To: Yaacov who wrote (17432) | 3/9/2001 10:02:53 PM | From: goldsnow | | | Maybe it was better to allow Serbs to make a compromise with them without NATO! WHo knows?>>>
Who knows? Who knows???!!!! Is it a rhetorical question? Who does not know? <ggg> |
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To: George Papadopoulos who wrote (17436) | 3/10/2001 12:06:08 PM | From: John Lacelle | | | Those nice Albanian "Freedom Fighters" now seek Macedonia!
Jeesus...they are blasting away at Macedonian troops. I guess they think that since 1/3 of Macedonia is ethnic Albanian, they must own the place.
This situation is just like with the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. We help em out and then they turn the guns on us.
Get the body bags ready...
-John |
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To: John Lacelle who wrote (17440) | 3/10/2001 7:53:20 PM | From: George Papadopoulos | | | SHOCKING Development in the Balkans<gggggg>
U.S. Links Belgrade Aid, Milosevic Arrest - Report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has told the Belgrade government it should arrest and imprison former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic (news - web sites) by the end of March if it expects American aid to continue, The New York Times reported on Saturday.
The demand for Milosevic's arrest was included in a three-page list of demands delivered last week by the U.S. ambassador to Belgrade, William Montgomery, to Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica (news - web sites), Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic of Serbia and other senior officials, the newspaper said.
Belgrade was also asked to assist in transferring at least one person indicted on war crimes charges to the international tribunal in The Hague (news - web sites) and to cooperate with the tribunal on ''international charges against Milosevic,'' according to the report.
The State Department declined to confirm that the Bush administration had asked Belgrade to take action against Milosevic.
``We are looking at all aspects of Belgrade's cooperation with the Hague tribunal, as well as other issues relating to democracy and human rights in Serbia,'' a State Department official said.
The U.S. Congress had already set a deadline of March 31 for Yugoslavia's new democratic government to show a clear sign of cooperating over Milosevic, who is under indictment by the tribunal in The Hague for war crimes, if it is to receive the balance of $100 million in U.S. aid. About half of that aid has not yet been disbursed.
The latest demands ratchet up the pressure on Belgrade to act swiftly against Milosevic to avoid a suspension of aid.
President George W. Bush (news - web sites) must certify to Congress by the March 31 deadline that Yugoslavia is cooperating with the U.N. tribunal on international war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.
Belgrade has indicated that the net is closing in on Milosevic and that he may soon be brought to trial in Serbia. But it has balked at Western demands that he be handed over to the war crimes tribunal.
Djindjic suggested on Friday that his government might try Milosevic in Belgrade but urged the international community to respect Serbia's desire to try the former strongman in its own courts rather than deliver him to the tribunal.
The Times said Washington had not insisted in its latest demands that Milosevic be transferred immediately to The Hague. But official U.S. policy remains that he should at some point face charges before the international tribunal for Serbian actions and war crimes allegedly committed before and during the 1999 Kosovo war. |
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To: George Papadopoulos who wrote (17441) | 3/14/2001 10:14:59 AM | From: George Papadopoulos | | | I like Kostunica, he is no puppet pragmatist<g>
Yugoslav leader assails NATO Says peacekeepers are helping guerrillas
By David J. Lynch USA TODAY
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica accused NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo Tuesday of ''direct collaboration'' with anti-government ethnic Albanian guerrillas in southern Serbia.
The peacekeeper force ''enabled and in some way supported or was helping the terrorists,'' he said. ''In the case of some units, there was direct collaboration between (the peacekeepers and the rebels).''
Kostunica's statements, in an interview with USA TODAY, came one day after NATO agreed to allow Yugoslav soldiers to return to part of a buffer zone ringing Kosovo. The ''ground safety zone'' was created at the end of NATO's war in 1999 with Yugoslavia, which waged a crackdown against ethnic Albanian separatists in the Serbian province of Kosovo.
