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To: Karl_M who wrote (1029)11/26/2021 2:29:05 PM
From: andrewlong1 Recommendation

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Following along the lines of comments by poster Kiwi Pom.

Why did you not contact Martin Mount (or did your so called 'friend' contact you to sign up to Silicon Investor and put out some verbiage).

Reference is made to approximate height of Mark T of 1.9 meters which equates to approximately 6.23 feet. I have seen pictures of Mark T and by stature he is not a 'giant' in height, I would say more around 5.6 feet (1.706 m), in my view he is 'short' in stature.

Did his wife contact you?

As a friend of Martin, I would suggest you consider giving him sound advice.

Apparently, when the meeting agenda (annual meeting) was made public Mark contacted Martin Mount, they had a brief conversation as the potential issues that Martin may face if elected as Director. Mark tried to contact Martin a second time, Martin it appears refused to speak to Mark a second time. A normal individual would have spoken to Mark the second time and then could conclude with "Mark, do not contact me anymore until the voting is completed". But in my view I think that someone from the Company (after the first contact) told (or scolded him) for talking to Mark and was advised (told) not to speak to Mark in the future.

If the above paragraph is partially correct then I am asking myself: 'is the proposed nominee of Martin Mount for Director truly 'independent ' '

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