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   Biotech / MedicalGMED - GenoMed Inc.

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From: jmhollen9/22/2005 6:57:10 PM
   of 347
News Suppressed that 90% of Kidney Dialysis Is Preventable

David W. Moskowitz MD
CEO, GenoMed
tel. 314.983.9933

ST. LOUIS--September 22, 2005--GenoMed (OTC Pink Sheets GMED), a Next Generation Disease Management company whose business is public health, charged today that news of its ability to prevent up to 90% of chronic kidney disease has been suppressed for the past three years.

Three years ago, GenoMed published a peer-reviewed medical article showing how chronic kidney disease due to diabetes and high blood pressure can be prevented. Diabetes and high blood pressure account for 90% of kidney dialysis patients in the United States. Medicare currently spends about $25 billion annually on kidney failure, in the form of dialysis and kidney transplantation.

Prevention is not possible once a patient is on dialysis. There is a narrow window of opportunity when prevention is still possible: before the patient has lost more than half of their kidney function, that is, when their serum creatinine is still less than 2. Patients are still being seen by their primary care providers at this point, and haven't yet been referred to kidney doctors. So education of patients and their primary care providers--general internists and family practitioners--is key.

Reporters required independent confirmation of GenoMed's claims, evidently being unwilling or unable to evaluate the scientific paper for themselves. Yet none of the professional kidney associations has been willing to endorse or attempt to replicate this treatment. Not the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS), who were briefed on this treatment a year ago, not the National Institute for Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), an Institute within the National Institutes of Health, not the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, not the National Kidney Foundation, nor the American Society of Nephrology, the International Society of Nephrology, the American Kidney Fund, the American Association of Kidney Patients, the numerous regional ESRD Networks which manage dialysis facilities, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the American Medical Association, nor the National Medical Association. Since dialysis primarily affects people of color, the NMA's silence has been particularly hurtful. Nor has the Society of Transplant Surgeons spoken up, although there is a chronic kidney shortage in the U.S., and preventing the need for kidney transplants would certainly help.

Said Dr. David Moskowitz, GenoMed's CEO and Chief Medical Officer, "The American people saw unforgettably how federal, state, and local governments failed the people of New Orleans just three weeks ago. What the American people don't realize is how they've all been short-changed for the past three years. Minorities are much more affected by kidney failure than whites. There's a dialysis boom on Indian reservations."

Dr. Moskowitz continued, "By their silence, the organizations which the public relies on to protect their health have instead let them down, no doubt out of self-interest. Apparently the non-profit organizations have all learned the lesson of the March of Dimes, which, by defeating polio, lost its raison d'etre. Nephrologists and transplant surgeons have forgotten that the goal of every physician is to prevent disease and put themselves out of business."

About GenoMed

GenoMed discovers the genes that cause disease and uses this knowledge to improve patient outcomes. The company's primary commitment is to public health, which involves public education. In addition to having treatments for acute and chronic kidney failure, emphysema, and autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and alopecia, GenoMed has developed a broad-spectrum anti-viral approach that should work for avian influenza, and has already worked for West Nile virus. The Centers for Disease Control has similarly suppressed dissemination of GenoMed's treatment for West Nile virus encephalitis. GenoMed's anti-viral treatment was specifically mentioned in BioShield II, currently being debated in the US Senate (see Section 2151 of Senate bill S. 975). To enroll in GenoMed's free clinical trial for West Nile virus, which uses already existing, safe medication present in every drug store and hospital, just go to and click on the link for the West Nile virus trial.


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To: jmhollen who wrote (279)9/27/2005 8:20:12 AM
From: Tadsamillionaire
   of 347
Invasive Mosquito Species Found in Midwest

ST. LOUIS - A species of mosquito common in the eastern U.S. and capable of carrying the West Nile virus has made its way to the Midwest for the first time, a finding made by a college undergraduate, Washington University officials said Monday.Stephanie Gallitano, a Washington University junior chemistry major from Chicago, was studying the egg-laying habits of mosquitoes native to Missouri this summer at the Tyson Research Center in Eureka, Mo. She took eggs to a lab and some developed into a type of insect she didn't recognize.

"Under the microscope, they looked completely different than anything I'd ever seen before," Gallitano said. "It had different proportions for its body. I looked through all of the books and could find nothing like it."

It turned out to be an invasive Asian mosquito known as Ochlerotatus japonicus, and marked the farthest west the species has been seen in the central United States, according to the Chevy Chase, Md.-based Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Gallitano's field work was part of an HHMI summer research project.

Jonathan Chase, associate professor of biology at Washington University, said the potential impact on humans is not yet known. He noted that the mosquito is a forest species "and we know little about its ecology or feeding preferences."

Wild populations have tested positive for West Nile, he said. "But has this mosquito ever transmitted it to a human? That we don't know."

