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   Microcap & Penny StocksBAAT - world records for electric vehicles with zinc-air

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To: Richard L. Williams who wrote (6437)12/6/1999 10:39:00 AM
From: DonP
   of 6464
Given that the Donnie and Marie show is watched by dozens if not scores of people each year this could be BAT's finest moment. On the other hand BAT cannot afford liability insurance. If the Bike blows up and kills a few innocent bystanders, the ratings go up but BAT is forced into bankruptcy. Just a thought. Merry Christmas.

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To: DonP who wrote (6438)12/8/1999 4:33:00 PM
From: allen v.w.
   of 6464
Baat's hit .80 cents on the 7'th ?????????

Alert Me! Symbol
Company Low
Limit High
Limit Hit
Price Hit

BAAT B A T INTL INC .69 0.80 13:52
Click on Symbol to view Company digest

Current Quote
Symbol Last
Sale Net
Change Last Sale
Low Volume

BAAT 0.80 0.71 13:52 0.09 0.80 0.07 62

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To: allen v.w. who wrote (6439)12/28/1999 8:00:00 PM
From: allen v.w.
   of 6464

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To: allen v.w. who wrote (6440)12/30/1999 4:44:00 PM
From: DonP
   of 6464
HAHAAHA!!!! EBTGlobal is another BAT scam subsidiary!! HAAHAH!!!!!!

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To: DonP who wrote (6441)1/10/2000 7:18:00 AM
From: Ridi J
   of 6464
Hey DonP, don't knock it... Joe may have found a way to barter a few cases of BAAT lube for Henry Ford's matching ottoman...

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To: Ridi J who wrote (6442)1/27/2000 2:06:00 PM
From: Fletcher155
   of 6464
Anyone know why 200k shares traded for .12 today?

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To: Fletcher155 who wrote (6443)1/27/2000 7:53:00 PM
From: Richard L. Williams
   of 6464
Somebody got rooked, Fletch...but hey, it's a free market!

The bid for BAAT now appears to be 7&#162, the ask 12&#162. Both prices are ridiculously high, but is somebody wants to support Joe LaStella's lifestyle, that's fine by me.

I am still waiting for ANY news of revenues or anything worth investing in from this "company." This is not the worst scam I ever lost money in, just the most egregrious.

Good luck!

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To: Richard L. Williams who wrote (6444)1/29/2000 1:31:00 PM
From: DonP
   of 6464
Joe is trying leverage off the biodiesel scam to finance a new floating house of ill repute. All BAT offices will be moved to a motorboat. When district attorneys and other "corporate raiders" approach Joe can just sail away to a new jurisdiction.

Calstart Newsnotes mentions Presidential support of legitimate companies creating new fuels.

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To: DonP who wrote (6445)2/9/2000 8:10:00 PM
From: oconnellc
   of 6464
Anyone know any place on the web where I can check the current price of BAAT.


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To: oconnellc who wrote (6446)2/10/2000 10:47:00 AM
From: Michael Berkowitz
   of 6464

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