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From: Don Green12/1/2023 9:39:59 AM
   of 922
AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. vs Hedge FundsAMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. Survives Hedge Funds Onslaught

SHIBUYA, TOKYO, JAPAN, November 30, 2023 / -- Another year moving forward meme stock darling NYSE:AMC (AMCE Entertainment Holdings, Inc.) survives Covi-d 19 pandemic aftermath, bankruptcy, and a full range onslaught of negative narrative articles from supporter of Hedge Funds to suppress AMC stock. AMC CEO Adam Aron unorthodox introduction of APE stocks and a recent reverse stock split strategy to keep the theater chain opened worldwide was a success.

Based on available public information, NYSE:AMC stock has been suppressed with naked shorting, millions of FTD’s not closed, ETF swaps, and public negative narratives from news articles supporting Hedge Funds.

Now with the United States SEC intervening with a new upcoming rule on transparency to stop stock manipulation from naked shorting, AMC and many other public traded companies will have a fair playing field in the stock market not abused by dark pool and spoofing. Presently, South Korea and Thailand has now banned “short selling”. Many companies went bankrupt due to not able to raise equity caused by naked shorting.

Hedge Funds liquidity has dried up with many worldwide Banks closing doors. Recently, AMC the company improved their fundamentals from movies coming out and Taylor Swift in theaters globally.

Now with RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ in December, new movies and distribution plans, AMC future earnings looks positive going into 2024 and years to come. Bankruptcy is no longer in the cards as AMC thrives with a new outlook in fundamentals. AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. vs Hedge Funds, who will win? Based on fundamentals, retail investors including SEC sees a MOASS coming, while Hedge Funds scramble with liquidity issues. Proof is that several Hedge Funds have closed, and many will be bankrupt by Banks being over leveraged.

????? looks forward in seeing Anime and Asian cultural movies in all AMC Theaters worldwide. Who knows maybe RED: Fate and Time Inseparable…A Promise could be seen in AMC Theaters. ????? and one of its future partners, Japan’s top powerhouse publication/entertainment company may discuss their titles distribution directly with AMC Entertainment Holding, Inc.? A proposal is in consideration and
????? look to expand future titles and collaboration with Asia entertainment companies.

Additional joint Japan business venture updates will be made available in future global press release as details acceptable to ????? and its affiliates.

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