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   Strategies & Market Trendsahhaha's ahs

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From: SGJ8/31/2021 9:06:30 AM
of 24758
Its amazing how prescient ahaha was. More or less predicted the current state of affairs. Need to hit bottom. Not there yet.

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To: SGJ who wrote (24746)8/31/2021 9:14:18 AM
From: Lhn5
of 24758
What conditions would characterize ‘hitting bottom’?

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To: Lhn5 who wrote (24747)9/1/2021 10:07:45 AM
From: SGJ
of 24758
According to ahhaha (Alan) , its the total breakdown of civil society into a communist totalitarian state where all freedoms enshrined in the bill of rights and the US constitution are removed and the economy is bankrupted. The 'Crats, as he referred to them, would be the instigators, which they have proven to be. As you are aware, the 2020 election installed a totally committed 100% Bolshevik administration. They will not rest until the US as we know it is destroyed. Alan believed the US had to see the result of the 'Crat policies to their final conclusion, lose everything and become serfs, before they would wake up and begin to try to mount a resistance to reclaim their liberty.

He proposed all this for debate back 10 years ago. Scroll back and you can find it. Its happening now before your eyes.

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To: SGJ who wrote (24748)9/1/2021 3:22:26 PM
From: Lhn5
of 24758
Next few years should be just great

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To: Lhn5 who wrote (24749)9/3/2021 9:21:47 AM
From: Drygulch Dan
of 24758
My wife just informed me that the Biden administration wants all bank records and every transactions of accounts with greater value than $600 be reported to the IRS. There goes personal privacy and government over reach just shifted into overdrive.

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To: Drygulch Dan who wrote (24750)9/15/2021 12:27:42 PM
From: sixty2nds
of 24758
The Uranium market is in the early phase of being cornered.

Take a look at the SRUUF news.

IMO UROY is the best way to play.

Remember when the Hunt brothers cornered Silver???

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To: SGJ who wrote (24748)10/1/2021 11:46:56 AM
From: The Barracuda™
of 24758
What was Ahahah's name? Alan ?

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To: Drygulch Dan who wrote (24750)2/7/2022 4:28:57 PM
From: Maurice Winn
of 24758
Hi DGD. The trends in the democratic world are nasty. Voting to take opm is pandemic. 8 billion person demographics are looking bad too, though Elon thinks there's a shortage of people.

A shortage of functional value adders, I agree. But a burgeoning entropy of parasites.


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To: SGJ who wrote (24748)2/8/2022 6:38:16 AM
From: 3bar
of 24758
Maybe " The Rise of The Roman Empire " by Polybius he lays the cycle out pg 302 chap 6 Penguin Classics .

There wasn't an economic system as we know it . They did not have Communism .Every thing can fit in and make sense . You will have a very clear idea of what is happening .

There were so many city states that were trying to make theirs last .Much to learn from .

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To: 3bar who wrote (24754)4/11/2022 7:54:00 AM
From: sixty2nds
of 24758
Foreign cash flees China as investors shun autocracies – Nikkei Asia. Overseas money is starting to pull out of Chinese markets after the risk of investing in autocratic countries was starkly highlighted by sharp drops in Russia's currency and securities prices following its invasion of Ukraine.

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