Hi Xena… thanks for posting so much detailed and relevant LWLG information. It’s been a couple of years of quite normal consolidation for this stock - in the wake of its rather unprecedented price move from under a $1 to around $12-$15. Since then it has had, what I deem, a very typical Fibonacci pullback of around 62% - though the volatility was extremely high initially after the run, due to the very short time-frame in which that price move transpired. The past year the stock has seen a much tighter range of trading, in my view representing a more realistic and fair valuation for where the company stands in its path to commercialization of its products.
Most investors, and I’m among them, believe 2024 and 2025 will be absolutely critical years for LWLG - with the small scale commercial penetration of their product beginning this year, and a much larger footprint being established in 2025. Many investors on IHUB - lightning rod, microchips, Steven Dice, and others - have pointed out the ease of LWLG being able to become a much larger company without having to outlay a ton of capital, as a result of their product having such a potentially large numerical footprint, with little additional overhead expense (unlike other small micro-cap companies). While I agree with this possible scenario, my experience with micro-cap companies over 20 years always keeps my thought process on the very cautious side.
Consequently, while I’m cautiously optimistic that these other investors point of view is correct, the idea that LWLG will be bought out before their full price potential is reached continues to dwell in the back of my mind. In any case, this $4-$6 price range over the last year has proven to be a very solid and stable basing and consolidation phase for the stock, as the fundamental and commercial viability of the company catches up and gets closer to reality/fruition. I’ve been invested in LWLG since 2007 or 2008, so I look forward to the next couple of years. Thanks again for posting all the information.
Regards, Tod |