To: Brander who wrote (2) | 2/16/1998 10:56:00 PM | From: Chuca Marsh | | |
I got some good shots of the Mongoose that I have been talking about, for some months now from the end of the machine looking into the bowels. Some of the links are dead because I didn't scrape all three lines of character on the URL! But if you want to see the High Points of the Mongoose, I will call Bob and Frank to see if we can include some pictures( I took elsewhere -not theirs-one they sold to others) somehow some way -this newtechiswonderfull! There might be a way to send a picture! I will take some negatives to the Picture Place- they put them on disk now, this week I sent a Picture Video to a Thread first! See what was mentioned at Maxam: READ THIS LINE BEFORE CLICKING- This is the Line TO the GOLD PRODUCTION of the Autocron Slurry DCRS Electroamalgamation Machine...: ( Differential Charge Recovery System=DCRS )All These ADDRESS LINKS are incorrect except the First Two and This last ONE BELOW because the URLS are 4 LINES LONG rather than the ONE line I have BEEN SCRAPING, I will move this statement to the TOP but leave the discription original below: First TWO: Daigram in which I took a Picture looking from #64 to between 59/54 Blow up of where I took a Picture: The Slurry Entrance Top Section about 30 Feet away from Exit #64 above and about 7 feet higher : The square (small half inch) grates that are between #s39&34(fig4)That they flip over to get the RESULTANTS between the Positive and the NEGATIVE IONS..IE: GOLD: The workings of the Electric Elements ( may be the Copper Fingers/fans/brooms): All Theses ADDRESS LINKS are incorrect except the First Two and This last ONE BELOW because the URLS are 4 LINES LONG rather than the ONE line I have BEEN SCRAPING, I will move this statement to the TOP but leve the discription original below: THE TAILINGS RECOVERY PATANT PART AUTOCON CONCENTRATES FROM OLD WASTE TAILINGS or in others cases..from Crushed and Slurried OTHER Sands and Dirts: Thanks Rand for Finding this site on Maxamgold Thread yesterday! Thank for showing up Brad. I am more amazed than anything lately, all these new developments! The horizon is always ahead of us! Chuca |
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To: Brander who wrote (2) | 2/16/1998 10:57:00 PM | From: go4it | | |
Thank You Brad. Honesty and integrity are at the heart of any worth while endeavor. You may be interested to know that just over the last couple of days that the response has been pretty good. The information is just now being sent out to several mining companies and their officers and we will progress from there.
From an individual's perspective it should help them become more familiar with the different technologies that are being utilized in the industry and also those that are within the developmental and experimental stages. It is our hope to help investors and companies stay up with the latest information available so that all can benefit from the knowledge, technology and networking. |
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To: go4it who wrote (4) | 2/17/1998 2:25:00 PM | From: Terry J. Crebs | | |
A new "mining" association with:
1) a president with a poli-sci degree and real estate experience;
2) a VP with power plant and insurance experience.
Wow, I'm really impressed (NOT); has anyone actually ever worked underground or even in a mine?? Your "new western association" sounds like a bunch of "suits" with corporate feel-good surveys rather than "hard hats" with relevent experience.