The 3-mile-wide buffer zone was designed to prevent incidents between Yugoslav forces and NATO peacekeepers. But Albanian guerrillas moved into the vacuum and have been seizing ethnic Albanian villages in Serbia's Presevo Valley and in neighboring Macedonia. More than 5,000 U.S. soldiers are in the peacekeeping force, and they are based in eastern Kosovo, which is adjacent to the area where fighting has occurred.
Kostunica, a former constitutional law specialist who rode a wave of popular protest to power last October, is a Serb nationalist who opposed the U.S.-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. He has complained that peacekeepers are not doing enough to stop ethnic Albanian fighters from crossing into southern Serbia from United Nations-administered Kosovo.
On Tuesday, he said the peacekeepers, wary of taking casualties, should show ''more courage'' and confront armed Albanians.
The peacekeeping force, known by the acronym KFOR, was slow to react to the ethnic Albanian insurgency. In recent weeks, U.S.-led peacekeepers have stepped up their patrols and conducted surveillance overflights of rebel-held territory.
But, Kostunica said, ''flights of KFOR helicopters have been traced that gave the impression of being used as a sort of logistics support to the terrorists rather than surveilling them.''
In Brussels, NATO spokesman Mark Laity responded: ''Such comments are simply wrong. It's simply pointless getting involved in this kind of exchange when the cooperation between Serbia and KFOR is so important to the future of the area.''
In the 50-minute interview, Kostunica also said he:
* Doubts investigators will have sufficient evidence to arrest former president Slobodan Milosevic by March 31, the congressional deadline for cutting off $100 million in U.S. aid unless Belgrade cooperates with international war crimes investigators.
* Views Milosevic as a war criminal -- along with the former leaders of Croatia and Bosnia and military commanders from NATO and the Albanian guerrillas. |
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To: John Lacelle who wrote (17440) | 3/14/2001 10:36:26 PM | From: George Papadopoulos | | | John, your body bags are coming....if Stratfor is right and they tell us about them<g>
KFOR and Serb forces will be subject to regular hit-and-run attacks by UCPMB bands, and they will suffer numerous casualties through the spring.
Dangerous Ground: Inside the Buffer Zone 14 March 2001
The Yugoslav army entered the ground safety zone along the Kosovo border March 14. Serb forces were deployed into areas near where ethnic Albanian militants control strategically important villages. But ethnic Albanians are fighting to keep those villages from Serb control and ultimately will attack KFOR and Serb patrols in defense of the region. KFOR can expect the number of guerrilla forces to grow along the border and for its forces, and those of the Serbs, to be under the constant threat of ambush.
With ethnic Albanian militants fighting for control of key villages inside a 3-mile ground safety zone established by NATO, the Yugoslav army entered the area March 14 in order to stem the incursion of the Liberation Army of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac (UCPMB).
But the guerrillas will target the Serb patrols entering the ground safety zone, as well as U.S. KFOR units, in order to defend the strategically important villages and continue the fight for Kosovo’s independence. Moreover, Albanian militants will recruit heavily for the fight and keep with hit-and-run attacks against multinational forces in the Presevo Valley.
In an attempt to stabilize the region, KFOR will be forced to consider a build up of multinational forces along the border to suppress Albanian extremists. But as a result, KFOR, U.N. monitors and Serb forces will come under regular attacks by small bands of Albanians who will migrate over territory in Serbia’s Presevo Valley. Only a major buildup by KFOR’s forces along the border would stem the violence, and even that is an uncertain proposition.
KFOR’s biggest challenge will be sealing the border from arms traffic and new UCPMB recruits. Until KFOR can interdict all guerrilla personnel and equipment, the militants will own the Presevo Valley.
U.S.-KFOR forces, part of what is known as Multinational Brigade East, are responsible for three zones along Kosovo’s border with Macedonia and Serbia. The area has become the center of gravity for a potential border war.
