To: Rolla Coasta who wrote () | 4/26/2000 2:21:00 PM | From: CSage | | |
Intel and Bluepoint to Establish Linux Technical Support Center in China
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 26, 2000--Bluepoint Linux Software Corp. (OTCBB:BLPT) announced today that the company will join forces with Intel (Nasdaq:INTC) to establish a Linux Technical Support Center in China.
According to Yu Deng, President of Bluepoint, Intel will contribute technology and equipment, and Bluepoint will deliver the management and staffing and operate the center.
The center, located in Shenzhen, is comprised of the following units: Proof of Concept (POC), Online Support, Training and Call center. The center will deliver services to integration providers, Linux solution providers and end users. From the POC center, staff experts will evaluate client business requirements and objectively recommend the most suitable software solution.
Bluepoint's Online Support Center utilizes Knowledge Base and Virtual Community to provide online technical support. Visitors can quickly and conveniently find technical information in the Knowledge Base and can get online, real time support from Linux experts.
Mr. Yu Deng, the President of Bluepoint, said: "The lack of reliable technical support and the lack of high quality Linux solutions that meet the need of the Chinese market have been a bottle-neck in the Linux development in China. Bluepoint founders have been paying close attention to the technical support problem. In 1998, Bluepoint founders established the first Linux/Unix support site in China: We are confident that, with the support from Intel, the Bluepoint's Linux Technical Support will help to push the Linux development in China to new levels."
Bluepoint Linux Software is the developer of the first "true Chinese" Linux operating system, named Bluepoint. Bluepoint controls approximately 80 percent of the Chinese Linux bundling market and is preinstalled by several major computer manufacturers in China, including Great Wall, TCL and Xiahua Shanbao (TriGem).
The company is a leading provider of Linux solutions and related services in the Chinese market. The company also develops Linux-based embedded systems.
Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, continued acceptance of the company's products and technological changes, the company's dependence upon third-party suppliers, intellectual-property rights and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Bluepoint Linux Software Corp., Shenzhen, China
Yu Deng, 011-86-755-376-2651
The Pace Communications Network
Simon Em, 800/791-5777
BW0077 APR 26,2000 |
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To: CSage who wrote (35) | 5/23/2000 10:43:00 PM | From: naband | | |
Anybody still here? House of Representatives will vote on PNTR tomorrow, the 24th. Could trigger an upside move. Any thoughts? |
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To: naband who wrote (38) | 3/3/2001 11:05:32 PM | From: naband | | | It appears my exuberance of the Spring was misplaced. The China syndrome has certainly faded. Still holding, but $25 seems to be far off. Company has potential to be successful - but margins are tight. What we consider reasonable growth here would be tremendous for China. I'll keep my fingers crossed and check back at year's end. Any other opinions out there? |
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To: Rolla Coasta who started this subject | 9/11/2002 4:49:57 PM | From: SEC-ond-chance | | | Bluepoint Linux Software Corp · S-8 · On 12/15/0 · EX-5 SEC File 333-51890 · Accession Number 1058985-0-264
EX-5 · Opinion re: Legality
Shawn F. Hackman, a P.C. 3360 West Sahara Avenue Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 732-2253
Date: December 12th, 2000
Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20549
Re: Bluepoint Linux Software Corp. Employee Benefit Plan.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We have acted as counsel to Bluepoint Linux Software Corp, an Indiana corporation (the "Company"), in connection with its Registration Statement on Form S-8 relating to the registration of 400,000 shares of its common stock (the "Shares"), $0.001 par value per share. The Shares are issuable pursuant to the Company's Employee Benefit Plan (the "Plan").
In our representation we have examined such documents, corporate records, and other instruments as we have deemed necessary or appropriate for purposes of this opinion, including, but not limited to, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company.
Based upon the foregoing, it is our opinion that the Company is duly organized and validly existing as a corporation under the laws of the State of Indiana, and that the Shares, when issued and sold in accordance with the terms of the Plan, will be validly issued, fully paid, and non-assessable.We hereby consent to the use of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registration Statement.
Shawn F. Hackman, a P.C.
By:/s/Adam U. Shaikh, Esq. Adam U. Shaikh, Esq. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
Litigation Release 16233/ August 2, 1999
SEC v. Kanakaris Communications, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. CV-S-99-0967-JBR-LRL.
