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Politics : Formerly About Advanced Micro Devices

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To: Land Shark who wrote (1310545)8/1/2021 10:48:29 AM
From: IC7201 Recommendation  Read Replies (2) of 1521146
Childish maybe in grammar... )

Might test yourself..

No pandemic btw...
CDC (corrupt?) website

Children deaths--- 2019-20 from influenza 439
2019-20 from covid 124
2020-21 covd 213

also speaks adults

Tucker explains and graph... 2:20

Good site, scroll a week..


How bout pretend Covid may be involved, and used globally

Greenwald: FBI Using Same Fear Tactic From First War On Terror, Orchestrating Its Own Terrorism Plots

Mind commenting on the 79 studies?

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects

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