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Pastimes : Jokes and Humor Only

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From: Tomato11/30/2021 1:52:02 PM
   of 6170
Me ( at massage parlor )

"How much do you charge to massage the genitals?”

Blonde masseuse: "Same as for the Jews.”

Difference between moms and dads.

Little Johnny's curious so he asks his mom, "mom, what's a pussy?"

She gets mad and asks him where he heard that word.

J: "The boys at school were saying it"

M: "Well don't let me catch you repeating it but a pussy is a cat."

J: "What's a bitch?"

M: " Them boys saying that, too?"

J: "Yes, ma'am."

M: "Well, don't let me catch you saying that either, but a bitch is a female dog."

Johnny knows something is up because mama ain't gonna get mad about cats and dogs, so he goes and asks his dad.

J: "Dad, what's a pussy?"

Dad pulls out a penthouse and draws a circle.

D: "That right there, son, that's a pussy"

J: "Well, what's a bitch?"

D: "Anything outside that circle.”

Why did the blonde man come inside the sock?

He wanted step kids.

Having not watched the film, I thought ‘Die Hard’

was about David Carradine.
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