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Strategies & Market Trends : Africa and its Issues- Why Have We Ignored Africa?

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From: S. maltophilia9/30/2023 1:03:28 PM
   of 1258
The Gamble: Can Genetically Modified Mosquitoes End Disease?
Working on a remote island, scientists think they can use genetic engineering to block a malaria-carrying species of mosquito from spreading the disease — and do it in just a few months. But governments are wary.

they moved the scientists one step closer to their goal: replacing the mosquitoes that live here now with ones they have genetically modified so that they can no longer transmit the malaria parasite.

Their idea is to release a small colony of genetically modified mosquitoes, just the way they did with the green-dusted ones, to mate with wild ones. The gene engineering technology they are using could, in just a few generations — a matter of months when it comes to mosquitoes — make every member of the species that transmits malaria here, the Anopheles coluzzii, effectively immune to the parasite.

This team, working with a project called the University of California Malaria......
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