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Gold/Mining/Energy : Minera IRL
MIRL.CN 0.01500.0%Feb 14 9:30 AM EST

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To: Kiwi Pom who wrote (987)11/26/2021 9:55:53 AM
From: mark_ikn6 Recommendations  Read Replies (2) of 1341
Without going into details (in this case, no free info for the liar Benavides), correspondence with shareholders this week has confirmed Rio Tinto (RTZ) is taking our whistleblower submissions seriously. I'd therefore encourage other CS members to use the channels provided by Kiwi Pom in his post (#987 below, this post being a reply to his), this really is a case of the more the merrier. Also, a couple of shareholders have taken up the cause with the company auditors, the UK-based Davidson, including one shareholder with control of many millions of shares (thanks, you know who you are). While feedback is less likely from Davidson, it's to our advantage they know how many eyeballs are watching them (and UK accountancy laws are not something that firm will want to knowingly infringe).

We're now in the period when action is most likely to produce results. Though we're all tired of this company and its entrenched board I'd encourage all shareholders, large or small, to help with the efforts and make their own denouncement of Minera IRL. A shareholder of one share has the same rights as a shareholder of 10m shares and all voices matter.
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