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Microcap & Penny Stocks : RADIUS RISES FROM THE ASHES (DODV)

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To: SHGLaw who wrote (1403)1/15/1999 9:25:00 AM
From: R.S. Blum  Read Replies (1) of 1438
Milberg Weiss has a pretty wide reputation of bringing trivial suits that are only brought to harrass and entice a settlement that rarely benefits the shareholders in the class.

Not that we don't need an interest willing to take on the insider pump and dump business world, the only problem is, the only one that usually benefit is the attorney's.

Anyway, I seriously doubt Rdus has any liability whatsoever, seeing that the jist of the complaint was the insinuation that business was continuing to grow at previous levels during the period of the second offering which turned out false. Rdus had nothing to do with describing or announcing concurrent Splash business during this period. Further more I think a good case would be that they sold most well after the Splash peak so they we're indeed in the dark too.

My .02,
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