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To: Terry Maloney who wrote (435309)11/7/2020 8:04:21 PM
From: MythMan
2 Recommendations   of 436254
The American government is fully capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.

(not my quote btw).

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To: MythMan who wrote (435310)11/8/2020 9:20:52 AM
From: Terry Maloney
   of 436254
Yeah, that's a great quote from the Biden campaign. And I'm certainly hoping it plays out that way and we see him behind bars sometimes soon.

But altogether too many people voted for him and the wingnuts are working themselves into a frenzy about how the election was stolen ... amazing projection, that - ng ... so I'm still wondering what will happen if/when they get their boogaloo on and where the cops will come down with all that, them being pretty much fascists themselves.

Like I said, hope I'm wrong ...

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To: Terry Maloney who wrote (435311)11/8/2020 8:40:25 PM
From: MythMan
   of 436254
Much like Trump they don't have the brains or the will to follow thru on their bullshit.

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To: MythMan who wrote (435312)11/9/2020 8:04:17 AM
From: Terry Maloney
   of 436254
As time goes by it is starting to look that way. But speaking of no brains ...

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To: Terry Maloney who wrote (435311)11/9/2020 11:42:53 PM
From: Broken_Clock
   of 436254
Sounds like a wonderful victory celebration.


It's Already Started: "We Have A List..."

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 11/09/2020 - 22:00

Authored by Simon Black via,

On September 18 of the year 96 AD, a fairly obscure and elderly politician named Marcus Cocceius Nerva was proclaimed Emperor of Rome by the Senate.

Rome was in chaos at the time; the empire had suffered from years of turmoil, economic decline, and oppression.

Most of the last several emperors– going back before the suicide of Nero in 68 AD– had been extremely destructive… plundering the treasury, waging expensive wars, and dismantling individual liberty.

The government was also extremely unstable; it was not uncommon at that point for emperors to be deposed or even assassinated.

In fact, Nerva’s predecessor– the emperor Domitian– had literally been murdered that morning.

Nerva was seen by many Senators as the ‘safe choice’ to take over the government. He was old, frail, and sick… so he wasn’t expected to last very long.

Most of all, Nerva was completely unremarkable.

He had spent his entire professional life in the service of the Empire, yet his name is barely mentioned in any historical record or associated with any major achievement.

But ‘unremarkable’ was exactly what Romans felt like they needed at the time: Nerva would be a break from the chaos. Or so they thought.

We know now with the benefit of hindsight that Rome would never fully recover.

There would be a few ‘good’ emperors along the way– people like Marcus Aurelius who were able to temporarily hold back the decline.

But the long-term trends were unstoppable.

Rome was slowly going bankrupt, destroying its currency, and rejecting the basic principles of its civilization that made it so powerful and prosperous to begin with.

And no politician was able to put the brakes on those big trends and reverse the inevitable decline.

This is a common theme throughout history: empires rise and fall, not because of a single individual, but from decades of major trends that gradually cause an inevitable decline.

These same trends keep surfacing over and over again across the centuries.

Economic mismanagement is an obvious one: empires in decline almost invariably hold an arrogant belief that they are exempt from the natural laws of finance.

In other words, they believe they can spend as much as they want, accumulate infinite amounts of debt, and debase their currency without limit, and somehow there won’t be any consequences.

Another trend is that the empire abandons its core values. Integrity, civic-mindedness, and hard work give way to corruption and entitlement.

And perhaps the biggest trend of empires in decline is that society frequently turns on itself. Civility ends, and rage takes over.

It goes without saying that these trends are alive and well in the West today, especially in the Land of the Free.

US finances have been in disarray for decades. Just this year alone, the national debt has grown by $4 trillion and the Federal Reserve has conjured another $3 trillion out of thin air.

And even before Covid struck when the economy was firing on all cylinders, the government was still adding more than $1 trillion each year to the debt.

Now there are entire factions of politicians that want to take those numbers to the next level.

In fact, there’s an entire school of economics now called “Modern Monetary Theory” which poses that governments can simply print as much money as they want without consequence.

