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To: Josef Svejk who wrote (247)1/1/2021 3:12:49 PM
From: Graystone
2 Recommendations   of 1320
A copy of a copy of a copy
Eternal truth Josef

I pointed out to Josef that SItizens were inspired people, like Vikings going to Greenland.
Vikings are well loved everywhere now, but back then people hated Vikings, they had no TV show.
Josef offered a Mark Twain explanation, also likely plagiarized if Mr. Twain is to be believed.
Josef humbly pointed that any errors in my understanding were probably "transmission errors". (see GL-15)
The site Josef linked is long gone, but courtesy of the Wayback Machine, here are GL-1 through GL-16.
I especially like GL-7, programmers know it is still true today.

Glossary of Software Engineering and Management Terms

GL-1 Advanced design: Management doesn't understand it.

GL-2 All new: The software is not compatible with previous versions.

GL-3 Artificial Intelligence: Making computers behave like they do in movies.

GL-4 Breakthrough: It nearly worked on the first try.

GL-5 Capability maturity model: A method of determining to what extent the developer

can reasonably be blamed for the inevitable failure.

GL-6 Cleanroom: A management technique that applies to vertical interfaces
what the mushroom technique applies to horizontal interfaces.

GL-7 Compiler: A tool for adding an exciting amount of uncertainty to the size, speed
and correctness of a given program.

GL-8 Computer human interface: The means by which the program conditions the
user into never trying all the things that don't work.

GL-9 Cost modeling: A means of convincing the customer to pay for
whomever you need to keep employed this year.

GL-10 Customer: A primitive life form at the bottom of the food chain.

GL-11 Debugger: A tool that substitutes afterthought for forethought.

GL-12 Design: The activity of preparing for a design review.

GL-13 Design review: A process for ensuring you know exactly what it is you won't build.

GL-14 Design simplicity: It was developed on a shoestring budget.

GL-15 Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

GL-16 Documentary hypothesis: The discredited notion that software is the
outcome of a systematic and rational process of development,
rather than the result of divine inspiration.

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To: Graystone who wrote (869)9/11/2021 9:53:37 AM
From: Graystone
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Our History...

The internet is much older today, not all grown up, just older.
This story was written 18 years ago, about 18 months after 9/11.
The twists and turns of the tale remain universal.
There was nobody here but us chickens.

Digitale includes the story "The Good SItizen".
RIP Bill - forever respect.


Digitale* by Graystone

*The link is to the title page of the story.
Then use Next from there.

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To: Graystone who wrote (1290)9/11/2021 3:50:01 PM
From: EL KABONG!!!
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Hello Graystone,

As we are all aware, this thread was a favorite for Misha who has passed on from life. Since there is now no moderator, and I think all of us are aware of the importance of this thread, I believe that there is no one more qualified or capable of taking over this thread than you. Other folks might be your equal, but none exceed you. Would you please consider moderating this thread? Thanks....


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To: EL KABONG!!! who wrote (1291)11/23/2021 7:07:20 PM
From: Graystone
1 Recommendation   of 1320
I will offer to do that

I have thought about this and was initially unsure.
There may be objections.
I would understand.

Now "serious" objections would be an entirely different matter. <smile>
I might not understand those.

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From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)9/13/2022 9:18:36 AM
4 Recommendations   of 1320
Remember Tony?

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From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)9/15/2022 9:36:41 AM
1 Recommendation   of 1320
This was from back when Go2Net owned SI, not the index's.

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To: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man) who wrote (1294)9/15/2022 11:10:32 AM
From: Carolyn
   of 1320
Loved it back then.

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To: Carolyn who wrote (1295)9/15/2022 11:12:54 AM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
   of 1320
Yep me too, Minnow was still here.

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To: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man) who wrote (1296)9/15/2022 11:15:00 AM
From: Carolyn
   of 1320
Yes. Sure miss her.

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To: Carolyn who wrote (1297)9/15/2022 11:18:58 AM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
   of 1320
Remember her:
Member 3677949

She was a lawyer in training, SI Bob hated her, as she would get into fights with him all the time. Tony and Lisa were enemies. See her profile.

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