To: Tom C who wrote (2092) | 4/8/1999 11:04:00 PM | From: Jorj X Mckie | | |
I guess, in a way I should take it as a compliment...At least he didn't say "and this bonehead bought into the farce from the beginning". |
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To: Jorj X Mckie who wrote (2111) | 5/2/1999 10:39:00 AM | From: zonkie | | |
Good newsletter about computers----> _____________ You can access "Browser tune" from the URL also, it was educational to a layman like me and I was able to fix a couple of things that wern't working correctly. This is not spam, I won't post it anywhere else and I have no connection with Fred Langa. _____________ examples from the newsletter _____________ A) javascript:alert("Cookie is: " + document.cookie)
in your browser's address or location bar will make the browser cough up all the information any site you're visiting has collected in a Cookie about you.
Then, reader Lloyd Folden wrote to tell us of a Registry patch he created that lets you right-click on a page to see the cookies.
Many, many of you wrote in with yet another easy way to view Cookies. For example, wrote to say: can accomplish the main objective simply by creating a bookmark (for any javascript capable browser?) which I'm calling 'Cookie Checker' where the Target URL is simply: javascript:alert("Cookie is: " + document.cookie)
Whatever Web page I'm viewing, I can choose this bookmark from my list, and see a report of all cookies set by the site.
So whether by typing, Registry hacking, or creating a bookmark, you now have three ultra-easy ways to see exactly what information any site has collected about you in a Cookie! _____________ B) Your Browser Can't Count!
Most software can auto-correct the rounding errors caused by the way computers do math. For example, even the cheapest calculator can correctly tell you that:
14.28 x 9 = 128.52
Most math-enabled computer software likewise can correct rounding errors and give you reliable results.
But surprisingly, even though browsers can perform client-side JavaScript math (and may even be required to do so in intranet business and online shopping applications), most browsers are pretty bad at it. For example, many browser JavaScript implementations calculate the above not as 128.52 but rather as 128.51999999999998.
That might seem like a small thing until you start thinking about browser-based stock transactions, banking, taxes, inventory and ordering....
If a JavaScript programmer correctly anticipates these kinds of errors, they can be corrected with additional JavaScript code. Still, you may find it a little unsettling that your expensive computer hardware and software relies on a programmer's alertness and extra code to correct the kinds of rounding errors a $5 throwaway calculator can handle on its own!
If you'd like to see how your browser handles rounding errors, type this in the address bar:
javascript:alert(14.28 * 9)
and see if you get 128.52. (When you type in the above, note the colon between the "javascript" and the "alert.")
As you might expect, BrowserTune2000 will automatically check for rounding errors for you. To see a preliminary version of the "math error test page," click over to . ___________ C) Search Engines Stink __________ D) Better URL For Microsoft Updates |
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To: zonkie who wrote (2112) | 8/11/1999 10:46:00 PM | From: Graystone | | |
Perfect News or The Patent Thrill
FBNA has reached another milestone
SEDONA--(BIDNESS WIRE)--July 20, 1999--FBNA (UTCBB:FBNA) announced today that the Company has established beyond a doubt, they have nothing to say. In addition, they have nothing to say about a deal with IBM or Microsoft.
This statement is made by someone who likes Safe Harbour and owns a pleasant cybercottage by the sea. |
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