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   Microcap & Penny StocksRADIUS RISES FROM THE ASHES (DODV)

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To: CoffeePot who wrote (1390)1/5/1999 11:43:00 AM
From: R.S. Blum
   of 1438
Mr. Coffee,

Take some time and due some DD please! You obviously are shooting from the hip if you don't have the inclusion of the KDS funds as a new revenue source superceding and taking over virtually where the SPLH sell off ended. Not that I'm the world's happiest RDUS investor, but clearly you error substantially in your interpretation of the current state of affairs.


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To: R.S. Blum who wrote (1391)1/5/1999 12:01:00 PM
From: SHGLaw
   of 1438
Watch out when some of the P&D shorters post on a thread like this. The percentage increase on a day like today causes people to take a look at what would otherwise be nothing more than a blip on their radar. But they are vultures. Beware of them, for they come in from nowhere, attempt to spread their poison, and benefit from the fallout.

Fortunately, few even know of this thread except some of us long term sufferers, for whom this will have no impact.


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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1392)1/5/1999 12:48:00 PM
From: R.S. Blum
   of 1438

Funny, look at Mr. Piss Pots profile:

take everything you read on these message boards with a BIG helping of salt.....

I guess that's his subtle warning. Isn't it funny how you can smell these slime balls a mile away?

Take care,

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To: R.S. Blum who wrote (1393)1/5/1999 2:20:00 PM
From: SHGLaw
   of 1438
Scott, not to say that we're suddenly doing great here, but ...

Have a good day and these scuzzballs swarm in like flies to shit. There are plenty of other companies out there. Please leave our little rdus to have a good day without getting the crap kicked out of it by daytrippers.


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To: R.S. Blum who wrote (1391)1/5/1999 2:56:00 PM
From: CoffeePot
   of 1438
The asset sell to KDS is only valued at $6.2 million.....if it ever takes place........for the year these particular assets accounted for 55% of revenues....and the company will no longer be able to operate under their current name after the sale.......looks like a desperate move to me. IMO

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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1394)1/6/1999 11:28:00 AM
From: SHGLaw
   of 1438
Digital Origins? Digitalis? Digit Midget? Hell, what's in a name.
New symbol should be "Dior" so it can be fashionable? Whatever.


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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1396)1/7/1999 12:15:00 PM
From: SHGLaw
   of 1438
Digitopolis partnership with Cannon announced.


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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1397)1/12/1999 10:28:00 AM
From: Martin Olsen
   of 1438

Uh-oh... more awards....

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To: Martin Olsen who wrote (1398)1/12/1999 10:33:00 AM
From: SHGLaw
   of 1438
Maybe if these mag's would give them a dollar instead of an award...

This is possibly the company with the most awards without revenue in history. There's a distinction for you.

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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1399)1/14/1999 6:37:00 PM
From: PeteW
   of 1438
RDUS named in class action?

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