The Albanian extremists seek armed control of predominantly Albanian communities in Serbia’s territory. Albanian paramilitary leaders claim NATO betrayed them by refusing to declare Kosovo independent and by aligning with new Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica.
While Serb forces are not allowed near areas under Albanian control, U.S.-KFOR forces – with notable assistance from British, Scandinavian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian forces – are attempting to clean up towns occupied by the militants.
KFOR efforts to contain the Presevo Valley will resemble the cleanup missions by Russian paratroopers at the end of the1999 incursion by Islamic militants in Dagestan.
These are preventive operations in towns under the risk of rebel occupation. Keeping these towns from rebel control will require a steady KFOR presence through the spring and winter.
Other towns inside the ground safety zone are currently under guerrilla control. These include Dobrosin, Konculj, Lucane, Bujanovac and Veliki Trnovac – all inside Serbia proper. There are as many as 4000 militants already inside the ground safety zone between Kosovo and Serbia and there are about 300 militants inside Macedonia, concentrated southwest of Serbia's Presevo Valley near Tanusevci.
NATO will allow only small teams of KFOR liaisons into the ground safety zone and will help coordinate operations with Serb forces in the Presevo Valley. Monitors from the European Union and United Nations will be in place to oversee the actions of Serb forces. KFOR’s objective in the Presevo Valley is to contain the militants in their strongholds and to rout them from towns under partial control.
NATO’s mission in the Presevo Valley is risky. Guerrillas have launched mortars inside the ground safety zone from Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo, and they regularly engage Serb police. Ethnic Albanian strongholds cannot be overwhelmed by force, as Serb forces cannot bring anti-tank weapons, artillery or tanks into the ground safety zone. The matter is such a concern for Yugoslav officials that Serb Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic and President Kostunica fear NATO has put Serb forces in harm’s way.
Moreover, there is a strong likelihood multinational forces will be encircled in their effort to contain the militants.
The UCPMB is expanding its base of influence inside Kosovo, likely following the refugee traffic. Substantial refugee flows have gone eastward into Kosovo from the Presevo Valley.
In December 2000, the UNHCR regional office reported 4,900 internally displaced people sought refuge in Kosovo from the Presevo Valley. Most registered in towns surrounding Gnjilane and Kamenica, a few miles inside the border across Dobrosin, the guerilla stronghold. Also, almost 100 people fled to Kosovo for every person fleeing to Serbia.
Given the freedom of movement within the buffer zone and the flight of most persons to Kosovo, UCPMB forces are likely to build up forces in the key towns inside Kosovo. These include Malisevo, Zegra, Toponica and Karacevo, and also Breznica inside Serbia.
At present, guerilla forces are diffused throughout the region, and KFOR and Serb forces effectively will become ducks in the barrel while on patrol.
UCPMB forces have confronted police at key transport routes into Serbia from Kosovo, including Malina Malla, Blace, Mucibaba and Brevnik. These were probably attempts to monitor traffic at crossing points. Despite calls by ethnic Albanian moderates, UCPMB field colonels are bracing for war. Their targets will be KFOR and Serbian personnel patrolling inside the ground safety zone and outside along the border.
UCPMB will attempt to hold at key points along the border and will use the mountains as cover. Much like Russia’s problems in Dagestan, KFOR will face a mobile enemy and will remain unable to isolate the guerilla bands. KFOR and Serb forces will be subject to regular hit-and-run attacks by UCPMB bands, and they will suffer numerous casualties through the spring. |
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To: George Papadopoulos who wrote (17443) | 3/18/2001 9:15:12 AM | From: Tom Clarke | | | U.S. Troops Brace for Confrontations With Albanians
By Thomas E. Ricks Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, March 18, 2001; Page A22
CAMP BONDSTEEL, Yugoslavia -- U.S. peacekeepers in Kosovo, watching warily as ethnic Albanian guerrillas launch new attacks just across the border in Macedonia and southern Yugoslavia, are bracing for possible confrontations in Kosovo with the guerrillas or their supporters.
