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   Technology StocksAremisSoft Corporation (AREM)

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To: Kevin Podsiadlik who wrote (646)8/31/2001 8:48:39 PM
From: RockyBalboa
   of 683
Interesting read:

Message 16280045

Guy dropped 70 large on it...

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To: RockyBalboa who wrote (654)9/1/2001 9:11:20 AM
From: xcr600
   of 683
He's also the same shithead that was pushing for Personal Watercraft (i.e. jetski's, waverunners, etc..) to be banned on MN lakes a few years ago because sales of his boats were being overtaken by sales of personal watercraft.

(MN has more boats per capita than anyone.. what does he want??)

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To: xcr600 who wrote (655)9/1/2001 9:29:06 AM
From: RockyBalboa
   of 683

Critics say Jacobs looks bad backing Conseco while he's selling its stock through affiliated entities.

Pay the piper...

Jacobs, the Pohlad family and associates appear to have invested more than $70 million in the software firm. The money is now at risk if allegations prove true that the company's international operation was largely a front for Cyprus mobsters.

hope for eternal springs...?

"Irwin has apparently done little actual research on AremisSoft," said David Rocker, managing general partner of Rocker Partners, a 32-year-old, $650 million asset investment firm in New York.

"His investment philosophy seems to rely on bullying. He did that with managements in his earlier days ...and now he is doing it with legitimate short sellers who seem to have done a better job analyzing this company."

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To: Sir Auric Goldfinger who wrote (642)9/4/2001 9:22:21 AM
From: RockyBalboa
   of 683
Jacobs 0 Mr. Market 3. Clarent under investigation for having cooked the books

Message 15999157

SOURCE: Clarent Corporation
Clarent Announces Investigation of Potential Overstatement of Historical Revenues
Places Three Executives On Administrative Leave
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 4, 2001--Clarent® Corporation (Nasdaq:CLRN - news), a leading provider of voice solutions for next generation networks, announced today that it has discovered information suggesting that the Company's previously reported revenues for the first and second quarters of fiscal 2001 may have been materially overstated. The Company's Board of Directors has formed a special committee to investigate a number of transactions that place in question the Company's historical financial results.

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To: RockyBalboa who wrote (657)9/4/2001 9:41:00 AM
From: RockyBalboa
   of 683
Nasdaq requests additional information:

9/4/2001 08:33:30 CLRN Clarent Corporation N T1/T12

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To: benchpress550 who wrote (615)9/5/2001 9:14:01 PM
From: Sir Auric Goldfinger
   of 683
I was wrong! AREM was not a $5 stock as I predicted a few weeks ago. No, in fact, it is a $0.69 stock. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

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To: Sir Auric Goldfinger who wrote (659)9/6/2001 1:43:19 AM
From: get shorty
   of 683
Effn Irwin Jacobs.

I don't know if Rocker Partners,, and others named in Jacobs' suit have any legal recourse, but I'd sure like to see Jacobs held accountable for his attempts to bully and silence the critics.

That said, after CNC and AREM, I don't want him to stop shooting his mouth off altogether. He's becoming quite the contrarian indicator.

Kudos on another stellar call.


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To: Sir Auric Goldfinger who wrote (659)9/6/2001 12:01:06 PM
From: Kevin Podsiadlik
   of 683
And down as low as 55 cents today. Have fun celebrating. Me, I'm just going to unload my AREM quote file and call it a day on this one.


"There is no significant downside left in this stock, not at this price [$16] at least."

Message 16051672


Profitless Prophets Dept.:

"Future generations of investors will look back to 2001 when a small band of AREM longs showed courage, discipline and conviction during the manipulation by Shorts and MMs. It was the turning point in the War which eventually resulted in sweeping changes in investment laws, rules, and practices (Not to mention the financial rewards they reaped)."




Right About That Much Dept.:

"Especially glad that I had the balls to load the boat on Friday at 11.65 and 11.70. Nobody will have the opportunity to buy at those levels again with this stock."


A copy of the AREM "call to action", from during the halt. "Please print and save as a file the following post for later reference." Who am I to refuse?


"Jacobs said that they [the shorts] would be carried out.

I believe he is going to be right. They're toast. You aren't one of them are you? Upside may get real pricey in a few days."


Famous Last Post Dept.:

"There will be no delisting. End of story."


See you at the next one, Sir Auric.

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To: Kevin Podsiadlik who wrote (661)9/6/2001 6:17:42 PM
From: Sir Auric Goldfinger
   of 683
Thanks you for those gems! I never go to YHOO, but I must say, there really are some classics. A fungo bat would not help these guys.

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To: Sir Auric Goldfinger who wrote (662)10/5/2001 9:19:42 AM
From: Arcane Lore
   of 683
From today's online NY Times:

October 5, 2001

2 Former AremisSoft Officials Accused of Fraud by S.E.C.


The two former top executives at AremisSoft, a publicly traded software company, were accused yesterday by the Securities and Exchange Commission of defrauding investors of at least $200 million and possibly much more.

In a 32-page civil complaint filed in Federal District Court in New York, the commission contended that Roys Poyiadjis and Lycourgos K. Kyprianou, the former co-chief executives of AremisSoft, had engaged in one of the largest financial frauds in history. Mr. Poyiadjis and Dr. Kyprianou used false financial statements to inflate the price of AremisSoft's stock, then sold millions of shares of AremisSoft to unwitting investors during late 2000 and early 2001, the commission alleged.

About $89 million of the $120 million in sales that AremisSoft reported last year may never have existed, the complaint said. Mr. Poyiadjis resigned as chief executive of AremisSoft on Monday. Dr. Kyprianou had resigned on July 31.

The full extent of the actions by Mr. Poyiadjis and Dr. Kyprianou is still uncertain, the S.E.C. said, because regulators have not yet been able to obtain complete records of all the shares the men sold.

But the complaint contends that Mr. Poyiadjis made $175 million on his sales. Dr. Kyprianou made an additional tens of millions of dollars, and possibly much more, according to Richard Sauer, assistant director for the commission's enforcement division.

On Tuesday, at the request of federal attorneys in New York, authorities in the Isle of Man froze $175 million in two bank accounts controlled by Mr. Poyiadjis or his family, according to the complaint. That money came from Mr. Poyiadjis' sales of AremisSoft stock, the complaint said. So far, the S.E.C. said it has been unable to locate the proceeds of the sales by Dr. Kyprianou, the complaint said.

The whereabouts of Dr. Kyprianou and Mr. Poyiadjis are also unclear. Dr. Kyprianou is a citizen of Cyprus and lives there, while Mr. Poyiadjis is a British citizen who has a home in New York City, according to the complaint. Mr. Sauer would not say whether authorities know where Mr. Kyprianou and Mr. Poyiadjis are, but he said neither man was in custody.

A lawyer for Mr. Poyiadjis did not return telephone calls for comment. Dr. Kyprianou could not be reached for comment. Paul Bloom, AremisSoft's executive vice president, said the company was continuing to cooperate with the S.E.C. and other authorities.

The S.E.C. said it began to investigate AremisSoft after published articles suggested that the company had overstated the value of a contract it had won in 1999 to overhaul the health insurance system of Bulgaria.
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