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To: Gersh Avery who started this subject8/30/2002 11:39:07 AM
From: Thomas M.
   of 6945
Quranic injunction - "Lakum deen o kum, waaley ya din."

Translation - "My religion is mine, yours is yours."

<<< To be a foreigner in the Abbasid court was not really a drawback since the culture encouraged diversity and rewarded people for speaking many langages and bringing the richness of their own backgrounds. In fact, during the AD, scholars, artists, poets,and litterateurs came from a variety of ethnic backgrounds (speaking Aramaic, Arabic, Persian and Turkish), colors (white black and mulatto), and creeds (Muslim, Christian, Jew, Sabian and Magian). It was this cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism of Baghdad that made for its enduring strength as a great center of culture.

To think that the discourse of 20th century "western" secular multiculturalism has at least some of its roots in the 7th and 8th century Islamic empires of the Ommayyid and Abbasid dynasties is indeed a sobering thought. >>>

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To: epsteinbd who wrote (2127)8/30/2002 12:46:43 PM
From: pie-faced-mutt
   of 6945
Do you think that mighty Isra-El is threatened with extinction due to suicide bombings?

Humanitarians, you are looking for humanitarians?

Well, ask your Zionist friends, who behind a cloak of religion do what others are condemned for, such as colonizing other's land based on Bible stories inspite of the fact that the majority of those who profess G-d's promises ignore the Commandments.

It is a land acquisition game, a very inhumane policy.

If it were your land, and your honor, it would be a different story, wouldn't it?

BTW, the Beaujolais must be lost in transit.


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To: Thomas M. who wrote (2128)8/30/2002 12:58:50 PM
From: pie-faced-mutt
   of 6945
Bizarre, but if the Advertising agencies in New York can work that idea into the American consciousness, through television and radio programs, they could get people to believe it. DO you think this website is one of those New York opuses?

In the past 6 months I have reestablished contact with two families who have returned to the United States, from Isra-El, finding Isra-El too dangerous and the policies of the colonial administration there to be destructive.

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To: pie-faced-mutt who wrote (2133)8/30/2002 1:10:24 PM
From: Thomas M.
   of 6945
You mean they risked the daily oppression and discrimination of Manhattan and West Palm Beach? -g- I hope they speak out publicly about their views, though that is not an easy thing to do. If not in public, at least in private with pro-Zionist Jewish friends.

Here's some irony (or, put another way, blatant lies):

<<< Gamla receives tax-deductible contributions from Americans through a New York-based charity called PEF Israel Endowment Funds ( which states that its was established in 1922 by Justice Louis Brandeis and Rabbi Stephen Wise. Among its stated purposes is "promoting greater tolerance and understanding between religious and secular communities and between Arabs and Jews." Under this liberal guise, the organization appears to be channeling funds to a group advocating the total destruction of a nation -- in other words, genocide. >>>

The Growing Clamor For Ethnic Cleansing

by Ali Abunimah


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To: Thomas M. who wrote (2134)8/30/2002 1:23:53 PM
From: pie-faced-mutt
   of 6945
That is what I was referring to in my previous message.

Joseph Goebbels would be proud of these Zionists, carrying forward all that he set down in the 1940s in Germany.


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To: GUSTAVE JAEGER who wrote (2114)8/31/2002 4:51:55 PM
From: Machaon
   of 6945
<< It's all becoming so confusing... >>

You poor thing. I can see that you are very confused. I wonder if it is caused by a generic abnormality?

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To: GUSTAVE JAEGER who wrote (2114)8/31/2002 5:19:54 PM
From: Machaon
   of 6945
<< Those Judeofascist Israelis should recall that reverse blacklisting of non-Jews might lead to reverse deportation ... >>

Childish names won't disguise the fact that the Palestinians had the fastest growing economy under Israel's occupation, until the thugs of Arafat and Hamas wanted total control.

I wonder what you, and the other Hamas shills have to gain by stirring up hatred between Arabs, Christians and Jews.

You say that you are confused. I think not. The power struggle between Arafat's thugs, the Hamas thugs and the Palestinian people has resulted in billions of dollars being put into these Palestinian despot's private bank accounts, while the Palestinian people go hungry.

But, you are happy as long as you can keep the hatred going. Why? I don't know. The end result is misery for Israel and misery for Israel.

Someone is getting rich off of the misery in the Middle East. You are loving it. I wonder why?

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To: pie-faced-mutt who wrote (2132)8/31/2002 7:59:36 PM
From: epsteinbd
   of 6945
Len, my "Zionists friends" as you say have been sitting with the elected PA for weeks talking territories and rights. The most important man in the world was their moderator, very willing at that, and a honest man, Clinton. Where did it all lead ? Almost everything was settled, missing were the signatures, the roses and a bit of land arrangement hardly bigger that Bushie's ranch, which, by Texan standards is the poor guy's lot.

The PA had nothing to offer, no map, no nothing, no pen.
Barak came back and said "I failed", Arafat came back hand hailed in victory and said "I won. JIHAD INTIFADAH, the Arab woman's womb is my best weapon!"

And two thousand deaths later we still have Irak, Iran, Syria, Lebanon (if it still exists) and Saudia pushing for more blood because the intifada has achieved a great success:
One Israeli for three Palestinians! (It used to be I to IOO, in wars.

Times were never so good for them Arabs, victory so sweet, so easy, so cheap. Full takeover around the corner, they just need to teach them intifadis to make better bombs, blow up more scientifically, be more careful, disguise better etc.

It is not a problem of land acquisition. Egypt can give the PA thousands of empty square miles of the Sinai without even noticing it isn't Egyptian any more. But they won't. Strange isn't it? They said they were fighting for the Pals future, that it is for them Pals, to free them, that they bought a hundred billion $ worth or military equipment over the years.

So why doesn't mister Mubarrak grand them some chunk of land, together with half a dozen operating desalinisation plants ?
After all it will cost him less than a dozen F 16 or Mig equivalents, and he has hundreds of them...

Convince him of that, and you'll get Beaujolais full your swimming pool, and these lands will deliver honey milk and dates...

Now as far as "my Zionists friends, cloak of religion professing of god's etc", please take note that they are not my friends. As it happens, I have never been into one of their temples... because I just can't figure out what people may be doing inside. Finally, what could I possible do in a place where women are set aside from me ???

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To: epsteinbd who wrote (2138)8/31/2002 9:15:14 PM
From: Thomas M.
   of 6945
Almost everything was settled, missing were the signatures, the roses and a bit of land arrangement hardly bigger that Bushie's ranch, which, by Texan standards is the poor guy's lot.

And then Barak broke off the talks. Perhaps he feared being assassinated by a Jewish extremist if he agreed to a deal with Arafat.


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To: Thomas M. who wrote (2139)8/31/2002 9:26:04 PM
From: epsteinbd
   of 6945
Barak afraid ? I have reasons to believe he has much more courage than you. Let's see how much info you DARED put in your profile...

No name, no location... Basket ball(s)

I am very impressed.

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