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Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Dems hope gaytriotism saves them
Samuel Johnson said of William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Johnson meant fake patriotism.
That was 18th century thinking. In the 21st century, Democrats wrap themselves in the rainbow flag and seek refuge in LGBT causes. They call it gaytriotism.
LGBT rules the party now, as feminists have discovered. People and their causes are disposable to Democrats. Feminists who point out women are women are dismissed as subhuman TERFs. The LGBT crowd targeted Martina Navratilova, the tennis player who dared tell the world she was a lesbian when today's LGBT were in diapers.
Democrats hope gaytriotism will woo an electorate that is stung by $5 gasoline and $5 ground beef.
The Federal Reserve is finally getting off its arse and acknowledging that maybe this inflation is not transitory. People say inflation is at its highest in a generation, but 40 years is two generations, isn't it?
How bad is the Fed? So bad that the Washington Post noticed.
WaPo wrote, "The Federal Reserve’s missteps in waiting too long to tackle the greatest run-up in prices in four decades has shaken trust across markets and the American public that it is up to the task of curbing inflation.
"On the eve of a high-stakes Fed policy announcement, investors, economists and policymakers were on edge over how sharply the Fed would raise interest rates to deal with inflation, which hit a new peak in May.
"Financial market volatility and losses deepened on Tuesday, fueled by fears that the Fed continues to misjudge inflation and will come down too hard on the economy, prompting a recession. The S&P 500 has fallen into bear market territory — a 20% fall from the most recent high — and all the indices have accelerated losses for the year."
Inflation, not LGBT is the problem. And things will get worse for Democrats.
The bear market in stock exchanges reflects companies hunkering down for a recession.
Democrats will reap this fall what they sowed last summer with overspending and inattention to a supply chain that is still jammed as the ports in California cannot unload boats fast enough.
On Tuesday, Democrats lost a special election in Texas, as Republican Mayra Flores flipped a seat in the once-heavily Democrat 34th congressional district. It is 84% Hispanic.
Real Clear Politics already gives Republicans control of the House, as RCP lists 223 seats Republican, 180 Democrat and the remaining 32 tossups. Only 4 of those tossups are Republican.
Which brings me to gaytriotism.
AFP reported, "Biden fires culture war salvo with big LGBTQ celebration."
The story said, "Just ahead of the bash, Biden signed an executive order aimed at providing federal support on a variety of rights in the LGBTQ community that the White House sees as under attack from Republican state-level leaders -- especially in Florida, where potential presidential candidate Governor Ron DeSantis has put combating woke culture at the heart of his agenda."
So Biden is going after DeSantis for not allowing him and Disney to groom kindergarteners into the LGBT cause.
And grooming is the correct word because one in five young adults now identifies as LGBT. Changing one's sex is the cool thing now thanks to indoctrination in schools.
AFP had to admit gaytriotism won't save Democrats.
The news service said, "Biden is targeting an important layer of the Democratic voter base ahead of midterm elections where Republicans are widely seen as on track to win back control of Congress.
"For Republicans, the issue is equally potent, with activists accusing Democrats of moving too far to the left, especially on transgender rights.
"The standard bearer on the right is DeSantis, seen by many as a natural heir to former president Donald Trump's populist brand in the 2024 presidential election.
"In March, he signed a controversial law banning lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in Florida elementary schools, a step some Republicans say protects young children from what they term indoctrination. Biden and other critics say it will hurt the LGBTQ community and stoke bullying."
Americans are divided on LGBT.
But Americans are united on $5 gasoline and $5 ground beef. They oppose it.
Democrats are doomed. |