Hello there! I just stumbled in. I am in my late 50s and finally debt free. I have nearly 60K in a 401K (aggressively saving now at 20% to catch up) and a personal brokerage fund of 13K (9.5K in $VTI; 1.8K in $QQQ and the rest in poor choices.). The good news is that I have no kids to feed or tuition to pay for and my expenses are fairly low for someone living in NYC. I'm starting from square one, late in the game and with little to my name. It feels dirty to even write this.
That said, I am hoping to turn all this around with some hard work, some studying, and a regular savings plan. Looking to make my money work for me as quickly as reasonably possible in the hope that I can live out my life without being a burden to family, friends, and society.
I am overeducated (but haven't played it smart), still qualified for work, gainfully employed, and able to live simply to stay within my means. I'm sure some of you reading this are thinking, "This is guy is f&$#ed. How does he survive?" Well, I take solace in knowing that, far from being in last place, I am doing better than most Americans. If I can keep that trend moving upward, I might be able to redeem myself in 20 years, so that I can at least die with dignity.
Okay then ... #roastme!
And thank you for your time. |