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Gold/Mining/Energy : Minera IRL
MIRL.CN 0.01500.0%Feb 14 9:30 AM EST

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From: waznot11/30/2021 3:58:55 PM
4 Recommendations   of 1341
As it relates to the Ontario Securities Commission I received this email from them as to the correct Principle Regulator. For your information

From: whistleblower <>
Date: November 29, 2021 at 10:23:44 AM EST

Subject: Confidential: Ontario Securities Commission (ref. 346-388 and 750-831)

Dear Mr. Zaverucha,

Thank you for making submissions (346-388 and 750-831 on November 9 and 25, 2021, respectively) to the Office of the Whistleblower of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC). We note that the subject entity, Minera IRL Limited, you identified in your submission has the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) as its principal regulator. The Canadian securities regulatory landscape is made up of each province containing their own securities regulatory authority responsible for regulating the securities industry in their own province. As such, the misconduct that you allege appears to fall within the jurisdiction of the BCSC to review. We encourage you to contact the BCSC directly to report the misconduct you allege in your submission. To that end, I am including herein a link to the BCSC's "Contact Us" page which also provides the ability to report a concern under the heading "Complaints or Concerns":

Thank you again for your submissions to the OSC's Whistleblower Program.

OSC Office of the Whistleblower
Ontario Securities Commission

20 Queen Street West, 20th Floor | Toronto ON M5H 3S8
Whistleblower-only Hotline: 1-888-672-5553)
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