To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (69516) | 12/13/2010 3:44:19 PM | From: Maurice Winn | | | Like Tibetans: <China only wants now to aggregate Chinese..> and Uighurs, and Taiwanese and a great variety of others of dubious similarity.
What is your definition of "Chinese"?
Do they have a mark on their forehead or something?
What does "aggregate" mean? In concrete, the aggregate is little stones of all sorts of sizes which are mixed into the slurry and poured into shape and then frozen forever into a solid unimaginative matrix.
It looks as though the Beijing megalomaniacs want to force billions of people [so far over 1 billion] into obedience to the kleptocratic masters.
Mqurice |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (69516) | 12/13/2010 3:46:04 PM | From: Hawkmoon | | | China only wants now to aggregate Chinese..
IMO, I believe Bejing wants to aggregate resources, no matter which ethnicity currently controls them.
I also believe they still want to possess "buffer states" on their borders in order to control the influence of political ideas and economic ideals.
But the internet and other sources of information are flanking their best efforts to preserve this agenda.
I look at how foolishly China has responded to the Nobel Prize fiasco. Their decision to jail Liu Xiaobo to 11 years clinched his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize:
Not only do they arbitrarily place Liu Xiaobo's wife under house arrest so she couldn't travel to accept the award on her husband's behalf. Then they call western media "clowns" for covering the story.
Instead, they create their own Peace prize.. Shades of Adolf Hitler, who did the very same thing.
I fear that Bejing is losing control and making very poor political decisions. They know they are on the wrong side of global opinion, but instead of conceding this, they are "doubling down" and making the situation political worse for themselves.
Hawk |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (2) |
To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (69519) | 12/13/2010 3:48:12 PM | From: Hawkmoon | | | No US experimentation ?
I didn't say that. What I was pointing out is what you also state.. Every gov't is complicit in human experimentation in one form or another, including Bejing.
TJ tried to assert that there would be riots in China were it discovered Bejing was engaged in human experimentation. I merely pointed out the long history of that communist gov't involvement in such activities.
Hawk |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (3) |
To: Cogito Ergo Sum who wrote (69519) | 12/13/2010 3:58:39 PM | From: Hawkmoon | | | TBS, permit me to rant a bit here..
Just got off the phone with our lawyers.. My father died of Mesothelioma last year. As most know from all the TV ads, Meso is only caused by exposure to Asbestos.
Now.. it appears that some judge in California has ruled that original equipment manufacturers, who's equipment originally came with parts (packings, linings, gaskets.. etc) containing asbestos, are not held liable when replacement parts containing asbestos are utilized.
For example, let's say there's a pump manufacturer and their pump used asbestos laden packings. If those packings are replaced, they claim that their liability no longer exists because their pump is not what caused release of asbestos (resulting in Mesothelioma). So they're now off the hook.
Of course, there's the argument that they designed that pump to utilize asbestos packings and that was the specification. They did not provide any subsequent specification guidance that would permit a non-asbestos packing to be utilized.
So.. any lawyers out there who can argue that the pump manufacturer isn't still liable for that asbestos exposure, given that they never altered their spec sheets to utilize non-asbestos parts?
This is another case that is coming before the Cali Supreme Court.
O Neil v. Crane Co.
Just madness!!
And that's my rant for the day.. Hawk |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (2) |
To: Hawkmoon who wrote (69521) | 12/13/2010 4:05:35 PM | From: Cogito Ergo Sum | | | I think the Chinese reaction to Liu Xiaobo is par for he course... not saying right..
There are different stages of development..
The West expects the emerging countries to do what they did in a small fraction of the time it took them.. and think of the populations involved...
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: Hawkmoon who wrote (69518) | 12/13/2010 4:06:02 PM | From: Maurice Winn | | | Whoa! The ilk word. TJ is now reduced to an ilk. The i word is taking over from the n word and the r word. Is he really down to being an ilk? There are lots of ilks around these days. I have been ilked. The challenge is to swap the letters around from ilked to liked. It's also good to avoid getting an m or b in front of it.
It's so nice to have TJ on-site here so we can see the psychology of those living in the Chinese aggregate. Even better, he demonstrates the official HQ thinking so we don't need Wikileaks to know what the Politburo in Beijing is thinking.
JT's theme is fear and flight. Scuba gear in place, gold stashes buried, passports up to date. He and his father and grandfather survived a century and more of carnage in China. Young TJ witnessed up close and personal the desperate need for nausages and coping with danger and deprivation resulting from Mao's mantra. I have considerable sympathy for his fears.
Like his grandfather, he was educated in the Free World which enables him to profit from the Chinese aggregate.
Meanwhile, the first decade of the 21st century has finished and it was a lot of fun. The second decade should be at least as good. Never a dull moment. Do you have any predictions?
Mqurice |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (1) |
To: Hawkmoon who wrote (69523) | 12/13/2010 4:10:45 PM | From: Cogito Ergo Sum | | | I truly sympathize.. I know you've had a tough go on that.. Here in TO 2 shooters were just acquitted for the fatal shooting of an 11 year old boy at a party.. not premeditated... but WTF... acquitted ??.. There is a severe justice problem.. Best might be somewhere between our western systems and Sharia... a long way to go for both to hit the fair middle...
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last Read |
To: Maurice Winn who wrote (69526) | 12/13/2010 4:14:14 PM | From: Hawkmoon | | | Whoa! The ilk word. TJ is now reduced to an ilk.
Guess I could just call him "Fascist/Elitist".. :0)
JT's theme is fear and flight.
I concur.. and eventually he's going to find he has no place to flee to, if such flight remains available to him.
That's been my point regarding the HK/Bejing relationship. My view is that Bejing will clamp down on HK the minute it threatens their authority.
And since Capitalism requires dilution of Governmental power and free movement of labor, capital, and profits, eventually the cultures in HK and Bejing are going to clash.
Hawk |
| 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum | Stock Discussion ForumsShare | RecommendKeepReplyMark as Last ReadRead Replies (4) |
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