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From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)6/20/2019 1:48:16 PM
   of 1320
Message 32205611

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To: Jeffrey S. Mitchell who wrote (1250)8/16/2019 6:56:45 AM
From: Level Head
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Hello, Jeffrey! It has been a long time, but I too remember lots of SI early history, and my very enjoyable interactions with you. I was a relative latecomer here, from early 1999.

I hope you've been well and happy. I am ... happy, but resemble Steven Hawking a bit. My brain still works, I can still type (if slowly), and can use a joystick and mouse, so I count myself fortunate.

===|==============/ Level Head

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To: Level Head who wrote (1253)8/19/2019 2:52:53 PM
From: Jeffrey S. Mitchell
   of 1320
Hey Level Head, good to hear from you! I take it you are writing your own book on the secrets of the universe? :)

Of course you now know that most of us early SI folks were nothing more than computer algorithms anyhow. Once SI shuts down, there goes our world. Until then, welcome back inside the matrix.

- Jeff

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From: OldAIMGuy12/3/2019 2:30:10 PM
3 Recommendations   of 1320
Our AIM Users Group migrated to SI in 1997. First post was 02/09/1997 as a test. Jill helped me get the board up and running and then I brought over our group from the "Money Talk" BB on Prodigy, I believe. It was a significant improvement.

I became acquainted with SI Bob (Zumbrunnen) along the way and shared track time with him at Road America one fine and sunny weekend.

Best regards,

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To: OldAIMGuy who wrote (1255)12/3/2019 2:32:16 PM
From: SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)
   of 1320
You should post a link to that board.

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To: OldAIMGuy who wrote (1255)12/3/2019 2:40:07 PM
From: Carolyn
   of 1320
That reminds me of the first annual SI Get together in Las Vegas. It all started on this thread:

Subject 30502

It was so successful, that other trips followed. Everyone had a great time.

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To: OldAIMGuy who wrote (1255)12/3/2019 3:47:46 PM
From: OldAIMGuy
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Here's the board we founded. It's not as active as it once was but I still post there on occasion.

Subject 12596

Best regards,

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From: Graystone12/16/2019 12:56:18 AM
3 Recommendations   of 1320
Collectively we are an embedded system in the network, the new land
We couldn't have known we were prototypes for a new social order

SI took over my entire life for many years.
At some level it is still deeply embedded in who I am.
I still feel the need to be the character that I am, not sure why.
My digital character was developed many years before SI and the Internet.
I used to play ANSI games on BBS systems in the early days.
I would play every local copy I could find of certain BBS games like Tradewars.
I would play these BBS games and create the same trading posts and the same planets in the same grid locations in every copy. Some other local players actually thought these planets and trading posts were part of the background code of the game because Graystone's Garden Planet was always in the same place in every copy I could find and play.
I came to SI through finance.
I did freelance IT work (PC support) for finance firms and knew brokers who were involved with Bre-X.
Many of us remember mikesloan and the role that the Internet and especially SI played in that story.
SI was just the best site for information on gold stocks.
As a well developed digital persona already I was surprised to find kindred digital souls here.
Fully developed and hardened characters.
There were just some incredibly gifted and smart people living the digital life here.

Today I only visit SI occasionally as life leaves little time for anything else.
Perhaps some version of the future has me being able to stop working but I doubt it.
I still love this place and the people here still impress, even those who have opinions that differ from mine.
That we have different opinions only matters if we are here to share that difference.
I know that every last person on SI that disagrees with me (or agrees me with for that matter) has more in common with me than 99.999...% of the planet.
So if I love your stuff, or even if I hate your stuff, it only matters to you or I because we are both still here on SI.

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To: Graystone who wrote (1259)12/18/2019 12:55:51 AM
From: Neeka
   of 1320
Graystone............excellent post.

You said it very well, and captured the essence of SI membership.

I've been drawn to it a couple of times, and thought it well worth posting here.

Message 32465870

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To: Neeka who wrote (1260)3/21/2020 3:45:00 PM
From: Graystone
1 Recommendation   of 1320
Thanks Neeka
Stay Safe

I am drawn to SI often in times of crisis.
I suppose it has to do with the fact that my first visits were in relation to Bre-X, which really wasn't a crisis.
This is unlike any previous crisis I have experienced in my lifetime and my earliest memories include the Cuban Missile Crisis very clearly.
We are entering a time of change right now and choices already made, for better or worse, will come into play now. My wife and I are essential workers, she works in a Doctor's office (one which may move to Telepresence) and I work in the Telecom industry as a technician, my company has stopped all home visits as of yesterday.
At this point in the crisis I can assure you, two things stand out for me and I will point them out to anyone who is interested -

If you have accumulated some resources, it is time to use them to support those you love. Any resources, spiritual, emotional, mental, financial, reserves of wisdom of energy of love, USE THEM NOW. ACT.

It is natural that many people will not want to talk about the virus and this is fine. They should still be reminded of the basic instructions above. Tell your children and grandchildren to stay home. Tell your friends and family to stay home. Stay home.

We are all in the same position as Sean Probst was in near the end of SEVENEVES, one mistake is all it will take. In John Ringo's Troy Rising series (who would believe I could read such junk) Terrans are attacked by an alien species who release a virus which infects humans and causes a small sore on the wrist. All you had to do to survive the attack was to use some antiseptic and a band-aid, do that simple thing and you could affect the outcome.
What goes into the forge is not what comes out of the forge. We are all bound together here in this billet and what we do together over the next thirty or forty days will have a tremendous impact on our future, let us be worthy of our History.

With grayt love.

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