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   Technology (JWEB)----IPO

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To: Mody who wrote (472)1/12/2000 12:18:00 AM
From: Pluvia
   of 510
Can you tell me why you think JWEB is a buy.

Just curious.... Kinda like passing a car wreck.... Just gotta know...

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To: jjs_ynot who wrote (471)1/12/2000 12:19:00 AM
From: Pluvia
   of 510
Hmmm... Imagine the hillbilly drooling over some poor receptionist with that toothy grin.... oy.... Fright-ning

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To: Pluvia who wrote (477)1/12/2000 8:59:00 AM
From: jjs_ynot
   of 510
From JWEB's own 10Q:

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To: Pluvia who wrote (476)1/12/2000 9:55:00 AM
From: Mody
   of 510
Just a hunch, I'm afraid. I guess I've jumped on the internet bandwagon and figure there's enough room for other's. With the AOL/Time-Warner merger I'm looking for someone to compete with AOL and it might as well be a smaller start up. Also the condition of ones teeth doesn't have much to do with the ability to execute. Time will tell I guess.
ps.OT- Where do you ride your mtn. bike?

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To: Pluvia who wrote (475)1/12/2000 10:25:00 AM
From: Pete Mason
   of 510
you talkin' to me hill-billy boy??
you talkin' to me hill-billy boy??
you talkin' to me hill-billy boy??
you talkin' to me hill-billy boy??


-- Pete

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To: Mody who wrote (479)1/12/2000 7:37:00 PM
From: Pluvia
   of 510
JWEB is a bad idea, a bad business plan and run by IMO an idiot.

Test the internet waters elsewhere. I ride my mtn bike all kinds of places - just love it...

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To: jjs_ynot who wrote (478)1/12/2000 7:39:00 PM
From: Pluvia
   of 510
Great post - 32 reasons NEVER to own JWEB IMO...

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To: Pluvia who wrote (481)1/12/2000 11:37:00 PM
From: Puck
   of 510
Are you one of those die hard mountain bikers who traverses fallen logs using the front cranks?

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To: Puck who wrote (483)1/12/2000 11:56:00 PM
From: Pluvia
   of 510
I usually use my shins to traverse the logs...

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To: Pluvia who wrote (475)1/13/2000 9:24:00 AM
From: Ben Wa
   of 510
I don't think the recent biz plan was intentional. They simply have no choice since dialup speed internet access pricing is going to zero nationwide. But, with even broadband pricing coming down, I would not even want 56K dialup for free when I can have cable modem or dsl for $30 a month.

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