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Strategies & Market Trends : 2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum
GLD 270.27+1.0%4:00 PM EST

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To: TobagoJack who wrote (197516)3/21/2023 1:18:35 PM
From: ggersh  Read Replies (2) of 211299
Own goal after own goal has made all of this
so easy for Russia-China to take advantage of.

The row watches, takes notes and will be briefed!! ;-O

Nevertheless, the Chinese and Russian leaders certainly understand that they must wreck Washington’s plan of defeating Moscow first and then turning on Beijing. As a result, American warnings and threats to the Chinese over the assistance they can give to Russia may actually be counter-productive. The leadership will find the tone of these admonitions rude and disrespectful – particularly in conjunction with forthcoming American arms deliveries to Taipei. While China certainly cares about the US and EU markets for its goods and services, but it wonders whether it can really trust Washington and its allies, given Moscow’s experience with the Minsk agreements on Donbass which, as the former German and French leaders have admitted, were nothing but a ploy to buy time.
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