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   Technology StocksMSFT -- Should the DOJ Break it up?

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To: Kenneth E. De Paul who wrote (115)5/1/2000 4:21:00 PM
From: dkgross
   of 144
a long, lengthy appeal, with MSFT winning. WAY WAY WAY too many companies depend on Microsoft. Any ruling that would keep Microsoft from being able to innovate and improve its software would be bad overall.

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To: dkgross who wrote (116)5/1/2000 5:45:00 PM
From: Kenneth E. De Paul
   of 144
Maybe a long lengthy appeal, but with Microsoft losing. It is not my desire, however, it is my prediction. It will turn out to be a loss for the shareholders who stay the course.

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To: Kenneth E. De Paul who wrote (117)5/3/2000 7:40:00 PM
From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck
   of 144
LOL Remember when DOJ split the telecom monopoly and they were then referred to as the "Baby Bells". I guess the Microsoft split could be nicknamed the 'Baby Bills' LOL!!

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To: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck who wrote (118)5/3/2000 8:26:00 PM
From: dkgross
   of 144
LOL...or the Jr. Bills. But I just don't see a breakup really happening. We'll see what the appelate court has to say, I guess...

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To: Kenneth E. De Paul who wrote (115)5/10/2000 12:10:00 PM
From: Crystal ball
   of 144
If GATES and BALLMER have foresight, they will pull the rug out from under the anti-trust lawsuit by announcing a three way breakup of Microsoft. That would make the government's actions moot, and the case would be dismissed. It would also benefit all shareholders, since a three way breakup would be unregulated, unlike the government's two way breakup remedy plan. MSFT should announce a BUY BACK plan in tandem with announcing the plan to split the company three ways. The anti-trust laws contemplate either price, product line, or regional monopolies. Microsoft will probably choose a product line break up, but they also could just divide the company geographically, the Roman solution.
I am,
Truly your$,
-Crystal Ball

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To: Crystal ball who wrote (120)5/11/2000 4:25:00 PM
From: Spirochete
   of 144
I'm waiting patiently for Microsoft's decision on how the US government should be split up. Interesting thought, huh?

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To: Spirochete who wrote (121)5/11/2000 10:20:00 PM
From: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck
   of 144
LOL...That would be very confusing. On the Microsoft side you would have "Baby Bills" and on the government side you would have "Baby Bills" LOL

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To: Spirochete who wrote (121)5/12/2000 2:20:00 AM
From: Crystal ball
   of 144
All for that these days....GATES and BALLMER may secretly HOPE BREAKUP happens...They could never sell ALL their shares did wonders for Rockerfellers when Standard Oil was broken up....(though no one ever told Exxon).
I am,
Truly your$,
-Crystal Ball

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To: Crystal ball who wrote (123)5/13/2000 10:24:00 PM
From: Kenneth E. De Paul
   of 144
You're right. Individuals whose assets are that high will probably increase their wealth. Like any forced breakup, they will try to maneuver the Governement to their advantage. I have always thought that unconsciously that is a hope.

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To: DeplorableIrredeemableRedneck who wrote (122)5/13/2000 10:25:00 PM
From: Kenneth E. De Paul
   of 144
On Microsoft side, Baby Bills, on Government, Baby Hills.

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