West Nile virus spreads when mosquitoes feed on infected birds. The insects can then transmit the virus to humans.

In Illinois so far this year, 172 cases of West Nile disease has been reported, resulting in three deaths, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. The fatalities were an 85-year-old Lake County man and two 92-year-old Cook County women.

This year's cases nearly have more than doubled last year's total of 60, but health officials said increased spraying and monitoring have prevented a repeat of 2002, when Illinois led the nation in cases. That year, the virus infected 884 people in Illinois and killed 67.

Most people who are infected develop no symptoms or become only mildly ill. Symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, skin rash and swollen lymph nodes.

Chase cautioned the finding presented no reason to panic. Researchers say they will investigate the ecology of the Ochlerotatus japonicus and its interactions with other mosquitoes.

Gallitano's mentor and postdoctoral fellow James Vonesh said it is likely the new breed is not only in Missouri but in Illinois and other Midwestern and prairie states. Washington state has reported the Asian mosquito, but otherwise, none have been seen east of Michigan.

The species was first documented in New York state and New Jersey in 1998. By 2003, it had been reported in at least 19 other eastern states.

The findings will be reported in the December issue of Journal of Vector Ecology. The journal agreed to announce the finding early because September is the peak month for West Nile virus in the mosquito population.

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To: BiotaBull who wrote (251)10/5/2005 7:02:47 AM
From: Tadsamillionaire
   of 347
Bush Considers Military Option Against Bird FLU

Posted by James Joyner
Outside The Beltway

President Bush says he can envision using the military to enforce a quarantine against the Asian bird FLU under some circumstances.


Bush proposes using military in bird FLU pandemic (Reuters)

President George W. Bush suggested using the military to contain any epidemic of avian inFLUenza on Tuesday, saying Congress needs to consider the possibility. He said the military, perhaps the National Guard, might be needed to enforce quarantines if the feared H5N1 bird FLU virus changes enough to cause widespread human infection.

"If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country? And how do you, then, enforce a quarantine?" Bush asked at a news conference. "It's one thing to shut down airplanes. It's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian FLU. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine?" Bush added.

"One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move. So that's why I put it on the table. I think it's an important debate for Congress to have."

Unless we're planning to declare war against the bird FLU, it's not really Congress' decision but the president's.

One could envision a scenario where the military was the only viable enforcement mechanism. Still, the continued faith in the military as a first resort mechanism for dealing with domestic crises is problematic. It is a defining element in the political culture of the undeveloped world and one I would not care to see institutionalized here.

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From: Tadsamillionaire10/7/2005 10:43:46 AM
   of 347
GENOMED INC 0.052 +15.56% Up on Avian flu?

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From: jmhollen10/13/2005 10:08:32 AM
   of 347
GenoMed Offers Trial for Influenza and Avian Influenza

Contact: David W. Moskowitz MD CEO, GenoMed tel. 314.983.9933

ST. LOUIS--October 13, 2005--GenoMed (OTC Pink Sheets GMED), a Next Generation Disease Management company whose business is public health, announced today that it has begun Internet-based clinical trials for influenza and avian influenza, since the same treatment approach is expected to work for both kinds of virus.

There is currently no reliable vaccine or treatment for avian influenza. There are antiviral drugs and a vaccine for regular influenza, but they're far from perfect. The yearly influenza vaccine was recently reported to work in only a third of patients.

GenoMed's treatment has been 80% effective in a limited number of patients with West Nile virus encephalitis since 2003. The company is now ready to test it in viral pneumonias.

Any one interested in signing up for GenoMed's clinical trial just needs to go to GenoMed's website (, and then click on "Company News" followed by "Investor Relations/Press Releases" followed by "Presentations" (in the upper right-hand corner). The trial documents are self-explanatory.

About GenoMed

GenoMed's broad-spectrum anti-viral approach was specifically mentioned in BioShield II, recently introduced in the US Senate (see Section 2151 of Senate bill S. 975).


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To: jmhollen who wrote (283)10/13/2005 11:25:53 AM
From: Tadsamillionaire
   of 347
Deadly Asian bird flu reaches fringes of Europe
Reuters - 2 hours, 36 minutes ago
BRUSSELS - A strain of bird flu that can be deadly for humans has spread from Asia to the fringes of Europe, the European Commission said on Thursday, warning countries to prepare for a potential pandemic. EU Health and Consumer Protection chief Markos Kyprianou said a strain of bird flu found in Turkey had been identified as the same H5N1 virus that killed more than 60 people in Asia since 2003 and forced the slaughter of millions of birds.

