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Gold/Mining/Energy : Cora ressources - KRA(VSE)

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To: G Young who wrote (174)7/31/1998 5:35:00 PM
From: G Young  Read Replies (1) of 179
Here's the release from July 28. Nothing to warrant the price increase really (which is probably why it's back down to .11 from .15).

Press Release dated July 28, 1998 and disseminated to the Vancouver Stockwatch Magazine, Vancouver Stock Exchange, B.C. Securities Commission, Market News Publishing and George Cross Newsletter.

Summary of Material Change

The Issuer announces that it has commenced preliminary exploration on the 1,000 hectare Berthita mineral property located approximately 450 kilometers southeast of Lima, Peru. The Berthita property area is situated in the Huando mineralized district which hosts the Mina El Angel polymetallic deposit and is known for lead, copper and zinc mineralization.

The Issuer is in the final stages of renegotiating its option agreement with a Peruvian vendor whereby the Issuer may earn up to an 80% interest in the Berthita property area, subject to a 2% net smelter returns royalty. The agreement will be subject to Vancouver Stock Exchange acceptance for filing.

In order to focus its efforts on exploration and development of the Berthita property area and other resource and non-resource opportunities, the Issuer has allowed its exploration licence relating to the Cabot Lake claims in Labrador to expire.

The Issuer is currently reviewing several possible reactivation senarios for its wholly-owned subsidiary, Se¤or Goldbean Iced Coffee Ltd., and is considering possible complementary acquisitions. Se¤or Goldbean has developed a brewing system for the production of canned, ready-to-drink iced coffee. To date, the Issuer has developed and tested the product, modified can and label design and completed initial test and production runs.

The Issuer further announces that its 1998 Annual General Meeting has rescheduled for September 29, 1998.

Irvin Ridd, President - Telephone (604) 669-5819.
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