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Gold/Mining/Energy : Stuhini Exploration
STU.V 0.130+18.2%Feb 5 9:36 AM EST

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From: pstad602/17/2023 4:30:25 PM
   of 126
Vancouver, Canada – February17th, 2023 – Stuhini Exploration Ltd. (the “Company” or Stuhini”)
(TSX-V: STU USA: STXPF) is pleased to announce it has staked additional mineral claims contiguous
with its Ruby Creek Project (“Project” or “Property”) located 14 kilometres (“km”) east of Atlin, BC
and wishes to provide a Corporate and Exploration Update.

The Company has acquired by staking 848.1 hectares (“ha”) in 1 new claim block contiguous to
the north of its existing Ruby Creek tenures. The new claim, which will be consolidated into the
Company’s Ruby Creek Project, is situated in the headwaters of Volcanic Creek and is referred
to as the “Volcanic Creek Moly” showing in BC Minfiles. Previous historic exploration work
reports molybdenum (“Mo”) mineralization at surface and includes two drill holes drilled by
Placer Development Ltd. in 1981. Hole DDH 81-1 intersected 24.38 metres (“m”) of
0.066% MoS2 (0.040% Mo) starting at a depth of 33.53 m, including 6.10 m of 0.14 MoS2
(0.082 % Mo).

Dave O’Brien, Company President and CEO, stated: “Given the recent notable rise in the price
of molybdneum, we are excited to pick up more prospective molybdenum ground contiguous
with our Ruby Creek Deposit, especially given the known historical occurrence.”

In other news, the Company has received all assay results from its summer intrusion gold drill
program. No significant gold or silver intercepts were encountered to warrant additional follow-up
at this time.

Stuhini also advises that it will be attending both the Metals Investor Forum and the Prospectors
and Developers conference(PDAC) in Toronto, Ontario between March 3-8. Dave O’Brien (Chief
Executive Officer and President), Ehsan Salmabadi (VP–Exploration) and Charles Kamimura
(Corporate Secretary) will be available to meet with investors and potential partners upon request.

We cordially invite you to visit with Company representatives Sunday March 5th through Wednesday
March 8th, 2023 at Booth # 3018 within the Investors Exchnge at the 2023 PDAC Convention to be
held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Stuhini will also be presenting and will have a dislay booth at the pre PDAC Metals Investor Forum
taking place March 3-4, 2023 at the Delta Hotel located on 75 Lower Simcoe Street, Toronto.

QA/QC protocol: All assay samples were collected from HQ and NQ core, sawn in half with a
diamond saw with the sample intervals marked by technical personnel. The split core material
was collected in poly bags and then transported to the Bureau Veritas sample preparation facility l
ocated in Whitehorse, Yukon. Samples were crushed, and then pulps were sent to the Bureau
Veritas lab in Vancouver, BC for assay. Each sample was assayed for gold by 50-gram fire assay
FA350-Au as well as by 4 acid digest ICP-ES MA200 for a suite of 45 elements. A full QA/QC
program using blanks, standards and duplicates was utilized to monitor analytical accuracy and
precision. QA/QC samples consisted of one certified Standard Reference Material and one
certified blank of unmineralized material per 20 split core samples. Duplicate samples are
repeat analysis of designated primary sample pulps. All results have passed QA/QC screening
by the lab.

Ruby Creek Project: The 29,479 ha Ruby Creek Project is road accessible and located 14 km
east of Atlin, BC. There are 49 different documented mineral occurrences on the Property, of
which 16 are gold-related, with 7 significant gold placer creeks. The Property also hosts the
Ruby Creek Molybdenum Resource, which has an intact BC Mines Act permit. Stuhini has
an option to acquire 100% of the Ruby Creek Project subject to a 1% Net Smelter Royalty
The geological content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Ehsan
Salmabadi, P. Geo., a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

About Stuhini Exploration

Stuhini, a mineral exploration company, is focused on exploration and development of precious
and base metals properties in western Canada and the southwest United States. The Company’s
portfolio of exploration properties includes: the flagship Ruby Creek Property, 14 km east of
Atlin, BC; the Que Project, 70 km north of Johnson’s Crossing, Yukon; the South Thompson
Nickel Project, 35 km northwest of Grand Rapids, Manitoba; the Big Ledge Property, 57 km
south of Revelstoke, BC; and a portfolio of 4 properties in southeast Arizona.

For further information please contact:

David O’Brien
President & Chief Executive Officer
Stuhini Exploration Ltd.
Phone: (604) 835-4019

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is
defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy
or accuracy of this release.


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