This is pretty classic empire arrogance.

But, again, the even more powerful trend now is the growing rage that’s so prevalent.

We’ve seen it unfold in front of our very eyes– violence, arson, assault, looting, vandalism, intimidation.

And if the this angry mob isn’t out in the streets causing mayhem, they’re on social media trying to destroy someone’s life who committed the thoughtcrime of intellectual dissent.

The election results last week proved that this angry mob is still a numerical minority.

Unfortunately they are a very powerful minority that has taken over a number of important institutions.

They already control the media. Objective journalism doesn’t exist anymore– it’s just activism and propaganda.

(And if anyone needs any proof, look no further than a prominent CNN ‘reporter’ weeping tears of joy over the weekend on live television. How can these people expect to be taken seriously as objective journalists??)

The mob has also taken over education too.

Schools and universities are now filled with enraged Marxists who spend dozens of hours each week indoctrinating our children with their new woke religion.

They’ve even reinvented science, history, and mathematics to conform to the principles of critical race theory.

The mob also exerts extreme influence over major corporations.

You can’t watch a Disney movie, or an NFL game, or even a commercial for men’s razors anymore, without having identity politics shoved down your throat.

They also hold extreme influence over Big Tech, whose one-sided censorship policies have become so absurd they’re starting to rival the Chinese Communist Party.

Over the weekend, for example, Twitter was ablaze with activists who launched an ‘accountability project’ to create a database archiving every supporter, donor, staffer, etc. who supported the current Presidential administration.

The project’s tagline is “Remember what they did,” and “We must never forget. . .”

And they’re targeting “those who elected him,” and “those who funded him,” referring, of course, to the President and the 70 million people who voted for him.

One reporter from the Washington Post deemed that everyone archived “should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position, or be accepted into ‘polite’ society.”

She concluded her thinly-veiled threat by saying, “We have a list.”

Twitter, of course, did not see fit to censor this shining example of objective journalism, which now has 40,000 likes.

It’s a pretty blatant sign of decline when people start keeping ‘lists’ of political opponents they want to punish. And this madness is just getting started.

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To: Broken_Clock who wrote (435314)11/10/2020 8:08:41 AM
From: Terry Maloney
   of 436254
>> "We Have A List..." <<

So does Don Jr ...

Hard to argue with the decline and fall part, though.

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To: Terry Maloney who wrote (435315)11/10/2020 8:19:11 PM
From: Broken_Clock
   of 436254
The fascist party thinks the fascist party is fascist....

“Shredding The Fabric Of Our Democracy”: Biden Aide Signals Push For Greater Censorship On The Internet We have been discussing the calls for top Democrats for increased private censorship on social media and the Internet. President-elect Joe Biden has himself called for such censorship, including blocking President Donald Trump’s criticism of mail-in voting. Now, shortly after the election, one of Biden’s top aides is ramping up calls for a crackdown on Facebook for allowing Facebook users to read views that he considers misleading — users who signed up to hear from these individuals. Bill Russo, a deputy communications director on Biden’s campaign press team, tweeted late Monday that Facebook “is shredding the fabric of our democracy” by allowing such views to be shared freely.

Russo tweeted that “If you thought disinformation on Facebook was a problem during our election, just wait until you see how it is shredding the fabric of our democracy in the days after.” Russo objected to the fact that, unlike Twitter, Facebook did not move against statements that he and the campaign viewed as “misleading.” He concluded. “We pleaded with Facebook for over a year to be serious about these problems. They have not. Our democracy is on the line. We need answers.”

For those of us in the free speech community, these threats are chilling. We saw incredible abuses before the election in Twitter barring access to a true story in the New York Post about Hunter Biden and his alleged global influence peddling scheme. Notably, no one in the Biden camp (including Biden himself) thought that it was a threat to our democracy to have Twitter block the story (while later admitting that it was a mistake).

