To: tero kuittinen who wrote (1538) | 2/26/1999 7:26:00 PM | From: Maurice Winn | | |
Message 8057676
Tero, this is an invitation to you to give a Teroist comment on cellular minute prices in Europe. It appears that minute prices are not dropping very quickly in Europe though my understanding is that Finland has cheap GSM minutes [8c per minute I recall you saying]. So Europeans enjoy comprehensive roaming on the State Approved GSM system but have to pay so much for the privilege that they can't afford to use many minutes.
It seems that Globalstar will fly over Europe later this year and slamscraggle terrestrial service providers. Maybe outright undercutting them even where terrestrial service is available.
It would be funny if subscribers asked Globalstar to make the handsets seek Globalstar service before looking for GSM terrestrial if Globalstar is out of range. Check out Valueman's comments about Vodafone offering a good deal on Globalstar handsets to high value subscribers - Globalstar thread: Message 8060209
Tero, Nokia has got an opponent that can put up a market share fight. Qualcomm has invented cdmaOne against all the odds and that technology has gained over 20 million customers in a couple of years, every one of which is a customer which Nokia did not get and every one of which is paying Qualcomm via ASIC sales, royalties or direct purchase of Q! products.
Nokia is scrambling to get some customers in that business. Despite their early efforts and licensing in IS-95 Nokia has been singularly unsuccessful so far. Ericy isn't even in the race but is in desperate efforts now to not be totally destroyed by bad decisions over the 1990s in regard to CDMA.
Meanwhile, do you have the low down on minute prices in Europe.
[That last sentence is suspiciously like a question even without a question mark and Tero does not answer questions. So if anyone else knows, please tell us].
PS: I realize there are a few cdmaOne Nokia handset owners, but they aren't included in that 20m every one of which is not using Nokia. |
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To: Jim Lurgio who wrote (1543) | 2/26/1999 7:43:00 PM | From: Caxton Rhodes | | |
Jim- Your point is a good one in comparing Nokia to Q. Q is a lot riskier than Nokia and only time will tell if one would have done better owning nokia (safe), both (riskier), everything in the q (riskiest).
My bet is that cheaper and better (wcdma or cdmaOne) will win eventually not who has the existing clout. Either way, the Q get royalties from both.
Caxton |
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To: tero kuittinen who wrote (1538) | 2/27/1999 9:29:00 AM | From: Valueman | | |
The first of the new phones to be available is Sony Corp.'s cdmaOne C101S model, which is scheduled for launch at the end of February. It weighs 88g and can operate for 100 hours if left in standby mode, or for 140 minutes if used continuously.
In March, five more new phones will appear in stores. They are the C102K model (73g/150 hours/150 minutes) from Kyocera Corp.; the C103T model (84g/150 hours/120 minutes) from Toshiba Corp.; the 104SA model (95g/200 hours/150 minutes) from Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.; the 105P model (88g/150 hours/120 minutes) from Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.; and the C201H model (82g/150 hours/120 minutes) from Hitachi Ltd.
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To: Keith Feral who wrote (1549) | 3/1/1999 9:45:00 AM | From: Mats Ericsson | | |
'Rising uncertainity for Ericsson in USA and China,
-There are more hard competition from Lucent and Nortell -Quolcomm is for sale-rumour is there, maybe Nokia will buy it out. (earlyer Phillips had no lucky in selling phones, even it stold key personel from Nokia) -China will make very own GSM-phone in three years.
(source: Dagens Industri On China. 1999-03-01 ) (the rest is more or less uncertainty for Qualcomm and Nokia too!)
I have no time no to translate this now. If someone has spare time pleace...
The last lines are more interesting. There are allready mayby tree chinese co's in co-operation with different european co's to develop whole chinese cellularphone. ... it would not cost more than some yuans ... Here is your daily news... The firs chinese gsm-phone could hit stores after tree years from now...
Ökad osäkerhet för Ericsson i USA och Kina om någån Helen Ahlbom
Orosmoln i USA och Kina gör i år framtiden osäker för Ericssons mobiltelefoniverksamhet som Johan Siberg basar över.
Johan Siberg pratar fort och mycket. Bara en gång under den 1,5 timmes långa intervjun tystnar han. Det är när han får frågan: Behöver Ericsson köpa någon konkurrent för att få tillräcklig volym för telefonaffärerna? Det blir tyst ett långt tag. Sedan säger han: "Jag tror att vi är stora nog att kunna fortsätta växa på egna ben." Han drar lite på ordet tror. Det är uppenbart att frågan är viktig, och inte har något självklart svar.
Hårdare konkurrens Inte så konstigt, kanske, med tanke på de problem som flera av konkurrenterna haft. Förra året lade nordamerikanska Nortel och Lucent ned sina telefonverksamheter. Philips gjorde en engångsavskrivning på över 6 miljarder kronor efter sitt misslyckade försök att samordna mobiltelefonaffären med Lucent. Den hårdnade konkurrensen gör att många nu förväntar sig en omstrukturering inom telefonbranschen. Ett rykte är att amerikanska Qualcomm är till salu. "Jag skulle tro att både våra grannar (Nokia) och några sydkoreanska och japanska företag är intresserade av Qualcomm", säger Johan Siberg.