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From: Tadsamillionaire10/18/2005 3:20:10 PM
   of 347
GMED mentioned with the big boys,

>>The technology for producing a vaccine exists, but manufacturers will probably have to wait until the exact pandemic strain is known before they can build a vaccine to fight it. Currently, a few companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Chiron, Sanofi Pasteur and GenoMed are working on it, but it will take up to six months for a vaccine to be produced in great volume. Even then, it will be just a fraction of the amount needed globally.<<

Production of vaccine in bulk may take 6 mths

NRI Special Offer!
MUMBAI: As the threat of bird flu hovers over India, it is apparent that some drastic action is needed as the flu vaccine is falling appallingly short. What complicates the situation is that the next pandemic may be caused by a new strain of the influenza virus. The 60 deaths that have been reported so far are those that have been due to the H5N1 strain that causes avian influenza. At present, there is no specific vaccine to prevent avian influenza in human beings.

The technology for producing a vaccine exists, but manufacturers will probably have to wait until the exact pandemic strain is known before they can build a vaccine to fight it. Currently, a few companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Chiron, Sanofi Pasteur and GenoMed are working on it, but it will take up to six months for a vaccine to be produced in great volume. Even then, it will be just a fraction of the amount needed globally.

Oseltamivir, sold by global pharma major Roche under the brand name Tamiflu, is the most effective drug for the prevention and treatment of human influenza. This drug is not available in the country, though sources say that the company plans to launch the product in India shortly.

One of the early measures many governments are adopting to check the spread of the virus is surveillance of poultry and migratory birds. The department of animal husbandry claims that it has been conducting surveillance checks for the last four years, not only on domestic birds but also on the migratory birds.

Poultry sales have so far not been affected. A distributor for a leading poultry firm told ET that chicken sales have not shown any signs of falling. “No evidence of avian influenza has been found in poultry or migratory birds,” said Santanu Kumar Bandyopadhyay, commissioner, animal husbandry department.


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To: Tadsamillionaire who wrote (285)10/22/2005 4:05:18 AM
From: jmhollen
   of 347
I wish the folks at GMED and the folks at NNVC would get together and chat.

I'm seeing some valuable synergies here.

John :-)


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From: jmhollen10/25/2005 11:04:55 AM
   of 347
GenoMed CEO Honored for Innovation in Healthcare by St. Louis Business Journal

Contact: David W. Moskowitz MD CEO, GenoMed tel. 314.983.9933

ST. LOUIS--October 25, 2005--GenoMed (OTC Pink Sheets GMED), a Next Generation Disease Management company whose business is public health, announced today that its CEO, David W. Moskowitz MD, has been nominated as a finalist in the 2005 Health Care Heroes sponsored by the St. Louis Business Journal.

Now in its second year, the Health Care Heroes of St. Louis is an annual celebration organized by the St. Louis Business Journal to tell the stories of those who have benefited from the innovation and dedication of heroes in the health care profession. The event will be held November 10, 2005 in St. Louis (

GenoMed currently earns revenues from its published protocols to reverse chronic kidney failure due to diabetes or high blood pressure, and delay progression of emphysema. These diseases affect 90 million Americans. The Company is currently conducting free trials for many additional diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, most cancers, and viral diseases including West Nile virus encephalitis, regular influenza, and avian influenza.

Any one interested in signing up for GenoMed's trial just needs to go to GenoMed's website (, and follow the links for the "Flu trial." The trial documents are self-explanatory.

About GenoMed

GenoMed's broad-spectrum anti-viral approach was specifically mentioned in BioShield II, recently introduced in the US Senate (see Section 2151 of Senate bill S. 975).

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From: jmhollen11/14/2005 2:02:26 PM
   of 347
"Cytokine Storm" Paper Confirms GenoMed's Approach to Avian Flu

Contact: David W. Moskowitz MD CEO, GenoMed tel. 314.983.9933

ST. LOUIS—November 14, 2005--GenoMed (OTC Pink Sheets GMED), a Next Generation Disease Management company whose business is public health, announced today that its approach to avian influenza was confirmed last week by a Hong Kong research group who found that the avian influenza virus induces a "cytokine storm" in human lung cells grown in tissue culture.

Dr. J.S.M. Peiris and colleagues published last week in Respiratory Research that avian influenza (H5N1) viruses isolated from dead patients cause lung cells to produce many more pro-inflammatory molecules, called "cytokines," than regular influenza A viral strains. This research confirms GenoMed's hypothesis that the host's immune response to the virus is what causes death, not the replication of the virus itself.

About GenoMed

GenoMed's broad-spectrum anti-viral approach is specifically mentioned in BioShield II, (see Section 2151 of Senate bill S. 975). GenoMed uses already existing, safe medication present in every drug store and hospital in the world. GenoMed is now charging a one-time license fee of US $10 to access its treatment approach, which is patent-pending globally. Please see for details.


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