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   Microcap & Penny StocksSIIS (Struthers Industries)

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To: R. Michael Boyter who wrote (669)1/12/1998 1:57:00 AM
From: gpphantom
   of 709

I agree, that's why I say that if that piece doesn't happen we could be looking good. The funding partner should get the 5.525MM post split (PS) shares that Struthers issued O'Keefe. The other Officers and Directors of Wincom got approx 147K PS shares and that leaves us with a little over 4.8MM PS shares in float. That's not alot.

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To: gpphantom who wrote (666)1/12/1998 12:12:00 PM
From: gpphantom
   of 709
Dissapointedly I have to say I was wrong. It doesn't bother me to admit I was wrong but I really did think Raoul was going to come through for us as I had outlined, I just gave Raoul too much credit.

Raoul, you've used my conjecture and other rumors about as reason for instability in the stock and have implied that negotiations have been negatively impacted as a result in your reply. Let me point out that my post was written after trading had been halted and that I did not name the funding partner. You have no one to blame but yourself for the rumors that persist. Accept that, take responsibility for the lack of available factual information. Even today we were looking for content in your news release and you've given us nothing, and have even backhandidly managed to hold us at fault.

Today's response was a dissapointment to me and I'm sure to the rest of the shareholders who were hoping for some factual information about their investment. Having never met or spoken with you since you haven't returned my calls, I don't know what to make of you, but I wish you luck over the next two weeks. As for the rumors, this is the last time I will be posting SIIS/Wincom subject material on SI.


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To: gpphantom who wrote (671)1/12/1998 6:31:00 PM
From: R. Michael Boyter
   of 709
Don't be too hard on yourself Phil,

Hey, this whole thing is messier than the NFC Championship game was
yesterday. For whatever reason, Raoul has strung this thing out beyond
anyone's comprehension. We now have the 23rd of January to maybe get some-
thing accomplished, while I am dissappointed, and I'm sure that I am
not the only one, but it's out of our control, If it doesn't happen,
the people who are beyond any doubt responsible, Raoul, and The Okeef's
will have to answer for their part in it. At that point I am sure it
will be a very entertaining Shareholders meeting. Just hang in there
2 more weeks, you don't have a choice anyway. If it happens, maybe
some of the good things we have been hoping for will materialize, if
not, while, we are allready there, so hopefully, things will improve.
Anyway it's not todays worry, so don't worry about it now. Hold on
a little bit longer, and get our and walk your dog, or do something you
enjoy, it will make you feel better.
Many people enjoyed your optomistic posts, please don't die on us yet,
after all, we are still kicking, and the Darkest Hour is Just Before
The Dawn! Michael

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To: R. Michael Boyter who wrote (672)1/12/1998 7:24:00 PM
From: gpphantom
   of 709

Thanks for the kind words. They are much appreciated.

Best regards, Phil

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To: gpphantom who wrote (673)1/13/1998 10:35:00 AM
From: Terry D. Voss
   of 709
Phil, I second Michael's words. You have no hand in the tragedy of this company and stock. As are many of us, you are an unwitting victim of the situation. Whether there are culpable folks in the company--well, only time will tell for sure. Hang in there with us.
At this point, we are all we have.

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To: Terry D. Voss who wrote (674)1/13/1998 11:41:00 AM
From: gpphantom
   of 709
Thanks Terry

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To: gpphantom who wrote (675)1/13/1998 5:49:00 PM
From: Gator
   of 709
Hey Phil,
Ignore all those kind words. We both know it's all your fault. We all know that when we run your name "PHIL HARVEY" through the Infotex encryption system, it comes out "RAOUL CARROLL". I also verified it using by son's Cap'n Crunch decoder ring, which has also received a C-2 rating from the NSA.

Kidding aside, speculation seems to be rising that Alliance Gaming Corp is the funding partner (ALLY), who also just happens to own portions of Bally. It remains to be seen if this is true, and if it is, what will it cost the current shareholders of SIIS?

Haven't posted in a while because I took my own advice for a change and sold Struthers last month for a tax loss, which will enable me to recoop a third of my loss, which makes it a little less painful. The stock would have to go up over a buck for me to gain that much money if I held on. Depending on what happens over the next couple of weeks, I may get back in after the 23rd, but not until I know for certain that everything is legit. If they can execute the business plan, this will be a good stock for a long time, so there will be plenty of opportunities to get in.

Anybody ever notice that no one has ever seen Rauol and RuPaul in the same room at the same time? Hmmm. Raoul, RuPaul, RaoulPaul? Could it be?


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To: Gator who wrote (676)1/14/1998 2:06:00 AM
From: Phyllisf
   of 709
I see I'm NOT the only one getting punch-silly!

Great Post Gator!

Hope to see you back in sometime soon - maybe after the 23rd????

Take Care...

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To: Phyllisf who wrote (677)1/25/1998 12:24:00 PM
From: R. Michael Boyter
   of 709
It this board dead or what? How about some input and insights from
all you folks out there!

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To: R. Michael Boyter who wrote (678)1/25/1998 2:41:00 PM
From: Phyllisf
   of 709

We're ALL over on the Yahoo Board.

I can't "link" you but...

Go to Yahoo Stock Quotes, Get SIIS, and then click on the "Messages" (on the far right side.) (Also, if you go back thru this board somebody did a link when we first moved over there.)

Come join us! Lot's of thoughts are awaiting you!!!!

HA! I just went back and looked! Post #636 will link you there! Funny part is, it was a message from Tahoeman to YOU!!!! (Were you just trying to stir something up over here???)

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