Stepping up patrols on the border to block the flow of men and weapons from Kosovo to the insurgents, the peacekeepers risk becoming targets themselves if the guerrillas feel threatened.
On Friday, U.S. troops seized machine guns, rocket launchers and other weapons from a Volkswagen Golf car near the border.
NATO waged a 78-day bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to end a brutal crackdown by that country's Serb-dominated army against an Albanian insurrection in Kosovo. But U.S. Army peacekeeping troops here see the recent attacks as confirmation that the Albanians are now the problem.
NATO has been cooperating more and more closely with its former adversary in the war. Earlier in the week, the alliance allowed Yugoslav troops to reoccupy a 10-square-mile sector of a buffer zone just outside Kosovo, where Albanian guerrillas have been attacking Yugoslav police.
"As the [buffer zone] gets smaller and there's less room for them to maneuver, I think it'll get hotter," said Lt. Brandon Griffin, an 82nd Airborne Division officer who has led patrols near the zone.
U.S. military intelligence officials expect that if Yugoslavs reoccupy the zone sector by sector in the coming weeks, as is the plan, the Albanian fighters inside will be pushed back into Kosovo -- and into the U.S. peacekeeping sector.
Tensions are higher at the Macedonian border as well. On Friday, four German Leopard tanks crossed from Kosovo into Macedonia to protect German logistics troops who are stationed there to support the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo. Officials said this was not an intervention, only a beefing up of security for the Germans.
Almost two years into the peacekeeping mission, it's hard to find Americans in the field who feel much sympathy for the Albanians they came to rescue.
"I got used to thinking of the Serbs as the oppressors, because of Bosnia," said Capt. Christopher Glover, commander of a military police company deployed here from Fort Polk, La., and a veteran of that other U.S. peacekeeping mission in the Balkans. "But here we're really protecting the Serbs from the Albanians."
Serb civilians who remained in their homes when the Yugoslav army pulled out in 1999 are in constant danger from Albanians, who either want revenge or a Kosovo without Serbs.
U.S. troops are guarding isolated Serb enclaves, religious sites and homes. In some Albanian-dominated towns, the remaining Serbs get round-the-clock protection to deter grenade and bomb attacks. Of the approximately 70 locals put in orange suits and held behind concertina wire and chain-link fence at the jail that U.S. forces maintain inside their main camp, about 65 are ethnic Albanians.
Despite these efforts, Albanians manage regularly to terrorize Serbs. Serbian churches have been dynamited. Last month, a bomb was detonated under a bus filled with Serbs, killing seven.
Many Serbs say the peacekeepers are too concerned about taking casualties and should apply their full military muscle to establish order and confiscate weapons used by Albanians during the war against Yugoslavia.
"The Albanians just keep on pushing and pushing and pushing," Capt. Guenther Pearson, a company commander, said with frustration.
Lt. Judd Young added: "Tensions are rising as the attacks are becoming more and more blatant."
The irony is that the Serbs being protected don't particularly like their protectors. And the ethnic Albanians by and large remain friendly with the U.S. troops moving among them.
Riding through the ethnically Albanian town of Kacanik, Lt. John Waters said that the locals bring coffee and bread to his troops when they visit. "The Albanian town, they love us," summarized Spec. Jason Pasko, a paratrooper from Huntington, Ind. Added his friend, Sgt. Joshua Bailey, from Raymond, N.H., "We're like saviors."
By contrast, the only time they were in a Serb town, the two soldiers said, was to put down a riot and they had rocks thrown at them.
Riding through the beleaguered Serb town of Strpce, an isolated enclave near the Macedonian border, Capt. Glover said the populace shuns his troops. "Notice that we don't have all the 'Hey, hello.' " As he said this, he passed two teenage Serb boys. One stared at him, expressionless. The other ignored him..
"The people here are still anti-U.S., anti-NATO," said Young, standing inside a U.N. police station in Strpce that was attacked last month. "They feel we're an army of occupation."
