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Gold/Mining/Energy : ForeFront Ventures Ltd

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To: Clifford Burrows who wrote ()10/26/1998 12:52:00 AM
From: Richard C. K. Burdekin   of 160

According to the company's quarterly report for the period ending June 30, 1998, "June saw the startup of the operation. While the major components worked well, major problems with the electrical system stopped production after only 3 hours. The starter for the ball mill needed to be replaced and was; operations were to recommence in early July, 1998."

The quarterly report was dated September 28, 1998. As to whether gold mining operations really recommenced in July, I'm afraid your guess is as good as mine. Forefront's unwillingness to provide information is discouraging, to say the least.

Anyway, hope the above is of some help.

-- Richard
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