I have previously objected to such regulation of speech. What is most disturbing is how liberals have embraced censorship and even declared that “China was right” on Internet controls. Many Democrats have fallen back on the false narrative that the First Amendment does not regulate private companies so this is not an attack on free speech. Free speech is a human right that is not solely based or exclusively defined by the First Amendment. Censorship by Internet companies is a “Little Brother” threat long discussed by free speech advocates. Some may willingly embrace corporate speech controls but it is still a denial of free speech.

This is why I recently described myself as an Internet Originalist:

The alternative is “internet originalism” — no censorship. If social media companies returned to their original roles, there would be no slippery slope of political bias or opportunism; they would assume the same status as telephone companies. We do not need companies to protect us from harmful or “misleading” thoughts. The solution to bad speech is more speech, not approved speech.

If Pelosi demanded that Verizon or Sprint interrupt calls to stop people saying false or misleading things, the public would be outraged. Twitter serves the same communicative function between consenting parties; it simply allows thousands of people to participate in such digital exchanges. Those people do not sign up to exchange thoughts only to have Dorsey or some other internet overlord monitor their conversations and “protect” them from errant or harmful thoughts.

Russo’s comments mirror the comments of other Democrats who are seeking greater censorship. Indeed, in the recent Senate hearing on Twitter’s suppression of the Biden story, Democratic senators ignored the admissions of Big Tech CEOs that they were wrong to bar the story and, instead, insisted that the CEOs pledge to substantially increase such censorship. Senator Jacky Rosen warned the CEOS that “you are not doing enough” to prevent “disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech on your platforms.”

Again, as someone raised in a deeply liberal and Democratic family in Chicago, I do not know when the Democratic party became the party for censorship. However, limiting free speech is now a rallying cry for Democratic members and activists alike. At risk is the single greatest invention for free speech since the printing press. Russo’s comments reaffirms that the Biden Administration will continue this assault against Internet free speech. What is most unnerving is that Russo is denouncing such free speech as “shredding the fabric of our democracy.” There was a time when free speech was the very right that we fought to protect in our democratic system. It was one of the defining principles of our Constitution system. It is now being treated as a threat to that system.

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To: Broken_Clock who wrote (435316)11/11/2020 10:00:37 AM
From: Terry Maloney
1 Recommendation   of 436254
Lies have been shredding the fabric of your democracy since forever, though info-wars and Trump have taken things to a whole new level these past years -- seems having a black president triggered way too many people.

Trump is trying to free speech you into a coup or a civil war, and if you and that Turley clown can't see it or don't care, so be it.

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To: Broken_Clock who wrote (435316)11/11/2020 10:24:53 AM
From: ggersh
   of 436254
Category......"Can't make this shit up"

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Kory Langhofer, the lawyer representing Trump in Arizona has asked to have his "evidence" of voter fraud in Arizona sealed so that people can't see it.

Team suing Maricopa County over allegations of voting problems asks to seal evidence The attorney representing Donald Trump’s reelection team in a lawsuit alleging poll workers "incorrectly rejected" Election Day votes has asked a Maricopa County Superior Court judge to seal the evidence he plans to submit in support of that claim.

But lawyers representing the election officials being sued have moved to block the request, arguing the public “has a right to know how flimsy Plaintiffs’ evidence actually is.”


“Entry of a protective order, as well as an order sealing the records when admitted into evidence, will allow full access to critically important evidentiary materials, while ensuring that the privacy of individual voters and witnesses is appropriately safeguarded,” Langhofer wrote.

In response, Maricopa County attorney Thomas Liddy [a Republican] acknowledged attorneys usually agree to a protective seal in “standard election-law cases” because “large quantities of documents from the Voter Registration Database must be offered into evidence.” But this is “not a standard, run-of-the-mill election law challenge," he argued, and plaintiffs are asking to hide "significantly more than what is protected by statute with no legal or factual basis."

Source: - 4 pm entry

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To: ggersh who wrote (435318)11/11/2020 12:48:08 PM
From: Broken_Clock
   of 436254
That is standard operating procedure in the US

Obama NSA spying on millions of Americans...seal it!
Kill Assange and label Snowden a Russian spy for revealing our secrets.

Perhaps trump figures, "why the hell not?" at this stage

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