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To: sense who wrote (5038)9/5/2024 12:01:16 PM
From: sense  Read Replies (1) of 5428
Noting, in reply to US Drafts Sanctions Against Venezuelans Over Disputed Vote

The latest wave of sanctions comes a month after the electoral authority declared that Maduro was reelected for a third consecutive term, despite electoral data published by the opposition that suggested he lost by a wide margin. Protests against Maduro’s claim of victory swept the capital of Caracas and other cities in the days after the vote, with more than 2,400 Venezuelans arrested—including more than 100 minors—in the fiercest crackdown of his 11-year rule.

Of course, they know that there couldn't possibly have been that many votes for Maduro... because all those Maduro voters are now living (and voting) in the U.S. /s

3 years later, Jan. 6 by the numbers: More than 1,200 charged, more than 460 imprisoned for role in Capitol attack Prosecutors have secured more than 718 guilty pleas in Jan. 6 cases.

The action against Venezuela looks like gas-lighting...

They're hoping that by posturing as opposing (the fact of) "fake elections" in Venezuela... you'll avoid noting (the fact that) the U.S. elections appear to be at least equally as corrupt... while the U.S. own abuses of the political opposition resisting the usurpation of power here... appear to be equal to those in Venezuela...

There are political prisoners being held in the U.S. today... because they object to and protest against fraudulent elections depriving them their rights... and depriving the country of legitimate leadership... depriving the country of fundamental legitimacy... The usurpers fail to enforce the laws... in order to foster and use the resulting lawlessness as a means of clinging to power... using it to engineer "votes"... by fraudulent means including even illegally organizing an invasion of immigrants... purposed for illegitimately importing new "voters"... in the thinly veiled fraud that is enabling illegal immigrants to vote... when the voters we have... know better than to vote for them...

Noted in prior post... that clinging to power by election fraud... is "the same thing"... as what we see in the frauds being practiced to sustain "control" over the economy... again, clinging to power by knowing frauds practiced in misrepresenting economic reality...

That they have been purposefully lying about employment data... is THE SAME THING as lying about vote totals... and done for the same reasons... ?

And it is unavoidably true... that there is convergence between the fact of (overt - openly conducted) corruption in elections... in which the massive effort enabling (and subsidizing) immigration fraud is only one part... while the parallel fact of corruption in government... telling lies masking truths about the economy... is "more of the same" ?

It is not "coincidence" that the events we're seeing occurring today... in relation to the economy... are no only "parallels" in relation to the frauds being practiced... but are fully synched to the same timelines on which elections occur ?

The U.S. today... is a hollow caricature of itself... which is equally true whether considering the values once attached to our rights [free speech, anyone ?]... to which they still pretend to pay homage when that is politically convenient... as it is true of the economy... which was once the freedom driven engine powering the global economy by virtue of the creative capacities of free people expressed through free markets... which is today a tightly controlled fiction and an empty husk... far removed from free market functions.

That those are "the same thing"... is necessary to understand... if you hope to have any ability to understand both the need for change... the fact of its prevention being the source of the problems we face... and the likely sequences in events as change occurs anyway... in spite of their efforts to prevent it... as the efforts in obstruction of change... have persisted long enough to ensure "change" will occur of necessity.... if not by the peaceful expedients in "continual revolution" enabled by free markets and free and fair elections... then by the inevitable in the collapse of corruption struggling under the unsustainable weight of its own deceptions...

The global economy is imploding... It's been proceeding in slow motion for a long time...

And, now, it seems... we're at the point of transition from "slowly at first"... to, "and then all at once"...

One can hope we will see transformational change... that corrects the excesses, abuses and frauds of the corrupt leaders inflicted upon us... without it requiring... or in any case being attended by violence.

But, history provides few reasons for optimism... given the desperate and deluded will so frequently resort to violence as a first option...

Whether that occurs as "violence in the streets" in result of the failure of elections to reflect the popular will... or as "violence organized by the state" in seeking to illegitimately sustain "control" over others...

You should expect "blood in the streets"... as more than euphemism... with few geographic limits...
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