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To: jlallen who wrote (150756)11/3/2004 1:45:04 AM
From: Keith Feral
   of 281500
OHIO, Iowa, and New Mexico should all go with Bush. I can not believe how much the polls misled people to think that Kerry could pass himself off as a leader to the Midwest and Southeast. This race only looks close at the end. This election was over at about 9 pm if they would have made the appropriate forecasts. That doesn't sell broadcasting time, so I will give them a break. Guess I might turn on the tube to listen to Bush's acceptance speech. Then again...<g>

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To: FaultLine who wrote (150289)11/3/2004 3:41:47 AM
From: LindyBill
   of 281500
Hi, FL. I guess Kerry didn't take the Indians to lunch! :>)

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From: cnyndwllr11/3/2004 4:08:47 AM
   of 281500
Let me be one of the first to congratulate those of you who were supporting the Bush ticket. Many of us are disappointed although not surprised. It was a tough election fought very well by the Bush/Cheney election team and clearly won in the hearts and minds of a slim majority of Americans.

I doubt that this Bush win will change any minds among those of us who strongly oppose the ideology and/or the policies of the Bush Administration. I imagine that the battle lines will remain locked and that we are in for another four turbulent years. I hope the chickens that Bush hatched don't come home to roost but I'm not hopeful.

I do believe that the true conservatives who think with their minds and not their "guts," will join with moderates to rein in faith-based, neocon, magical thinkers.

Let the struggle continue.

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To: cnyndwllr who wrote (150760)11/3/2004 4:29:33 AM
From: redfish
   of 281500
Look at the bright side, only four more years until the next election.

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To: Sun Tzu who wrote (150691)11/3/2004 4:46:04 AM
From: Neocon
   of 281500
I see. Darned cheeky fellows, we.....<g>........

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To: Neocon who wrote (150688)11/3/2004 4:48:24 AM
From: Neocon
   of 281500
He had it for Kerry at 5pm EST. Big burn for Zogby.........well, looking good, as of now.......

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To: Win Smith who wrote (150698)11/3/2004 4:52:17 AM
From: Neocon
   of 281500
I would think it doesn't matter, but I guess I understand your sensitivity. We are all wound a little tight, until we see how things come out. Peace.

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To: cnyndwllr who wrote (150760)11/3/2004 7:11:50 AM
From: jlallen
   of 281500
Very gracious post indeed......

Kerry certainly made it interestng....

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To: Neocon who wrote (150763)11/3/2004 7:12:57 AM
From: jlallen
   of 281500
Although things are still up in the does not have that feeling of chaos and anarchy that was evident last time around....

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To: jlallen who wrote (150766)11/3/2004 7:25:32 AM
From: Keith Feral
   of 281500
Bush has leads in all 3 states - NM, IA, and OH. He has a 2 point lead over Gore(I mean Kerry) in Ohio with a 140,000 vote lead. This is not contestable. Are the Democrats going to ingore the irrefutable facts and tie this thing up in court again? If they do, they will not have a shot at the Presidency for a very long time.

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