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   Non-TechCharles Schwab (SCH) -- A tech-stock profile?

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To: Green Receipt who wrote (1376)6/20/2008 4:17:52 PM
From: stock bull
   of 1390
Anyone left on this thread? Need help with a Schwab problem.

Schwab announced that they are going to discontinue the use of the Goldman Sacs AM/PM research report. The are switching over to the Credit Suisse report. The dropping of the Goldman report will be at the end of this month.

I am now receiving daily issues of the Credit Suisse report and found that they don't cover the hardware companies in the Tech Sector. Or, at least they don't cover the major companies.

I spoke to various Schwab representatives and they verified the problem. In fact, they were surprised that the tech's aren't being covered. They told me that the problem would be escalated for a resolution.

I think the clients of Schwab need to start calling in and requesting that the problem be fixed ASAP.

So, if anyone reads this message, please call Schwab and let them know your concern about this problem.

Stock Bull

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From: CitizenKane10/19/2016 12:27:18 PM
   of 1390
Charles Schwab is a good long term buy especially if there is a rise in interest rates.

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From: JakeStraw10/2/2018 9:18:37 AM
   of 1390
Charles Schwab Has a $3.6 Trillion Edge on the Fintechs
The 81-year-old discount-investing pioneer is taking on a new crop of rivals.

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From: JakeStraw10/12/2018 3:01:50 PM
   of 1390
Bill Nygren Comments on Schwab
Schwab (SCHW) is the largest discount brokerage firm in the United States with more than $3 trillion in client assets and 11 million active brokerage accounts. This size provides Schwab with meaningful scale advantages over its smaller competitors. As the largest discount brokerage firm, the company is able to offer lower prices and invest more in superior customer service and technology than its peers. Schwab management calls this its "no trade-offs" policy--i.e., investing to provide the best product at the lowest price, and these investments attract even more clients to Schwab's platform. As a result, Schwab has been able to grow its client assets at a double-digit rate in recent years, and given that the company still has less than 15% market share, we believe such growth should continue for the foreseeable future. The company also meaningfully benefits from rising interest rates, as the higher rates allow Schwab to reinvest its bank deposits at higher yields. We believe the combination of client asset growth and rising interest rates should drive substantial asset growth at Schwab in the coming years, and on our estimates, the company is currently valued at a discount to the overall S&P 500 P/E multiple. We believe this represents a bargain price for a well above average business.

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To: JakeStraw who wrote (1381)11/25/2019 11:10:25 AM
From: OldAIMGuy
   of 1390
Hi JS, Re: SCHW being largest discounter......

.....and now even bigger with AMTD being merged into it.


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From: OldAIMGuy5/13/2020 9:58:01 AM
   of 1390
On-Line Brokerage businesses have done well since C-19:

Their stocks haven't done as well.

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From: OldAIMGuy6/5/2020 9:14:28 AM
   of 1390
It's nice to hear that SCHW and AMTD merger/acquisition looks to be moving forward. I hold AMTD and won't mind the swap out for SCHW shares. Brokerages have offered excellent "trade around the core" type activity for me since the mid '90s. AMTD was my latest attempt, added to my portfolio in November, 2015.

Opportunistic trading has built portfolio value while the price ranged up and down since 2015.

Best wishes,

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To: stock bull who wrote (1378)8/20/2020 11:07:18 PM
From: Green Receipt
   of 1390
What do you think of the upcoming TD Ameritrade (formerly Scottrade) merger with Schwab?

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To: OldAIMGuy who wrote (1384)8/20/2020 11:09:08 PM
From: Green Receipt
   of 1390
I find Scottrade to be more useful then the TDAmeritrade functions. For Example with Scottrade, they kept track (online) of all my historical trades/dividends, etc. Now it only goes back a couple of years.

Schwab has a similar problem in that they only go back 10 years.

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From: OldAIMGuy1/18/2023 10:58:33 AM
   of 1390
SCHW being punished for not meeting "analysts" expectations. Earnings looked fine, just not what these other folks wanted.

Best wishes,

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