OK, here you confirm that Gates is behind the pandemic:
So Bill Gates is behind the whole fake pandemic? Imo bout 69% And he is trying to vaccinate everyone to kill off most of humanity. hmmm, lets say he's into pop control. Into vaccines ...Gate Foundation founded when?.....research Gates with HIV in Africa last 20-30yrs. Experimental?
And here you claim Trump probably knowingly takes part in the Gates plot but its okay cause he has a good excuse though you're not sure exactly what - concern for Ivanka or trust in scientists: Does Trump know this probably, okay, maybe and is he working to bring down Gates? aren't you? If he is, why has he urged people to get vaccinated? Ivanka? Trust in scientist's? Maybe Trump is working FOR Gates. $200 billion maybe, then there's family... next?
Here you confirm your belief that all your Trumpy pals share your views cause you're the superior elite or something:
Is Winnie, isopatch, fubho, broken cock, homey Bee, and golfer72 all aware of this? It would seem so based on their postings and recs. Amazing isn't it, how common sense has left Leftest )
Here you admit Trump is part of Gates evil plan but you support him anyway. I guess you Trumpers just can't live without him:
How do you people rationalize supporting Trump when he seems to be part of Gates evil plan? Well, he does have family to protect. Definitely consider! But all you have do is Look at Trumps involvement with politicians, Big business-Banks, entertainment. 24/7 trying to influence him. And the guy did more for US and World Peace than any politician (President) in history....So how's Barron doing? 2036? Ivanka's son 2044? |