rights, and until 1950, did not even have official identity documents. In 1950, Poland signed the Zgorzelec or Görlitz Agreement with |
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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749) | 9/1/2002 12:59:40 PM | From: goldsnow | | | Aside from Pomerianians and ethnic cleansing of Baltic Germans and Prussians in Poland, there was also Ethinc cleansing in then Czechoslovakia (Now Czech Republic) and other areas of Eastern Europe. ( I imagine the german popualtion of East Prussia that became part of what is now Russian Federation territory also experienced Ethnic Cleansing. However as the German populations of Eastern Europe were open and active sympathizers with the NAZI regime it is not suprising there was not alot of sympathy for their plight at the time |
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To: Thomas M. who wrote (1749) | 9/1/2002 1:09:06 PM | From: goldsnow | | | If Palestinians would recognise Israel's national interests (like Jordanians have) I suppose that would be the end of the conflict...If Palestinians are going to insist on All or Nothing deal..or dictate the terms of the deal than War is reasonable solution at some point and not really avoidable...Not sure why borders would need to be exactly the same as before 1967....Surely if Arabs were to win, they would not voluntarily return to 1967 borders, would they? |
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