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To: rdkflorida2 who wrote (209859)1/3/2021 6:36:54 PM
From: robert b furman
   of 209892
Hi Rd,

Tried to get is straightened out will do. Thanks.

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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/3/2021 6:39:19 PM
From: robert b furman
3 Recommendations   of 209892
Hope I finally got it right!

Hi Henry,

You have always been such a solid teacher of your methods.

They have truly been educational and more importantly inspirational.

As the pages of my Frost and Prechtor, and Edwards and Magee books continually get more highlights and paper clips on my copies, I attribute my owning of them, the result of your wise council and advice.

My account has surely grown to new lofty levels, a biproduct of your teachings and example. Thank You!

Your teachings and inspirational guidance was always been sincere, non-egotistical, and an honest based advice without talking your book.

I have treasured your shared thoughts for many years.

I don't think I would ever be ready for this day, and have feared its coming.

Please know you will always be a great man to me!

I only hope in my personal development, now my mid to later years, that I could only be half as inspirational to those younger investors here in SI as you have been to me.

We who seek to invest wisely and enjoy the greater things of our capitalist system, will do well to emulate the example you have provided to us.

I wish you the greatest of peace and satisfaction in your last years, knowing that you have left a trail of wiser investors behind you, with your earnest teachings and contributions.

I will surely miss your posts, but can only be appreciative for having benefitted from so many over the last 20 some years I've known you.

"Thank You" seems so insufficient for that which you have done for me personally, It is said with love and complete admiration!

Wishing you good health and and an eloquently longer life, as I know you will be surrounded by your loving family.


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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/3/2021 10:26:13 PM
From: Investor2
   of 209892
We'll miss you!! Please stop by to visit from time to time! :)

Best wishes,


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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/4/2021 10:49:52 AM
From: Jack of All Trades
   of 209892
Enjoy what you have while you still have it, thanks for all your wisdom over the years, it was great to meet you in person.


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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/13/2021 10:06:07 AM
From: skinowski
5 Recommendations   of 209892
Henry — you have impacted many people's lives, and I’m one of them. Thank you for your friendship and for the lessons learned from you. For years now, every time I think of catching a top - or a bottom - I hear your voice... :)

All the best to you. Enjoy your family, as I know you will.

Helen sends her best


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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/18/2021 3:49:12 PM
From: da_spot
2 Recommendations   of 209892
Dear Henry,

I add my voice to those who thank you for your wisdom and guidance.

I will miss your charting; you have such a gift of turning something complex into something elegantly simple to understand. We were truly blessed to have had your guidance on SI for so long!

Enjoy your wonderful time with the family and please do still drop by from time to time.

Pleased on my departure to note that my portfolio has just reached new record highs for the past year and decade or so.....,beating the market by far.

With much respect,


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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)1/31/2021 4:52:28 PM
From: 16yearcycle
1 Recommendation   of 209892
Best wishes Henry! Thank you for all you have done and shared here. I will miss reading your posts and I wish you great happiness!

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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209855)2/15/2021 10:38:40 PM
From: y2kate
7 Recommendations   of 209892
Dearest Henry!

I haven’t been on SI much, so I just noticed, with some dismay, this farewell post which you happened to write on my birthday. I’m so sorry that I lost track of the community here on SI, especially your good self, but life took me on a different path these past few years. I am back now with bells on and determined to put my many humbling lessons in the market to good use going forward.

I will always consider you one of my mentors. I read Edwards and McGee upon your recommendation. And thanks to you I have held AAPL, often relying on your calm, reasoned analysis through the many peaks and valleys.

Besides brilliant TA, your posts have always exuded kindness, decency, gentility, wit, and a great sense of fun. I’ve enjoyed knowing you in this virtual forum. Would have been nice to know you in ”real life” too- whatever that is!

If you reconsider, and decide to drop by from time to time, I have no doubt you will delight your many friends and admirers here. Until then, ciao, arrivaderci, dear sir. Every time I calculate a measured move I will think of you.

You are a treasure. Praying for your happiness and continued good health!!

Ciao, with love...


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To: y2kate who wrote (209867)2/17/2021 11:55:57 AM
From: Henry J Costanzo
3 Recommendations   of 209892
Carissima Katerina:

MANY thanks for your very VERY kind ...but undeserved...words...MUCH appreciated...

AUGURI ..... Enrico Giovanni.

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To: Henry J Costanzo who wrote (209868)2/17/2021 12:00:16 PM
From: rdkflorida2
1 Recommendation   of 209892
Good to hear from you Henry. Hope all is well. Take it easy on the Cannoli and Chianti. Stay well.

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