Good luck "wanna-be-mining-types", but I'm not joining your purported "honest and high integrity" association. |
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To: Terry J. Crebs who wrote (5) | 2/17/1998 2:42:00 PM | From: Chuca Marsh | | |
<<..Your "new western association" sounds like a bunch of "suits" with corporate feel-good surveys rather than "hard hats" with relevent experience. ..>> Things sometimes are not what they appear. So, you want to talk about my Eagle Scout experiences, or my Claiming experiences using the "Quit Claim " deed experiance I received in on the job training in real estate. Have you ever written up Acres and Acres O' Claims..Mineral Rights. Or do you think about what can be, but forget about the Can Do! This Trade Association NEEDS all of us to make it work. North / South/ EAST or The WEST. Think on whether it is important to you that I was sitting in an Insurance Real Estate office ( In my Sweater -no tie ) and talking to some one on the phone who gave me a call to ask how to be considered and allow to be stated as ( at my request to be allowed to be Quoted) the first Member of This Association. That was a couple of hours ago. Answer ..Mr Dale Runyon a man who located, staked, and recorded...75,000 acres of BLM lands. Me - I have done less than a small percentage of that; yet, my efforts had numbers that lie in the thousands of arces. I am trying to help. I hope the standard of truth and committment shines through. I do it as well as talk it! This PFC ( former ) dug latrine holes, now I find gold diggin on off time. So they put me in a HQ company as a typist and made me a typish(Letter-Perfect-Why Correct it- Bqankes will correct the Newsltter-I ask you to Name OUR newslrtter, Now!), probably because I refused to take a typing test. I always bucked the trend! Now I am typing here! Now we want, we NEED -your individual committment and support ! If we can earn your trust, all willl be fine. We will share here and we will share elsewhere. If we can help you and service is a name we know, just let us know. It need not be handled public. Chucadoer |
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To: Chuca Marsh who wrote (6) | 2/17/1998 3:17:00 PM | From: KipferlMeister | | |
Mr. Crebs makes a valid point in spite of himself: if his arrogance is typical of what can be found in this field, you're going to have some tough sledding ahead. Not everyone is as open and forthright as Runion. Seeing who does and doesn't join should be interesting.
-Michael |
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To: KipferlMeister who wrote (7) | 2/17/1998 3:26:00 PM | From: Richard Mazzarella | | |
Michael, it's nice that people want to create a business association, but as an investor I could care less. I want stock appreciation from the stocks in which I invest. The businesses can party, dance, fornicate, associate, and do what ever they want as long as my individual stocks go up. SI does seem to be the wrong forum for business associations. Association's of stocks that appreciate however is a different matter. <VBG> |
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To: strenlich who wrote (9) | 2/17/1998 3:54:00 PM | From: Chuca Marsh | | |
A little left - right confusion! Happens all the time. Good thing this forum isn't public. Now, my left brain is tugging with my right brain and I just found out I had a center brain. No brainer. Now, Rich if the aims of your favorite companies are furthured, will it not impact the .... STOCK PRICE? If the bottom line (no acres jokes please) is augmented by one unforsceen thing at present that Chuck and I do infact accomplish; will not that savings be reflected in Shareholder Value and significance in augmentation of ratio from the Now Price to a future impacted for the positive ... SHARE PRICE? Just throwing out questions, we make no PROMISES, but claim that we will try. Sorta like claiming acres and acres of mineral rights, we claim these lands to be self-evident and we will, in the future... PROOVE IT! Chucacres |
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To: Terry J. Crebs who wrote (5) | 2/17/1998 4:20:00 PM | From: go4it | | |
I agree with Mike that what you posted is what alot of people will think. At first. The association that we are proposing is not about telling the mining industry how to do their jobs. People go into business, whether it is mining or any other industry, so that they can run things the way they feel they should be run.
We are not so arrogant as to tell others how to run their operations which is what you are eluding to in your post. There are many private people and private/public companies out there that lack expertise and/or manpower to perform many of the tasks required to take a project from exploration status to an operating mine. We will offer our assistance to get these people in touch with those that have the expertise and man power to assist them in their efforts. In addition to that we will also be able to maintain a record of reliability of the vendors. It is not always important to know the answers as long as you know where to find the answers and that is the essence of what we are proposing here.
I can assure you that I have never been a suit or a pat myself on the back sort of guy. I deal in nothing but results. All the effort in the world is not going to do anyone any good if they don't bring in the results that are needed.
Suffice it to say that I do appreciate your concerns because I am sure that I will hear them repeated many more times as we start the association. I will be very concerned if I am still hearing those same concerns being expressed two years from now. I am prepared to prove myself to you and the rest of the industry and all I am asking in return is the opportunity to do so.
Just a small correction to your post. I have never dealt with insurance. That was Mr. Marsh. |
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