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To: Jeffrey S. Mitchell who wrote (1307)11/7/2023 8:03:07 AM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
   of 1320
I have that fiasco all on tape, talking to brokers, and a news letter publisher that recommended Brex in the penny's and wold around 200 dollars.

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To: S. maltophilia who wrote (1308)11/7/2023 8:04:57 AM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
   of 1320
That was a time when SI was so busy. I wish we could search that far back, I think an advanced Google search may do it

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From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)11/9/2023 11:20:02 AM
   of 1320
Deja-du. 26 years ago I was into gaming big, mainly flight combat sims, like EF2000. I got it working on my old ThinkPad Windows XP. Had to use DOSBox and the game plays once again. Drinking Pepsi and chatting on SI was what I was doing 26 years ago.

Had some bugs when installing a piece of laced software, not malware just damn programs. Took 4 hours to clean up and scan to be safe.

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To: S. maltophilia who wrote (1308)2/24/2024 1:15:19 PM
From: Broken_Clock
   of 1320
I watched an interview with Adam Taggart of Wealthion fame the other day. He was asked how he went from being a Silicon Valley VP to an independent podcaster. He alluded to being part of(or at least lurking) on an online group that sounded awfully lot like the original Residential Real Estate Crash thread. He was trying to buy a home(Mountain View I think) and credited his time reading the thread with changing his mind and holding back from buying in the early 2000's bubble. He came to the conclusion that American kids just aren't taught about financial issues and dedicated his career to education in the venue for the common man.

I suppose SI has quite the illustrious membership, although it is likely to remain buried.

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To: Broken_Clock who wrote (1312)2/24/2024 1:50:06 PM
From: S. maltophilia
   of 1320
Remember all these people?

Message 30389232

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To: S. maltophilia who wrote (1313)2/24/2024 2:01:39 PM
From: Broken_Clock
   of 1320
Yup...Myth, Lucretious...

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To: Broken_Clock who wrote (1314)2/24/2024 2:16:03 PM
From: S. maltophilia
   of 1320
Fun reading, but neither had much influence in the real world.

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From: Hoatzin4/1/2024 2:31:43 PM
6 Recommendations   of 1320
Remembering Michal Daniel on April 1st, his birthday. A man who knew his Shakespeare, and the importance of The Fool. Miss you bro!

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To: Hoatzin who wrote (1316)4/1/2024 3:08:32 PM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Here is his website:

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To: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man) who wrote (1317)4/1/2024 7:08:29 PM
From: Chartgod
1 Recommendation   of 1320
AMEN, and all us "old farts" still kickin, have lived thru this

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