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   Technology StocksAdvanced Micro Devices - Moderated (AMD)

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To: g_w_north who wrote (218545)12/1/2006 8:35:48 PM
From: Plissken
of 275872
Sony's main problem is the fact that their left hand has no idea what their right hand is up to.

I'll just say "PS3 can do 480p or 1080p, but nothing in between".

At the same time they only have three video beamers and a rear projection TV, between $3k and $20k, in their portfolio that could actually communicate with that fine $600 "next gen" device at the proper resolution.

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To: mas_ who wrote (218546)12/1/2006 8:45:30 PM
From: dougSF30
of 275872
"load of imaginary twaddle" does describe the AMD exec's assertion that they are launching Barcelona for 8000-series only, first, *followed by*, 2000-series, *followed by* 1000 & A64, because "it will benefit 4-socket & above most" (paraphrase)

The real reason? A 300mm^2 die is not going to yield well, so the costs will be high, and the volumes low at first, so we have to sell them for as much as possible, and that means 8000-series, then 2000-series, then the rest. It'll be a "trickle launch". There's nothing wrong with that, it makes sense, so why spout a bunch of twaddle like he did?

"early next year" does seem to rule out more information in 2 weeks, and it would not be at all surprising if another spin (or two, or three) was required to achieve AMD's clock speed goals by launch. And "more information on performance" will have to involve non-simulation, and I'm assuming it shouldn't take a couple months to go from booting Windows Server 2003 to running benchmarks, so I conclude they want a new spin before they release the first real data. Is that so hard to believe?

It's easy to simply hurl insults-- how about a thoughtful reply next time? I'm guessing you read the article, thought that portion was "good news", and got angry when I thought it was actually a bit of a negative, and said so. And then, I had the gall to quote the part about the staggered launch, starting with the smallest market segment, and so I got insults in response.

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To: dougSF30 who wrote (218471)12/1/2006 9:02:57 PM
From: Joe NYC
of 275872

It seems to have wandered rather far afield, though, don't you think? :)

Not at all. ATI is a participant in the console market, selling graphics chips to XBox 360 and Wii, while nVidia sells to PS3.

Therefore, PS3 vs Xbox vs Wii is relevant to AMD investors. Maybe not so much to Intel investors...


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To: bobs10 who wrote (218407)12/1/2006 9:06:59 PM
From: Tenchusatsu
of 275872
Bobs, > Personally, the way I look at it there isn't enough room in Dodge City for both gaming machines and PCs as they're redundant.

Playstation 2 and GameCube in the family room. Pentium 4 3.0 GHz PC in my "home office." And all in my cozy little home in the O.C. where space is at a premium.

By the way, games sold on the PC don't generate nearly as much revenue as games sold for consoles. The exception are MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft.


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To: Joe NYC who wrote (218549)12/1/2006 9:33:52 PM
From: dougSF30
of 275872
Joe, actually Paul already agreed with me. :) Keep reading the thread...

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To: Joe NYC who wrote (218549)12/1/2006 10:12:39 PM
From: combjelly
of 275872
"Maybe not so much to Intel investors..."

Then that would make it off-topic to the most prolific posters here...

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To: dougSF30 who wrote (218551)12/1/2006 10:27:51 PM
From: j3pflynn
of 275872
Doug - Only in that we got off on talking about the games. The chips are certainly on topic.

BTW, you may well have a point about the low-demand initial market entry slot for Barcelona, but it's equally true that it's the market that'll most benefit from it.

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To: combjelly who wrote (218552)12/1/2006 10:28:23 PM
From: dougSF30
of 275872
It was just an inaccurate cheap-shot anyhow, so I wouldn't spend a lot of time on it.

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To: j3pflynn who wrote (218553)12/1/2006 10:32:55 PM
From: dougSF30
of 275872
Only in that we got off on talking about the games.

Yes, that was my point.

you may well have a point about the low-demand initial market entry slot for Barcelona,


but it's equally true that it's the market that'll most benefit from it.

How exactly will a 4S server benefit relatively more from the upgrade than a 2S server? Other than simpler 4S systems from an extra HT link, I can't think of anything. And when you factor in the relative size of both markets, and more importantly, the fact that competition is most fierce *below* 4S, I think it is clear that this is being tossed out as an excuse to cover what will be a slow ramp of difficult-to-yield parts. Why provide an excuse at all? There's really no need for one.

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To: dougSF30 who wrote (218548)12/1/2006 10:37:10 PM
From: mas_
of 275872
It's not the 'real' reason it's just your madeup imaginary one which is designed purely to bash on baseless speculation as is your want these days. Of course the 8-series is where it should be released first as not only are they the most lucrative priced AMD products but it will allow 16 and 32 K8L core systems which will encroach further on high-end Unix systems and keep the 8 series asp high. The die is ~286 sq mm btw as measured by semico professionals and is not a surprise to anyone least alone AMD. You are just making stuff up about imaginary problems that you have no basis for. AMD did not promise you or anybody any benches or clock numbers so why start spreading crap when they don't deliver what they never promised in the first place ! Calm down and stop looking for reds under the bed which ain't there.

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