The Commission announced that on August 2, 1999, it filed a complaint seeking permanent injunctions against Kanakaris Communications, Inc. ("KCI"), Alexander Frank Kanakaris ("Kanakaris"), David R. Valenti ("Valenti") and Shawn F. Hackman ("Hackman"), alleging violations of Sections 5(a), 5(c) and 17 (a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule l0b-5 thereunder. The Commission's complaint also seeks disgorgement from Hackman and civil penalties against Kanakaris, Valenti and Hackman. KCI, Kanakaris and Valenti have agreed to settle the action by consenting, without admitting or denying the allegations of the complaint, to be enjoined from future violations of the registration and antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws; Kanakaris and Valenti also have agreed to pay civil money penalties of $25,000 each.
The complaint alleges that from January 1997 through January 1998, Kanakaris and Valenti both officers of KCI, fraudulently sold the securities of KCI and its predecessor company to individuals in several states. In soliciting investments, it is alleged Kanakaris and Valenti made misrepresentations regarding KCI's financial condition and operations. It is also alleged that Kanakaris and Valenti misrepresented to investors that KCI had a joint venture agreement with Microsoft Corporation. Some of these misrepresentations were allegedly also posted on KCI's web site.
In addition, it is alleged that Hackman, a Las Vegas attorney, prepared a false offering memorandum for KCI, sold KCI stock using the offering memorandum, and collected and distributed the proceeds of those sales, retaining a substantial portion of those funds for his own use. It is further alleged that Hackman, without authorization from KCI, prepared and filed a registration statement with the Commission which, among other things, misrepresented the shareholdings of KCI's management and major shareholders, stated that no unregistered offerings of KCI's securities had been made within the previous year and, rather than including audited financial statements, contained a review of KCI's financial statements without obtaining the consent of the accountants who prepared the review. |
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To: SEC-ond-chance who wrote (40) | 9/11/2002 4:50:56 PM | From: SEC-ond-chance | | | SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2002-176 September 11, 2002
SHAWN HACKMAN SUSPENDED FROM PRACTICING BEFORE THE COMMISSION AS AN ATTORNEY The Commission has issued an Order of Suspension against Shawn F.Hackman of Las Vegas, Nevada, suspending him forthwith from appearing orpracticing before the Commission based on his disbarment by the SupremeCourt of Nevada. In taking its action against Hackman, the Court foundthat Hackman had misappropriated over $700,000 in client funds at a timewhen he was ostensibly cooperating with bar counsel concerningallegations by other clients that Hackman had misappropriated theirfunds as well.Hackman is currently a defendant in SEC v. Kanakaris Communications,Inc. In that action, the Commission has alleged that Hackman violatedSection 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and.... |
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To: SEC-ond-chance who wrote (41) | 9/12/2002 11:37:10 AM | From: StockDung | | | In the Matter of SHAWN F. HACKMAN, ESQ. Respondent
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before the SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Release No. 46478 / September 11, 2002 Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-10887
In the Matter of SHAWN F. HACKMAN, ESQ. Respondent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : : :
The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") deems it appropriate that an Order of Suspension be issued against Shawn F. Hackman ("Hackman") pursuant to paragraph (2) of Rule 102(e) of the Commission's Rules of Practice [17 C.F.R. § 201.102(2)] ("Rule 102(e)").1
The Commission finds that:
A. Hackman is an attorney and was licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada on October 16, 1996.
B. On August 2, 1999, the Commission filed a complaint (the "Complaint") in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada against Kanakaris Communications, Inc. ("KCI") and others, including Hackman. The Complaint alleges, among other things, that Hackman violated Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder by: (1) preparing a false offering memorandum for KCI; (2) selling KCI stock using the offering memorandum; (3) collecting and distributing the proceeds of those sales while retaining $333,645 of those funds for his own use; and (4) without authorization from KCI, preparing and filing a materially misleading registration statement with the Commission. The Commission is seeking a permanent injunction, disgorgement and civil penalties against Hackman.
C. On April 13, 2002, the Supreme Court of Nevada barred Hackman from practicing law in that state based on findings that Hackman had misappropriated over $700,000 in client funds at a time when he was ostensibly cooperating with bar counsel concerning allegations by other clients that Hackman had misappropriated their funds as well. In Re Discipline of Shawn F. Hackman (No. 38826).
Based upon the foregoing, the Commission finds that Hackman has been disbarred from the practice of law within the meaning of Rule 102(e)(2) of the Commission's Rules of Practice. The Commission deems it appropriate and accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Hackman be forthwith suspended from appearing or practicing before the Commission as an attorney.
By the Commission.