Among the troops, this ambiguous situation seems sometimes to have a demoralizing effect. Staff Sgt. George Cyrus of Montgomery, Ala., invokes the civil rights movement. "I mean, you think about race in America, and history. You can't go on angry forever. Eventually you've got to get over it."
"I find it very frustrating," added Staff Sgt. Robert McCormick, a combat engineer from Niagara, Wis. "You go into a town and they all act nice and friendly, and the next day they have a riot. So I just want to go home."
© 2001 The Washington Post Company |
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To: Les H who wrote (17446) | 3/19/2001 10:32:29 AM | From: George Papadopoulos | | | This makes much more sense to me than the official line...
March 17, 2001
Replaying NATO's Greatest Hits
Let us stipulate the following: If NATO – the greatest military force in the world – wished to stop the ethnic Albanian insurgency in Southern Serbia and Macedonia it would do so. If the KLA believed for one moment that its insurgencies were likely to push NATO into abandoning Kosovo it would wind them up. The conclusion is inevitable: The KLA launched the two insurgencies in the full certainty that they would enjoy tacit, if not explicit, NATO – and that, of course, means United States – support. Let us further stipulate the following: The objective of the KLA is to detach chunks of Serbia and Macedonia and to attach them to a future state of Greater Albania. NATO leaders furthermore know this to be the case. Another conclusion is inevitable. Greater Albania is very much in conformity with US plans for the Balkans.
Therefore we must assume that the KLA will not call off its insurgencies, and that agreements promising "ceasefires" are not be worth the paper they are written on. From what we have stipulated above, we deduce that NATO knows full well that these "agreements" are not be worth the paper they are written on. Therefore the "ceasefire" earlier this week between the Belgrade regime and the Albanian guerrillas, brokered by NATO, which would allow the Yugoslav armed forces into the 3-mile wide buffer zone between Kosovo and Serbia proper, is clearly a fraud. And NATO knows it to be a fraud. The KLA has not the slightest intention of permitting Belgrade to re-establish its authority in Southern Serbia.
Indeed, the Albanian guerrillas are not even pretending to take it seriously. Having signed a "ceasefire" agreement, they immediately announced that they could not guarantee the safety of any Serb soldier entering the buffer zone. Presevo Valley terrorist "chief of staff," Shefket Musliu, declared: "I and my commanders cannot accept responsibility for spontaneous actions of local Albanian elements in Sector C of the Ground Safety Zone." NATO furthermore imposed all manner of restrictions on the Yugoslav armed forces entering the zone, thereby condemning them to almost certain failure. Tanks and armored cars were out. Helicopters were out. All air support for ground troops were out. Villages were out of bounds. Mines were out. Rocket launchers were out. There was to be no shelling without NATO’s consent. "We have demanded that they do not occupy houses, do not enter villages, do not receive backing from armored cars or use rocket launchers and antitank weapons," declared a smug Lieutenant General Carlo Cabigiosu, commander of KFOR.
The ostensible purpose of the deployment of the Yugoslav troops is to block off "escape routes" of Albanian guerrillas into Kosovo. This is a strange task. The KLA terrorists are coming across the border from NATO-occupied Kosovo. One would have thought responsibility for preventing their entry into Macedonia or the Presevo Valley was NATO’s and NATO’s alone. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which had authorized NATO’s seizure of Kosovo, the "responsibilities of the international security presence to be deployed and acting in Kosovo will include:
(a) Deterring renewed hostilities, maintaining and where necessary enforcing a ceasefire...(b) Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups...(d) Ensuring public safety and order until the international civil presence can take responsibility for this task...(g) Conducting border monitoring duties as required." In other words, NATO has massively failed to live up to almost every single one of its obligations. Yet this does not stop the United States from endlessly demanding that Belgrade live up to its obligations to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal.
