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Technology Stocks : FORE Inc.

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To: G. H. who wrote (10482)2/24/1999 5:50:00 PM
From: JZGalt  Read Replies (3) of 12559
The network switching company told money managers at the BancBoston Robertson Stephens tech conference on Wednesday that they should expected a "dramatic increase" in revenue for the quarter ending in June.

That's when sales of the company's new products are expected to show up in top line. To make sure, CEO Tom Gill said the company is marketing to the executives on the highest ranking officers in the companies that buy their products

"We're taking the decisions to the top decision makers in corporation -- the CEOs, the CFOs, the CIOs," he said. "We're marketing our strategy toward that particular audience."

[blah, blah blah, snip]

In notes prepared for the conference, Robertson Stephens analyst Paul Johnson pointed to the "an acceleration in the decline in pricing for ATM switches and network interface boards, and the potential for increasing competition within the market for ATM products as well as the challenge of competing against the larger industry giants.

That's probably one reason why Gill focused more on the top line than the bottom-line during his presentation. Afterward, he told that he's comfortable with current Wall Street profit expectations. According to First Call, those would be 12 cents a share for the March quarter, 14 cents in June.

What does Johnson think? "At current levels, FORE's stock valuation is not cheap, especially when compared to larger, less volatile companies."


Wonder what magic valuation tool he is using?
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