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Strategies & Market Trends : A.I.M Users Group Bulletin Board

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From: OldAIMGuy8/30/2024 12:27:27 PM
   of 18881
Re: AIM Cash Reserve levels....................

My U.S. Sector ETF portfolio was started at the end of May in 2009. It started at 8% Cash Reserve. Here's the cash track record as of the 1st of the year each year since:
Year Start Start Cash Reserve Previous Year Gain
2010 26% +24.6%
2011 12% +17.2%
2012 13% - 0.7%
2013 21% +13.2%
2014 30% +24.6%
2015 27% + 3.2%
2016 27% - 5.2%
2017 17% + 9.9%
2018 21% +16.2%
2019 15% - 5.9%
2020 14% +25.2%
2021 21% +13.6%
2022 18% +15.4%
2023 10% -11.6%
2024 12% +16.2%
To Date 16% +11.0%

A surprise here is the low cash at the start of the Covid Year and yet there was a portfolio gain by the start of 2021 of 13.6%, even with all that thrashing. Cash was spent down to just 10% of that portfolio by April of that year but was back up to 21% by the end of 2000.

2022 was a sour year for performance, down nearly 12% at the end. Starting cash of 18% was drawn down to just 10% by year's end. The work of rebuilding the cash reserve levels continues with a sale this AM in the Healthcare Sector. Overall, my cash reserve levels have been lower than the v-Wave and the MRI suggested levels. Like Dire Straits said, "If you want to run Cool, you got to run on Heavy, Heavy Fuel."

I've not subjected this account to regular withdrawals for living expenses so far. I did take out 5.5% of value at the end of 2000, however.

Best wishes,

Buy from the Scared; Sell to the Greedy.....
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