NATO’s strategy, as always, is to shift responsibility for its failures on to Belgrade. Before last October’s coup, NATO blamed every calamity on Slobodan Milosevic. Now that Milosevic is no longer there, the new Yugoslav regime is to be set up for a fall. All too eagerly Belgrade is marching into NATO’s trap. The Yugoslav military deployment is bound to fail. There are two scenarios and only one conclusion. First scenario: NATO will impose so many constraints on the Yugoslav armed forces that they will be unable to get to grips with the KLA insurgency. After a couple of months, NATO will declare that Yugoslavia had "failed" and that only solution was possible. Reluctantly, KFOR must itself take over Southern Serbia and Macedonia. Second scenario: The Yugoslav forces begin to get on top of the situation. Immediately the cry of "humanitarian abuses" goes up. The KLA will stage massive flights of Albanian refugees across the border into Kosovo, and "anguished" Albanians will stage riots in Kosovska-Mitrovica. Again NATO will declare that Yugoslavia had "failed" and that KFOR has to take over.
This, of course, is precisely the KLA strategy. Concern about Albanians shooting at NATO soldiers is ludicrous. KLA and NATO march in lockstep. The KLA wants to run Greater Albania. NATO is there to facilitate its creation. The media will cheer on NATO’s expanded mission in the Balkans. We must bear any burden, we will be told, to make the world safe for "peace" and "stability." According to Robert Curis, a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group, the George Soros-funded outfit always on hand to advocate military intervention on behalf noble goals, the current fighting is "a threat to the stability of the Balkans and therefore to all of Europe." Once the stakes are this high – nothing less than the "stability" of "all of Europe" – only NATO can be trusted to get the job done.
NATO began preparing to expand its mission in the Balkans quite some time ago. In early 1999, at Rambouillet, the United States had demanded that NATO be given free access to all of Serbia. Milosevic said no and thereby precipitated the NATO onslaught. UN Security Council Resolution 1244 also failed to deliver what the US wanted. As soon as the Americans arrived in Kosovo, however, they began to arm and train KLA fighters to take over Southern Serbia. According to a recent article in the Observer, the "CIA encouraged former Kosovo Liberation Army fighters to launch a rebellion in southern Serbia in an effort to undermine the then Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic." A European KFOR commander told the Observer reporter: "The CIA has been allowed to run riot in Kosovo with a private army designed to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic. Now he’s gone the US State Department seems incapable of reining in its bastard army." This, of course, is an absurd misreading of what really took place. The purpose was not primarily to "overthrow" Milosevic, but to take over Serbia. This was to happen either by the reduction of Serbia to US satellite-status or by gradual US military takeover. The notion that the US State Department is unable to rein in "its bastard army" is laughable. Interestingly, the Observer story echoes a recent BBC report: "The BBC’s Nik Gowing in Davos has been shown evidence by foreign diplomatic sources that the guerrillas now have several hundred fighters in the 5km-deep military exclusion zone on the boundary between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia. The sources said that: Certain NATO-led KFOR forces were not preventing the guerrillas taking mortars and other weapons into the exclusion zone. The guerrilla units had been able to hold exercises there, including live-firing of weapons, despite the fact that KFOR patrols the zone. Western special forces were still training the guerrillas, as a result of decisions taken before the change of government in Yugoslavia." Again, the European sources cited are being disingenuous. The United States could bring the KLA to heel any time it wanted. One has to assume that Washington policymakers read newspapers and would therefore be aware of the fact that Milosevic was no longer in power in Belgrade. Perhaps they just simply did not know what the telephone code for Kosovo was.
What we are seeing now is an eerie replay of the sinister events of 1998. It was then that the United States began training and arming the KLA even as officials were condemning it in public as a "terrorist" organization. It was then that the United States was forcing Serbia, under threat of bombs, to sign one "ceasefire" agreement after another, each one of which would then be exploited by the KLA to strengthen its position in Kosovo. US support for the KLA, incidentally, was in flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1160, passed on March 31, 1998, which had condemned "all acts of terrorism by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group or individual and all external support for terrorist activity in Kosovo, including finance, arms and training."
