Meanwhile you have stocks like Tesla, valued more than Ford and GM combined. It makes no sense.
I say this as someone who never had $ in Tesla stock except perhaps unknowingly via a mutual fund:
Tesla has tremendous potential and they are well ahead of other car companies in terms of electric cars, besides the other things that they are sticking their nose into. They were clever (or lucky) enough to avoid the current chip shortage that is plaguing other car companies and at least for now, politically, there is a strong push for electric cars.
One might argue this: just like it wasn't too wise to underestimate Steve Jobs, the same probably goes for Elon Musk. I am impressed by both his craziness and his accomplishments.
But it is a risk (I thought the same for Amazon - which I did own some stock and sold it for a relatively paultry profit long ago...) Heh.
Personally for cars, if I were to go electric, I would prefer a hybrid - the infrastructure will take a much longer time to put in place that these politicians seem to think, IMVHO. Much more needs to be in place even if there were many charging stations.
I'd suggest looking for stocks with low downside risk, and I include Apple in this category because of its large cash reserves, dividends, cash buybacks, popular brand name, and future earnings, even if dampened by supply shortages.
Much agreed.
If I had a lot of $$ in Tesla, I might have trouble sleeping.
With Apple, there is a lot less downside potential and I sleep like a puppy (see below)!
But still waiting for the Apple "beleaguerment" to diminish - come on, let's have some insane PE's! :-) :-) :-) (maybe will happen when we have flying cars or nuclear fusion... eh.)