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   Gold/Mining/EnergySpokane Resources V:SKN

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To: Sam Chong who wrote ()4/11/1997 2:38:00 PM
From: ali
   of 51
Hi, yes I have been following this stock fall right to 41c.Does anyone know what is going on here?

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To: ali who wrote (1)4/20/1997 10:20:00 AM
From: John Soileau
   of 51
they do not have their PR firm anymore, supposedly went with inhouse
IR. I don't think they have a web presence anymore, either. A slow drill program is going on, this company is pretty closemouthed and
it may be some time before they put any news out about the project.
I lost track of their phone #, but am thinking about calling to see what I can get out of them.

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To: John Soileau who wrote (2)4/21/1997 11:43:00 PM
From: Adjuster
   of 51
I can only tell you that I had some SKN @ .87 and it never looked back.

A news release with millions of dollars of value and the stock did not respond.

If you find out anything please post it.

Omnitrader recommends it as a "long".....


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To: John Soileau who wrote (2)4/23/1997 7:51:00 AM
From: Adjuster
   of 51
Geological report to be prepared on Mac property

Spokane Resources Ltd SKN
Shares issued 18,389,720 Apr 22 close $0.46
Wed 23 Apr 97 News Release
Mr G. Arnold Armstrong reports
Prior to the company's recent drilling program on the Mac property, the
company had received a geostatistical resource estimate from Giroux
Consultants in February 1997 setting forth that at a cutoff grade of .040
Mo, the tonnage classified as indicated was 52,420,000 tonnes and the
tonnage classified as inferred was 47,520,000 tonnes for approximately 100
million tonnes at an equivalent average grade of 0.12 MoS2. The company has
now retained Giroux Consultants to begin work on a resource estimation
update with greater detailed geological parameters using the recently
acquired drilling data.
In addition, the company will be retaining Fluor Daniel Wright to provide a
critical path and cost estimate for an engineering scoping study,
preliminary to commencing feasibility studies on the property.
Fox Geological Services Ltd is presently preparing a geological report in a
suitable format and to the level of disclosure required by the Ontario
Securities Commission and TSE.
On completion of the reports from Fox Geological Services Ltd, Giroux
Consultants Ltd and Fluor Daniel Wright, the company will be making
application for listing on the TSE.
The report from Fox Geological Services will include a recommendation for
additional work on the Mac property particularly on the Peak zone where
preliminary drilling indicated the presence of another large porphyry
(c) Copyright 1997 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

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To: Adjuster who wrote (4)4/23/1997 7:25:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 51
Rip Van Winkle wakes! They are alive and moving towards a mine.
Can't wait for the scoping study and updated Resource estimate...

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To: Sam Chong who wrote ()5/8/1997 6:27:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 51
35% jump today. Anyone know why? eom

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To: John Soileau who wrote (6)5/8/1997 8:47:00 PM
From: Pierre J. LeBel
   of 51
SPOKANE went UP today (May 8/97) because... is being recommended by the monthly BUY LOW SELL HIGH newsletter published by Al Budai and Grant Robertson in Kamloops, BC. The May issue should be in the mail sometime next week. Subscribers willing to spend more money for fax or e-mail advance notice (I am one of them) were notified early this morning. They have an excellent record as they only recommend 7 stocks each month (2 industrials, 2 oil & gas and 3 mining). Many of their picks in the last year or so are up 300%, 400%, even 1300%!!! NO BS!

Now that they have recommended Spokane, get ready for a nice ride! On average, their stocks perform very well over a 6 to 12 month period. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

Have a very nice day!


PS - I am a very happy shareholder of Spokane.

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To: Pierre J. LeBel who wrote (7)5/9/1997 6:52:00 AM
From: John Soileau
   of 51
Thanks Pierre, I have heard of BLSH and appreciate your advice. I
thought I was the only one in the world hanging around in this stock,
glad to hear from other investors. Spokane is a low-hype company
these days with an impressive deposit and I think a year will make a
big difference in the share price.
By the way, what were the other 2 mining picks this issue?
Regards John

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To: John Soileau who wrote (8)5/9/1997 8:38:00 AM
From: Pierre J. LeBel
   of 51
In addition to Spokane (SKN-V)...

...BLSH recommends Arlo Resources and Big Blackfoot resources in their May newsletter.

Incidently, "Buy Low Sell High" is looking at a PROFIT of $ 8.49 per Spokane share during the life of the mine!

A bit of patience will not hurt.

Good Luck and have a very nice day!!!


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To: Sam Chong who wrote ()6/25/1997 9:08:00 PM
From: John Soileau
   of 51
What's happening with Spokane?

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