In October 1998, facing imminent US air strikes, President Slobodan Milosevic signed an agreement with US envoy Richard Holbrooke, promising to withdraw Yugoslav security forces from Kosovo. This deal imposed obligations exclusively on Yugoslavia. The Albanians had not had to sign anything, and were therefore free to continue to provoke the Serbs, confident that any act of Serb retaliation would be reported in the US media as typical Serb barbarity. It was a fatal surrender of sovereignty. Yugoslavia had been forced to agree not to suppress an armed insurrection within its own borders. It would be a matter of time before the Serbs would be confronted by even more humiliating demands.
As soon as Yugoslavia began withdrawing its forces from Kosovo, the KLA moved swiftly to take over positions previously held by the Serbs. The most sinister feature of the Holbrooke-Milosevic agreement was the establishment of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The ostensible purpose of the KVM was to monitor Yugoslavia’s compliance with the agreement. Its real purpose was to lay the groundwork for the subsequent NATO attack. The KVM was largely a CIA operation. Its chief was former US Ambassador to El Salvador, William G. Walker, a specialist in covert warfare and propaganda. Walker maintained close links to the KLA. He elicited from them critical information about Yugoslav defenses. As for the KLA, here is how Roland Keith, a former field office director of KVM, described their methods: "Upon my arrival the war increasingly evolved into a mid-intensity conflict as ambushes, the encroachment of critical lines of communication and the [KLA] kidnapping of security forces resulted in a significant increase in government casualties which in turn led to major Yugoslavian reprisal security operations…. The situation was clearly that KLA provocations…were clear violations of the previous October’s agreement."
KLA provocations, on the one hand, and CIA manipulation of US public opinion, on the other hand, culminated in the notorious deceit of Racak in January 1999. Walker had declared to the media of the world, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, that KLA fighters killed in a firefight with Yugoslav police had been Albanian civilians murdered in cold blood. Subsequent forensic investigations confirmed the Yugoslav version of events: No one had been shot at close range. The dead had lost their lives in battle. Yet this alleged "massacre" served to fuel the media hysteria leading up to NATO’s March 1999 murderous onslaught.
The US media, needless to say, maintained their usual discreet silence when questions about the US Government’s deceitful conduct came up. A year ago, the Sunday Times of London reported: "American intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia…. Central Intelligence Agency officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999, developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police. When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which coordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week before airstrikes began…many of its satellite telephones and global positioning systems were secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that guerrilla commanders could stay in touch with NATO and Washington. Several KLA leaders had the mobile phone number of General Wesley Clark, the NATO commander." Amazing stuff. Nothing about any of this found its way into the US media. That the United States was behind what is taking place currently in the Presevo Valley was obvious to the Sunday Times reporters a year ago: "The KLA has admitted its long-standing links with American and European intelligence organizations. Shaban Shala, a KLA commander now involved in attempts to destabilize majority Albanian villages beyond Kosovo’s border in Serbia proper, claimed he had met British, American and Swiss agents in northern Albania in 1996."
By now, United States involvement with the KLA is so flagrant and outrageous that even that master of the inconsequential turn of phrase, Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica has now taken to accusing NATO of "direct collaboration" with the KLA in Southern Serbia. KFOR, Kostunica says, had "enabled and in some way supported or was helping the terrorists." "Flights of KFOR helicopters," he went on, "have been traced that gave he impression of being used as a sort of logistics support to the terrorists rather than surveilling [sic] them." Given these facts then, why would Kostunica want to cooperate with NATO? Would it not make more sense for him to publicize NATO’s mendacity? And to challenge NATO to live up to its obligations and seal the Kosovo border? But then the Belgrade regime is bought and paid for. Its orders now are that it should be the fall guy, the one to blame for the continued turmoil in the Balkans. |
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