Jonathan G. Katz Secretary
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Rule 102(e)(2) provides in pertinent part: "Any attorney who has been suspended or disbarred by a court of the United States or of any State … shall be forthwith suspended from appearing or practicing before the Commission. A disbarment … within the meaning of this section shall be deemed to have occurred when the disbarring . . . agency or tribunal enters its judgment or order .…"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home | Previous Page Modified: 09/12/2002 |
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To: SEC-ond-chance who wrote (41) | 9/12/2002 3:56:56 PM | From: StockDung | | | SEC suspends disbarred Mitton lawyer Hackman
Securities and Exchange Commission Symbol *SEC SEC suspends disbarred Mitton lawyer Hackman
2002-09-12 11:19 PT - Street Wire
by Brent Mudry
Las Vegas penny stock lawyer Shawn F. Hackman, whose career highlights include writing bogus share opinion letters for notorious Canadian career fraudster Michael Mitton's H & R Enterprises, has been suspended by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC suspension, handled by the regulator's Salt Lake City office and announced Wednesday, is based on Mr. Hackman's disbarment by the Supreme Court of Nevada.
Mr. Hackman is the third Las Vegas-linked penny stock attorney in the past 11 months to destroy his career related to dubious penny stock dealings on Howe Street, the centre of dealings for the former Vancouver Stock Exchange. Herbert Jacobi of New York, who helped Mr. Mitton wire illicit proceeds to Panama in the H & R rig job, pleaded guilty last October to buying stolen FBI records for Mafia-linked client Robert Potter. In an unrelated case, Max C. Tanner of Las Vegas was convicted by a federal jury last November of securities fraud conspiracy and money laundering, stemming from his offshore trading through controversial Vancouver brokerage Pacific International Securities in the Maid Aide boiler room penny stock rig job in 1998 and 1999.
While staff with the Nevada State Bar were unable to immediately confirm or comment on Mr. Hackman's plight, records with the Supreme Court of Nevada show the dirty Las Vegas lawyer was ordered disbarred on April 3. Mr. Hackman had been temporarily suspended by the state court on Dec. 4, 2001, on the request of the state bar's Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board.
Mr. Hackman was disbarred for misappropriating more than $700,000 in client funds at a time when he was ostensibly co-operating with state bar counsel regarding other client complaints of misappropriation. (All figures are in U.S. dollars.) "We conclude that the documents before us demonstrate that Hackman poses a substantial threat of serious harm, and that his immediate temporary suspension is warranted," stated the court in its initial order.
Mr. Hackman was a key professional in the H & R debacle. (The Mitton ring's fraudulent OTC Bulletin Board promotion of H & R caused the collapse of a small upstate New York brokerage, Saperston Financial, in September, 1997, and left the clearing house unit of global mutual fund giant Fidelity Management, National Financial Services, with a $9.6-million loss.)
"Hackman was a primary participant in the manipulation scheme and facilitated the manipulation by arranging for the manipulators to reap huge profits from their scheme," stated National Financial lawsuit filed U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in September, 1997, and amended a year later.
The Fidelity unit alleged that Mr. Hackman, who had served as H & R's counsel, prepared and provided false opinion letters to help the Mitton ring clear large issuances of H & R shares in July and August, 1997. "Hackman falsely opined that the shares ... which were newly issued to the manipulators so they could sell them into the manipulated market, were exempt from registration under the United States' federal securities laws and could be issued by a transfer agent without a restrictive legend," stated National Financial.
Barely a month after the last Hackman-assisted share issuance, and with an additional two million H & R subsequently issued to Mr. Mitton's associates, H & R shares peaked and collapsed, taking Saperston, the unfortunate New York brokerage, under with it.
While these H & R fraud allegations date back four or five years, Nevada's bar took no disciplinary action, or at least no serious action, against Mr. Hackman. (Numerous new revelations about the H & R fiasco are expected when the British Columbia Securities Commission starts a hearing on the matter. A scheduling update is set for Dec. 2, with Mr. Mitton and Canaccord Capital broker Brad Scharfe as star local defendants.)
Instead, the state bar tackled Mr. Hackman amid a criminal investigation for misappropriation of client funds several years after H & R. Documents filed in court by the bar itself confirm it had serious concerns about Mr. Hackman dating back to at least August, 1999, 14 months before he met his latest alleged victim, who is now at least $700,000 poorer. |
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To: SEC-ond-chance who wrote (41) | 9/12/2002 4:12:29 PM | From: StockDung | | | RE: Shawn F. Hackman, BLUEPOINT LINUX SOFTWARE CORP, filed this on 12/15/2000.
Shawn F. Hackman, a P.C. 3360 West Sahara Avenue Suite 200 Page 1
non-assessable.We hereby consent to the use of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registration Statement. Shawn F. Hackman, a P.C. By:/s/Adam U. Shaikh, Esq. Adam U. Shaikh, Esq. </TEXT> </DOCUMENT> |
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