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   Technology StocksMicrosoft: Windows 97

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To: Kory B. who wrote (39)1/22/1997 6:41:00 PM
From: damniseedemons
   of 74
Kory, Robert, and All,

I agree with Kory that MSFT is going to play a dominant role in our lives. I don't suppose anyone happened to see the Newsweek article from about 2 months ago? It spoke of the 21st Century as being "The Microsoft Cenutry." The author went on to talk about Microsoft being the most powerful force since the Roman Empire....

Anyway, with Java, ever hear of MSFT's public slogan, "embrace and extend." Behind the scenes, think of it more like, "embrace and demolish," "divide and conquer," etc.

Obviously Robert, you aren't versed on what MSFT is doing with Java. I don't feel like writing an essay, but in short, they are fragmenting it so that Java's "write once, run anywhere" slogan won't hold true (this is similar to what has happened to UNIX). What they are doing, is optimizing Java for Windows--making it BETTER for Windows, so that Windows extends its dominance.

And BTW, MSFT plans to be number one in Java development tools. In fact, they just announced their Java foundation class libraries (which are basically like Legos, that are put together to buils Java apps.). For more, go to

Sal Habash

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To: damniseedemons who wrote (40)1/22/1997 9:42:00 PM
From: Kory B.
   of 74
Sal, thanks for the input - I am excited yet it is a little spooky... Oh well, on to another day.


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To: Kory B. who wrote (41)1/23/1997 2:26:00 AM
From: Bruce R. Schlake
   of 74
Hi fellows, couldn't help but overhear your conversation so I thought I would share a very interesting statistic I heard today that may help put this in perspective. I had this on tape and had to listen to it twice to make sure I was quoting it accurately.

They said Microsoft's current market capitalization adjusted for inflation is what IBM's was in 1951. From that point, over the next 9 years IBM went up 16 times in value.

Seems today was another sign of the changing of the guard with msft continuing to rise and ibm down 10. History does repeat, go with the flow.

Good luck.


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To: damniseedemons who wrote (40)1/23/1997 6:55:00 AM
From: Robert Scott
   of 74

I am aware that MSFT is trying to splinter Java much in the same way that Unix is splintered today. Kory's post about how things are cheaper due to MSFT will certainly not be true if they are successful in splintering Java.

Let's also not forget that MSFT is a 6B company who has warned about slowing revenues & earnings & increased investment. There is no question in my mind that they are making good, sound investments - I just feel the investor enthusiasim is at a peak and there are some challanges given the stock price, the warnings from the company and Java.

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To: Bruce R. Schlake who wrote (42)1/23/1997 6:57:00 AM
From: Robert Scott
   of 74
Very interesting Bruce - thanks for the post.

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To: damniseedemons who wrote (40)1/24/1997 2:58:00 AM
From: Joe Fang
   of 74
Sal and all...I checked out Office 97 DEMO disk that comes with PC mag's ....and I really like what MSFT did to OFfice 97. This is great, every piece of it seems to be much easier to use and more intutive. I have to teach myself to use Excel before going into the MBA program but the new Excel looks intuitive enough to use. The interface looks nicer too.


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To: Joe Fang who wrote (45)1/24/1997 3:35:00 AM
From: damniseedemons
   of 74
I have Office 97---like it a lot, but only after I added more memory to my computer ;) Oh well, at least memory prices are low!

BTW, I'm reluctant to use Outlook for my email, because it deletes your mail from your SMTP/POP3 server once it downloads it. For someone like me who isn't always at their own computer, this really sucks. They should fix that problem with the v1.1 release in a few months....

Sal Habash

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To: damniseedemons who wrote (46)1/28/1997 2:02:00 AM
From: Jay Rommel
   of 74

MSFT just gave me Office 97 Pro ($600) for free ..
I went to a Dog and Pony show by MSFT and they gave away
about 6 figures worth of software ...

Did you get your IntelliRAT yet???

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To: Jay Rommel who wrote (47)1/28/1997 2:43:00 AM
From: damniseedemons
   of 74
Wow!?!? Are you sure it isn't a test copy that expires soon?

I got my IntelliMouse--but the damn thing isn't working with my laptop. I spent hours on the phone with Microsoft themselves, and that damn thing couldn't be fixed $%@#$!!!

Hmm, either the mouse goes, or my laptop (2 weeks old) goes....Guess which!

Sal Habash

P.S. Check your email.

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To: damniseedemons who wrote (48)1/28/1997 2:13:00 PM
From: Jay Rommel
   of 74
I got the real thing SAL ... Office Professional 97 ...
for free (well, actually all the shareholders including yourself paid for it)
Thanks for saving me $600 ... They also gave me a **free** CE t-shirt
and a free 97 Baseball cap ...

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