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   Technology StocksTSR, Inc. [TSRI] Good Earnings!

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To: Susan Saline who wrote (265)1/7/1999 11:34:00 AM
From: R Sandvig
   of 281
So Susan, did you buy any?

In response to your fears of tax loss selling, I have decided that the only thing that matters is the chart. All the guessing I have tried to do regarding tax loss, impeachment, Asia, Iraq, etc has just gotten me frustrated and usually been wrong.

Good investing! RS

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To: R Sandvig who wrote (267)1/7/1999 11:37:00 AM
From: Susan Saline
   of 281
rs ... wish I could say I did, but I have so much on the table right now, that I could not do it.
so many to choose from, so little money to go around.
still holding the 2 positions I have though, and am bullish on the fundamentals and T/A

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To: Susan Saline who wrote (268)1/14/1999 9:59:00 PM
From: Raymond James Norris
   of 281
TSRI's 10Q has been published at the following site:

I've read through it and am thoroughly impressed. Among the highlights I thought noteworthy:

* TSRI has 7.6 million in liquid cash. This translates into 1.30 in cash per share. That's very impressive when taken in light of two things: its low share price (12) and its non-existent debt.

* TSRI, as a direct result of the strong cash position, has 22.8 million in current assets vs. 5.1 million in current liabilities (of which, 1 million is simply cash advances: something the company won't have to worry about paying off).

* TSRI's margins improved. Net Profit Margins for this quarter widened to 6% from last year's 5%.

** The most significant item I liked was TSRI's net cash flow provided by operating activities. This was an AMAZING 3.3 million for the 6 months ended November 30, 1998. Compare this with last year's 1 million dollar loss.

All in all, this company is very strong fundamentally and is now growing both the bottom and top lines and strong speeds. Considering the strong ranking of its industry as well as the low p/e (which, while not as important as some believe, is still a relevant factor) of 16 makes it a very attractive investment.

Conservatively Yours,
Raymond J. Norris

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To: Raymond James Norris who wrote (269)2/25/1999 2:00:00 PM
From: BobInBush
   of 281
Y2k play
Isn't this company involved in fixing Y2k problems?
It seems overlooked, considering its strong financial position
and the fact that the end of year is approaching soon.
I am sure there will be tons of business next year, fixing all of
the temporary patches for the date problems.

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To: BobInBush who wrote (270)2/25/1999 5:45:00 PM
From: Raymond James Norris
   of 281

There isnt much y2k work that TSR does. Its growth is coming from its main business. The have 5 straight years of revenue increases and EPS increases, 7.2 million in cash, no debt, and 6 million shares outstanding.

Conservatively Yours,
Raymond J. Norris

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To: Raymond James Norris who wrote (271)2/26/1999 9:46:00 AM
From: BobInBush
   of 281
Thanks for the earnings recap.
This seems to be a strong company.
I guess any Y2K problems they are fixing are there own.

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To: BobInBush who wrote (272)3/20/1999 8:00:00 PM
From: rag2rag
   of 281

this stock looks undervalued , JMHO,
please check this out -

(FWIW - the models used shows a lot of neglected stocks to be under-valued and many popular stocks to be over-valued)

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To: rag2rag who wrote (273)4/15/1999 3:33:00 PM
From: BobInBush
   of 281
Another good quarter
I think everyone is missing the boat on this one.
Check this weeks news on TRSI

Below is one of the press releases
SR tops analysts' earnings views

TSR Inc. shares edged lower after the company said it earned 20 cents per
share, 2 cents more than analysts expected. The computer consulting
company (TSRI) earned 17 cents per share in the fiscal third quarter last
year. In a press release, TSR said that sales increased 16 percent to $20.8
million. Shares fell 1/4 to 6 9/16, about 2 points above a 52-week low.

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To: BobInBush who wrote (274)4/17/1999 6:43:00 AM
From: mrc
   of 281

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To: mrc who wrote (275)5/13/1999 9:53:00 PM
From: John Anderfuren
   of 281
Somethings up. Any leads?

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