Segsliten strid Intresset finns kanske även hos Ericsson. Problemet är att Ericsson och Qualcomm utkämpar en segsliten strid om patenträttigheter kring mobilstandarden CDMA. "Vårt primära intresse när det gäller Qualcomm är att lösa patenttvisten. Den diskussionen måste avgöras innan Ericsson kan börja tillverka CDMA-telefoner", säger Johan Siberg. Ericsson är den enda av de tre ledande telefontillverkarna som inte har en CDMA-telefon på marknaden. Motorola och Nokia säljer redan betydande volymer.
Växande problem Avsaknaden av CDMA-telefoner riskerar att bli ett allt allvarligare problem för Ericsson. Efter ett par tröga år är USA-marknaden nu på väg att ta fart. "CDMA-telefoner kan ta hälften av volymen på den amerikanska marknaden. Det är klart att det skulle vara besvärande om vi inte fanns med på hyllorna då", säger Johan Siberg. Han räknar med att det tar högst ett år från det att patenttvisten löses till dess Ericsson kan lansera en CDMA-telefon. Ytterligare ett tecken på den allt tuffare konkurrensen är utvecklingen i Kina, som tillsammans med USA är de två största och viktigaste marknaderna för Ericssons mobiltelefoner. "Kina är ett frågetecken just nu", säger Johan Siberg.
Regleringar Tidigare har frågetecknet främst handlat om effekterna av den asiatiska krisen. Men det som händer nu är att de kinesiska myndigheterna genom olika regleringar och krav på lokal tillverkning vill dra nytta av den exploderande mobiltelefonimarknaden. "Det är klart att de nya regleringarna och kraven på inhemsk tillverkning är ett hot", säger Johan Siberg. Det finns redan två, tre stycken helkinesiska mobiltelefontillverkare, som köper sina mobiltelefonchips från tillverkare som Cambridge Technologies. Än så länge har de bara en marginell del av försäljningen i Kina. "Men om ett par, tre år kommer de att få en stor betydelse", säger Johan Siberg. Hotet från de inhemska spelarna drabbar inte bara Ericsson utan alla de utländska mobiltelefontillverkarna.
Copyright © Dagens Industri 1997/99 |
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To: Maurice Winn who wrote (1544) | 3/1/1999 1:54:00 PM | From: Maurice Winn | | |
Maurice, I notice Tero is happy to point out the prevaricating nature of L M Ericsson and include Qualcomm. It would be interesting to see just what prevarication he thinks Qualcomm has done.
Tero prevaricates like a master - this being a primary Teroist characteristic. Ask a simple question and you certainly don't get a simple answer. Not a direct answer. Not any answer!
One might get OT verbiage; for example, "Hay, Tero, what do you think of those high minute prices in Europe - Globalstar, cdmaOne and WWeb will blow them out of the water?"
"Hey, CDMA doesn't work and Nokia phones have got great iridescent colours, 10 games and storage for 2000 phone numbers. Nokia is bringing out more, better and sooner, check out the standby time, the size, the 314 functions even including actual talking. Anyway, WCDMA, invented by Nokia in the 1940s, is going to ruin Qualcomm."....he continues in this vein for some time...
"No, no Tero, I meant the network pricing! You know, the price of the minutes which you use. Qualcomm really has got some systems running."
Hey, I see what you mean Maurice. Very good question; why won't Tero answer questions? Any idea?
Hay, who knows? And how come you are talking to yourself anyway?
Maurice |
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To: Maurice Winn who wrote (1551) | 3/5/1999 10:59:00 AM | From: tero kuittinen | | |
Looks like happy days are here again. Mostly it's today's tech mania, but the CeBIT anticipation might start to have an effect as well.
WAP seems to be picking up speed almost daily. It's interesting to note that Alacatel actually has a WAP model on the market this month - they're the first in the world. Put this together with Alcatel's recent sharp handset marketshare gains and it's starting to look like they might be pulling off a surprise in 1999.
It's great to see France on the cutting edge with WAP, joining Nordic countries, Singapore and Hong Kong as one of the most advanced telecom markets - France Telecom became one of Nokia's earliest WAP customers, placing it among the trailblazers. Alcatel appears to be edging ahead of Siemens as far as internet mobile telephony is concerned; a little surprising when you consider Siemens' engineering pedigree.
Ericsson's announcement of a WAP model "this year" seemed vague. It will be interesting to see what the actual schedule is - widely expecxted to be revealed at CeBIT. It will also be interesting to see what the US timetable with WAP is. There seems to be several different and incompatible approaches to the whole internet phone concept in USA. Will this result in consumer confusion and a delay in wide implementation as happened earlier when the introduction of digital mobile telephony and text messaging were bogged down by the fragmented marketplace?
Tero |
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