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Politics : The Trump Presidency

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To: combjelly who wrote (215630)10/26/2021 8:37:53 AM
From: Lane32 Recommendations

Recommended By
Terry Maloney

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But he sincerely believes there is evidence...

I found your comment memorable and even profound because it struck me as a milestone. My observation may be universal or it may be unique to me but I see milestones in the evolution to a post-truth world.

The first milestone to hit me was Kellyanne and her "alternative facts." That notion hung a label on a huge departure from the established definition of "fact.".

Prior to that there existed the notion that everyone was entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts. Somehow during that time there evolved the notion that one person's opinion was just as valid as anyone else's opinion regardless of the knowledge and the logic behind those opinions. Embedded in Kellyanne's notion was a conversion of opinion into fact. Opinions that were contrary to facts somehow became facts, alternative ones.

Your comment struck me as the next milestone because it gave credibility to alternative facts on the basis of sincere belief. The sincere belief thing had been understood to apply to matters of conscience--conscientious objectors. It is foundational that we respect that. Your comment applied the sincere belief standard to alternative facts. Which implies that we have to apply the same respect and recognition to alternate facts sincerely believed as we do to evidenced facts. I don't think we have quite reached that point yet but it seems to be where we're headed.

The phases, in sequence:

Facts and opinions, different concepts, validity judged rationally
Next, all opinions recognized as equally valid
Next, opinions recognized alternative facts
Next, alternative facts acquire the status and weight of facts via conscientious objection

It's too early in the morning to take even a first cut at this. Further mulling required. But I wanted to acknowledge your contribution of identifying and labeling a landmark on the post-truth road. <g>
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