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Technology Stocks : Axon Enterprise, Inc. (AXON), formerly Taser Intl.
AXON 364.31+2.7%3:59 PM EDT

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From: Zen Dollar Round1/15/2021 10:56:58 AM
   of 974
Axon Enterprise, Inc. Expected to Post Earnings of $0.35 Per Share

Brokerages forecast that Axon Enterprise, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAXN) will post $0.35 earnings per share (EPS) for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Seven analysts have issued estimates for Axon Enterprise’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $0.31 to $0.43. Axon Enterprise reported earnings of $0.41 per share during the same quarter last year, which would indicate a negative year-over-year growth rate of 14.6%. The business is scheduled to issue its next quarterly earnings results on Thursday, February 25th.

On average, analysts expect that Axon Enterprise will report full year earnings of $1.14 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $1.10 to $1.23. For the next year, analysts expect that the company will report earnings of $1.29 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $1.12 to $1.46. Zacks Investment Research’s EPS averages are an average based on a survey of research firms that follow Axon Enterprise.

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